- Comment on Real 7 months ago:
Only available in harvest yellow, burnt sienna, olive, and white. Upgrade yours with some simulated wood grain accents to match your station wagon for a reasonable price. Don’t leave it outside in your vacant lot where kids might play inside. Be nice to the Sears appliance department salesperson. They really want a promotion to the vacuum cleaner department so they can buy their kid a high-fidelity 8-track cassette this Christmas.
I’d keep waxing nostalgic but it will never buff to a nice sheen these days. My parents got a toaster as a wedding gift and it was still in daily use when I went off to college. Appliances nowadays are junk.
- Comment on These AI generated pics are becoming impossible to spot 7 months ago:
You can tell it is fake because no human would tie up the tent door flaps using the little nylon fettuccine thingies they sew onto each side
- Comment on Looks like paradise 7 months ago:
You may attract python too!
- Comment on hot dog 9 months ago:
And they can only be marketed as a ‘hot dog’ if they are produced in the Titiller region of France
- Comment on Men over 30, what do you keep in your bedside nightstand? 9 months ago:
- Crushed hopes and dreams
- A small motherless goat
- World peace
- A cardboard chicken McNuggets box from June 1983, including remnants
- 2.73 grams of termite frass