- Comment on Why can't we go back to small phones? 6 days ago:
You want a pager or beeper
- Comment on Why can't we go back to small phones? 6 days ago:
Umm, you still can buy them
They cost like 10 dollars each man, it’s not that difficult
- Comment on Don't ya know, guns can just ✨ magically appear✨ so any attempt to ban them is impossible. Dumb liberalssss tryna to take away my GOD GIVEN right to murder people!!11! 1 week ago:
Wait what? You guys want to arm yourselves to protect yourselves, and conservatives want the same, and now you want weapons?
Do you not see the cognitive dissonance in here
- Comment on YSK: Gas stoves cause cancer 1 week ago:
What doesn’t?
Even tea causes cancer
- Comment on Eggs sure have gotten cheap! Oh they haven't?...well I'm sure Trump is doing EVERYTHING he can 1 week ago:
This post is unbelievable racist as fuck
Imagine this with a caricature if any other race and think for yourselve how would you react
- Comment on Eggs sure have gotten cheap! Oh they haven't?...well I'm sure Trump is doing EVERYTHING he can 1 week ago:
So… What you are saying is that your anus is bleeding?
- Comment on Eggs sure have gotten cheap! Oh they haven't?...well I'm sure Trump is doing EVERYTHING he can 1 week ago:
That’s a perfectly cromulent word. Me? I use toonification
- Comment on 🪨 Rock on 🪨 1 week ago:
Can’t beat that oxygenated blood flow
- Comment on 🪨 Rock on 🪨 1 week ago:
Imagine not having to work, exercising daily, being chiseled like a Greek god and ripped like an athlete.
Sisyphus was an absolute unit
- Comment on 🪨 Rock on 🪨 1 week ago:
That’s why people built silos for their families, if they were wealthy enough, and for whole communities (to serve as a Bank) to store their grain
They mostly dug a leveled pit in the ground itself to keep everything cool, but more ornate silos were part of royalty or well managed cities
Urns were very ornate and the materials used to craft them very expensive and mostly used to store more valuable things, be it ashes, oils, Treasured items or whole bodies
Vases were more common, and made, as pottery, with very cheap materials
- Submitted 1 week ago to | 0 comments
- Submitted 1 week ago to | 2 comments
- Submitted 1 week ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on The future of the internet is likely smaller communities, with a focus on curated experiences 1 week ago:
So a field of circle jerks
Oh how the mighty have fallen
- Comment on Life isn't easy if your last name is 'Null' as it still breaks database entries the world over 1 week ago:
Friend of little Bobby I presume
- Comment on Life isn't easy if your last name is 'Null' as it still breaks database entries the world over 1 week ago:
Ah yes, little Nell=%00\u0000’\0‘“”‘0’0x000x30’’;
Nellie Null we call her.
She and her cousin Bobby Tables love to scamper around, but they are good kids. They would never break anything intentionally
- Comment on I understand what sea turtles go through now 1 week ago:
For you to experience something similar to what a turtle experiences, you need to suffer sleep paralysis while self roped in your own bedsheets
Then imagine you can’t breathe
- Comment on After 40 years of being free Microsoft has added a paywall to Notepad 1 week ago:
Not the article, I meant the comment section
- Comment on Skyblivion, the fan remake of Oblivion in Skyrim's engine, nears completion 1 week ago:
Lol no , how are you writing that seriously.
The only thing avowed does better than any other game is being a massive turd sandwich 🤣🤣🤣
And that’s good if you like it, but please don’t tell everyone else that you are eating melted chocolate LMAO 🤣
- Comment on Skyblivion, the fan remake of Oblivion in Skyrim's engine, nears completion 1 week ago:
Imagine having Skyrim and Oblivion exist
And playing avowed lmao 🤣
- Comment on After 40 years of being free Microsoft has added a paywall to Notepad 1 week ago:
It should be noted that you can still use Notepad without a Microsoft account,
Despite the ability to still use the software without an account
Are we not doing context anymore?
What is this? Just outrage for the sake of outrage?
- Comment on Why Are People Surprised When Trump Actually Follows Through? 1 week ago:
Remind me! 60 days
- Comment on Are conservatives mad about trans people or they just mad they get walk around out of the closet while they have to leave the white sheets at home? 2 weeks ago:
I do not believe conservatives are mad at or hate transexuals
I do believe, however, Conservatives don’t really care what you do on your own. Most disagree with transexuals in general, but most also aren’t interested in bossing you around.
I believe your question presumes wrongly that conservatives are spending their days obsessively looking for ways to control or cause either direct or indirect harm to you. They’re not.
The only things they are not really okay with and won’t allow you to do is pushing your views on them.
I understand they will be okay if you don’t ask them to change the facts on your birth certificate (yes, conservatives see what is in there as facts, you can disagree, but that’s how they see it)
I believe conservatives will be mostly okay if you don’t try to pass laws that punish them for not getting on board with your chosen views.
Same as well with using the state apparatus, taxpayer money, to use public schools to push your views.
They would probably be okay with consenting adults being free to dress in whatever way they want and do whatever they want to their own bodies.
However they would be also expecting to not be compelled in any way whatsoever to play along.
That would mean no laws would be made to compel people to use pronouns or any other language they believe to be untrue.
Most surely, they would like that, In the same vein as dressing up differently doesn’t give you access to opposite sex bathrooms, getting surgical procedures done on yourself wouldn’t also give you access to the bathrooms of the opposite sex.
Very probably, In an ideal conservative world, transition surgery would be categorized as an elective cosmetic surgery, and advertised as such.
- Comment on Sooo, where did the blatant Nazism suddenly come from? 2 weeks ago:
So, you lose an election and suddenly democracy is fascism, and the choice others made by voting now doesn’t count, and voters are literally Nazis because you are an electoral minority now?
Is that what you guys are going with now?
- Comment on Sooo, where did the blatant Nazism suddenly come from? 2 weeks ago:
Literary Nazis get mention
- Comment on is telling an employee how he has to speak micromanaging? Is it toxic? 2 weeks ago:
Yes, you are too thin skinned
- Comment on How is the Stock Market keeping it's value after *points to everything*? 2 weeks ago:
*Don’t even ask the question.
The answer is yes, it’s priced in.
Think Amazon will beat the next earnings? That’s already been priced in.
You work at the drive thru for Mickey D’s and found out that the burgers are made of human meat? Priced in. You think insiders don’t already know that?
The market is an all powerful, all encompassing being that knows the very inner workings of your subconscious before you were even born.
Your very existence was priced in decades ago when the market was valuing Standard Oil’s expected future earnings based on population growth that would lead to your birth, what age you would get a car, how many times you would drive your car every week, how many times you take the bus/train, etc.
Anything you can think of has already been priced in, even the things you aren’t thinking of.
You have no original thoughts. Your consciousness is just an illusion, a product of the omniscent market. Free will is a myth.
The market sees all, knows all and will be there from the beginning of time until the end of the universe (the market has already priced in the heat death of the universe).
So please, before you make a post on Lemmy asking whether AAPL has priced in earpods 11 sales or whatever, know that it has already been priced in and don’t ask such a dumb fucking question again.*
- Comment on How is the Stock Market keeping it's value after *points to everything*? 2 weeks ago:
Lol no, for hyper INFLATION, your prices need to change dramatically by the minute
- Comment on 'Uber for Armed Guards' Rushes to Market Following the Assassination of UnitedHealthcare CEO | Are you scared to walk down the streets of NYC and also have too much money? There's an app for that 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on France runs fusion reactor for record 22 minutes 2 weeks ago:
Don’t worry, it will stabilize