- Comment on How can A person find out if they were hired as a DEI or fired because of it? 5 days ago:
DEI does not influence hiring or firing. The right intentionally conflates DEI, which is creating an inclusive work environment, with affirmative action. The latter was a set of policies that required special consideration for marginalized groups when hiring, and was repealed by SCOTUS in 2023.
As a former corporate manager, I can say first hand that DEI has been a focus in respectable institutions for much longer than the term has existed. The best way to stagnate your business is to hire a bunch of like-minded people and make them all think and act alike.
- Comment on Just Because 1 week ago:
A Dan, a clan, a canal, Canada.
- Comment on Spineless people have spines 1 week ago:
And in Ohio, boneless wings can have bones.
- Comment on Next week, Amazon is stripping away your ability to download your ebooks. 1 week ago:
It shouldn’t. The DRM is on the Amazon book file format. The books I get from my library are usually epub format.
- Comment on Facepalm on multiple levels 1 week ago:
Vidisti Brutus?
- Comment on Facepalm on multiple levels 1 week ago:
Don’t forget, he’ll have it fixed so good you won’t have to vote anymore.
- Comment on Taxes *GASP* HELPING PEOPLE‽ 1 week ago:
The left will feed a thousand people in fear one may starve.
The right will starve a thousand people in fear one is undeserving.
- Comment on Next week, Amazon is stripping away your ability to download your ebooks. 1 week ago:
Authors receive 25% of the ebook sale to a library in the US.
Libraries in Canada and the UK pay royalties for each lend.
- Comment on Ah, men 🥵 1 week ago:
That’s one way into a man. He could also be saying bottoms can’t be defiled. Either way, it sounds like approval to me.
- Comment on Next week, Amazon is stripping away your ability to download your ebooks. 1 week ago:
Check if it’s available on your library website first, for the sake of the author.
- Comment on Ain't no hate like conservative hate! 1 week ago:
I read news from a variety of domestic and international sources.
- Comment on Ah, men 🥵 1 week ago:
Many people believe that Jesus never said anything about homosexuality, but I disagree.
And He said to them, “Are you so lacking in understanding also? Do you not understand that whatever goes into the man from outside cannot defile him, because it does not go into his heart, but into his stomach, and is eliminated?”
Mark 7:18–23
- Comment on Trump policies make US ‘scary place to invest’ and risk stagflation, says Stiglitz 1 week ago:
Oh I’m not referring to money-making opportunities so much as market stability. Investors flock to gold in times of instability.
- Comment on Trump policies make US ‘scary place to invest’ and risk stagflation, says Stiglitz 1 week ago:
So it’s not a good sign when the Dow and NASDAQ stagnate while gold climbs? Ya don’t say?
- Comment on At the Brazilian steakhouse 1 week ago:
My trick is to just take one slice at a time for variety. They always come back.
- Comment on At the Brazilian steakhouse 1 week ago:
Green side up. All Brazilian meats are welcome on my plate. Just need to leave room for the grilled pineapple desert.
- Comment on Far to many people think that Jesus from the Bible was light skinned, even though he grew up in what we call the Middle East. 2 weeks ago:
The desire to control people who follow compassionate teachings is what turned sound advice into the dogma we see today. It’s an unfortunate history, not unique to Christianity.
- Comment on Good morning. 2 weeks ago:
You’re such a brownnoser.
- Comment on Pick the best description of your parents and see if you turned out as predicted 2 weeks ago:
I am no athlete.
- Comment on The internet is bad ux, everybody. There's too many choices. 2 weeks ago:
I’m no fan of FPTP, but that point doesn’t apply here. Democrats have consistently supported Net Neutrality.
Net Neutrality was legislated by the Democratic majority in the FCC in 2015. It was then repealed by the Republicans in the FCC (championed by Pai and Carr) in 2018. It was then reinstated when the Democrats regained majority in 2024.
- Comment on You know what Mega Man needs? A gun and the face of a middle-aged smoker. 2 weeks ago:
Odd. I think that’s the label I remember on the cartridge too, but I just never noticed the pistol. I played 4 the most because I loved the weapons the most.
- Comment on You know what Mega Man needs? A gun and the face of a middle-aged smoker. 2 weeks ago:
Ugh. When did that happen? I played through all the NES Mega Man games many times. His blaster arm was way cooler than any pistol.
- Comment on Jeep Introduces Pop-Up Ads That Appear Every Time You Stop 2 weeks ago:
I haven’t replaced a head unit in years, but I’m not surprised the proprietary systems require custom components for replacement. I can’t count the amount of head units I’ve replaced with my own ‘custom’ wire harness to save the $15 it cost for the Metra adapter. Lol
- Comment on Events are occurring! 2 weeks ago:
That’s when the first kaiju made landfall in San Francisco.
- Comment on Jeep Introduces Pop-Up Ads That Appear Every Time You Stop 2 weeks ago:
Not a chance. The new “infotainment” clusters integrate necessary features like climate control to prevent aftermarket replacements in most vehicles. I honestly don’t know if any manufacturers even use the single and double DIN standards anymore.
- Comment on Sri Lanka goes bananas after monkey unplugs nation 2 weeks ago:
Oh-ay, hay-ya, oh-ay, hay-ya
- Comment on Before they hired me THIS was part of the process. Had to submit an answer as to what she was holding 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Is this blockchain? 3 weeks ago:
I’ll shit on crypto all day long, but blockchain is legit. Decentralized ledgers should be the standard for all public municipal records.
- Comment on Americans witnessing an ongoing klepto-fascist takeover of their federal government [Day 68] 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Fuck everything and everybody. Me too, thanks. 3 weeks ago:
The craziest thought I’ve ever faced after a suicide attempt is that when I’m alone, I’m with the only person that has ever tried to kill me.