- Comment on Instagram 'Error' Turned Reels Into Neverending Scroll of Murder, Gore, and Violence 1 day ago:
Thank you, I shall add this to my wall of a thousand upvotes.
- Comment on Hentai is art 1 day ago:
Gross, tell me where do I don’t accidently go there.
- Comment on Your boomer parents after giving you the most outdated job-seeking advice of your fucking life [Day 86] 1 day ago:
People get confused on what a construction site constitutes in comparison to a 19 year old subcontractor dripping paint on a window while his retired uncle yells outdated racial slurs at him.
- Comment on Your boomer parents after giving you the most outdated job-seeking advice of your fucking life [Day 86] 1 day ago:
You just spell ‘sandwitch’ anyway you want baby, and the good lord will provide.
- Comment on Your boomer parents after giving you the most outdated job-seeking advice of your fucking life [Day 86] 1 day ago:
I always wondered if faxing them 3,000 times a day would make them hire you, or just get you arrested.
- Comment on Your boomer parents after giving you the most outdated job-seeking advice of your fucking life [Day 86] 1 day ago:
‘‘You have to call them back!’’ Who am I calling Deb? The algorithm that processed my 60min quiz that needed to know about any dreams I’ve had about my teeth falling out, and how many featured George W Bush in my childhood garage? It doesn’t even know how to answer a phone!!
- Comment on Hentai is art 2 days ago:
I’ve seen some belly button located dongs also.
- Comment on WWJD 2 days ago:
It also entitles you to get education in an in demand job in your area, which can really help out long term. Also never feel bad about any of it, the vast majority of welfare recipients make enough money to get off welfare in 4-6 years, and pay into taxes more than they take out long term.
- Comment on Instagram 'Error' Turned Reels Into Neverending Scroll of Murder, Gore, and Violence 3 days ago:
It’s straight up weaponized dopamine loops, it’s REALLY hard to stop.
- Comment on WWJD 3 days ago:
I was literally taught that the reason Jesus goes into lies populated areas and crossed whatever sea was to get away from freeloaders trying to live off his generosity.
- Comment on 'Don't Buy a Swasticar': Tesla hit by UK boycott campaign over Elon Musk's far-right support 4 days ago:
I’m telling you he’s gonna invent the ‘‘reverse class action lawsuit’’ and sue the entire population of the EU for not buying his cars enough. He’s already suing ad buyers for not buying Twitter ads.
- Comment on Tesla stock sees massive plunge as abysmal sales figures released 5 days ago:
Elon Musk Creates ‘‘Lobster Office of Lamps’’ and appoints himself ‘‘Cool Goth Guy Czar’’ and opens the first ever reverse class action law suit where he sues everyone for not buying more teslas, ‘‘I’m just… they made being a business illegal I guess… well… ha ha… meme lords… . we’re making buying what I say you buy great again! Ha ha’’ When asked for a sound bite Donald Trump said ‘‘Look whatever, it is what it is, he bought the country, he can do whatever he wants as long as I get the money and he doesn’t let anyone put me in jail or prison that lacks 5 star quality links’’
- Comment on I am from a different millenia 6 days ago:
On Tool’s Ænema there’s a song on the liner notes called ‘Useful Idiot’ but it’s just a static loop at the end of the A Side of the vinyl, on CDs they put like 25 seconds of static there, which wasn’t really noticeable. It’s like a reverse secret track.
- Comment on I love the future. 6 days ago:
My dad occasionally bought gay erotica when he was looking for muscle magazines, there’s A LOT of crossover.
- Comment on I love the future. 6 days ago:
You can literally put anything in these unregulated supplements. There’s no restrictions. If you think swallowing a few fl grams of ox testicle will make you a boner having manly man. Then you can sell that to people. Wait… maybe I don’t need all these morals…
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 week ago:
Yes. How much and for how long is the real questions, luckily I live in CA and if the country dissolves we’ll just do everything ourselves in fact. We’ll be better off as we provide 60% of the US tax revenue, and we get noting close to that in return.
- Comment on I find it funny that American republicans seem to want a king, when the definition of republicanism is a government without a king. 1 week ago:
Technically speaking they’re using the words correctly, liberalism is describing the freedom of capitalists to do as they please above all else, Republicans in the US aren’t traditionalist, they are neoliberals who want unregulated capitalism, and if course they are highly racist nationalists who want to improve white birth rates by any reduction of civil rights possible, and ethnic clensing, the democrats on the other hand prefer status quo neo liberalism, being closer to what you’d call a conservative, in their system unfettered capitalism along with conservative status quo is a pretty accurate use.
- Comment on I find it funny that American republicans seem to want a king, when the definition of republicanism is a government without a king. 1 week ago:
He put out a fake magazine cover of himself with a crown with the NYC skyline with ‘‘long live the king’’. And his goons have been using the phrase dutifully.
- Comment on Is the pipeline true, fellas? 1 week ago:
Scam artists focus a lot on people who are unemployed, or divorced, or any other low moment in life, that’s when you are vulnerable and make terrible choices.
- Comment on Get ya every time 1 week ago:
Drafted soldiers was a big problem also we may have been facing less trained organized military in the south, but US history didn’t teach us the north had a VERY organized and trained military who were experts in jungle warfare.
- Comment on ENHANCE 2 weeks ago:
It appears to use tonal architecture…
- Comment on YSK: This meme is not a porno. Just a random Instagram Post. So, Stop asking for sauce. Thanks 2 weeks ago:
I believe this was part of an art project
- Comment on White House Faith Office 3 weeks ago:
It’s literally a sin in many sects, not to say those sects aren’t entirely hypocritical on the matter, but trading priestly duties for money is explicitly a sin in a lot of Abrahamic religions.
- Comment on Humans are notoriously hard to kill on purpose but laughably easy to kill by accident. 3 weeks ago:
Well it’s still true in the sense that if the average person wanted to kill another person they’d have a difficult time figuring out a method, if they don’t want to get caught. Granted most murders are men killing a spouse or other known person which often includes suicide, or they don’t care about spending the rest of their life in prison or the getting capital punishment anyway.
Where as accidently killing someone is technically speaking always entirely effortless.
- Comment on Uniquely American 3 weeks ago:
No you’re supposed to be unflinchingly self centered, greedy, and dishonest. The key to getting a head is having other people work, and you walk away with all the money. One of the best ways to do this is market disruption. Think of a job people do that costs money for the the person paying for the service or goods, now imagine no one gets paid to do the job. Taxi driver? What if you started an app where people could pay for a ride but the driver is paid next to nothing with no job security, and you keep as much of it money as possible. Get creative! Doctors? What if an app gave you free AI based medical advice and Rx meds? But you don’t need to pay a hospital or medical staff, and you keep all the money.
- Comment on The Government’s Computing Experts Say They Are Terrified | Four IT professionals lay out just how destructive Elon Musk’s incursion into the U.S. government could be. 3 weeks ago:
That’s the point of the big lie and ‘never let them cool down’’ fascist tactics.
- Comment on This rat in a cage needs an outlet for its rage 3 weeks ago:
I too had two beers in a mosh pit once, they were applied directly to my head.
- Comment on Nothing a whole lotta *COPE* can't fix 3 weeks ago:
I really feel like it’s time to worry about making a sustainable, entirely local effort to stop playing the game, and just have your own sources of necessity, like farms, ranches, people willing to build shelter, and just stop doing all this exterior shit. Because pretty soon here in the US the open corruption of kleptocrats is going to inevitably lead to everyone else not caring about the rules no one is paying to be enforced.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 4 weeks ago:
Are you mad at trans people when they say they aren’t going to be safe in a men’s bathroom? Because they won’t be. I Don’t know why it’s the man part of the statement that you are so upset by. I’m also a man. I’m not hurt by this entirely justified fear that women have.
AGAIN. You are attacking women for fearing men, because they aren’t being sensitive enough to men while expressing fear for their life. This isn’t about men’s feelings. It’s about the women’s feelings. It’s OK to express entirely justified fears.
I’ve been a person who’s had to help document stalking, to help get restraining orders, to put policy in place to prevent men targeting young women. This is a part of running any open to the public business where women work, or frequent. You have to know this as a matter of business management that when a worker or shopper says ‘‘I don’t know this man following or talking to me, and I’m getting scared’’ that you need to take it seriously, and also be aware your two steps behind. It shouldn’t get to that point.
You have to notice when a guy comes in twice to talk to the same cashier, you have to pull them off the floor everytime he comes back, and if he asks once about that staff member, you HAVE to start paperwork. That’s the crucial point. That’s where if you do nothing, someone can get hurt or killed.
THAT EARLY is when you need to have paperwork, offical trespassing complaints, restraining orders, that’s when you need to know that man has been pushed back enough to pull his head out of his ass and realize the high school or college age girl at a shirt folding store isn’t going to fall in love with him, and some pressure to let him know, you’ve already been caught, you can’t get away with it, you’ll never get away with it.
Women deal with this EVERY SINGLE DAY they go out into public alone. I had to learn this. I had no idea it was this bad, I childishly thought cat calling was a thing that only happened in like three different streets in NYC or Boston. Not so. There’s guys with a wife and kids in his 40s driving to work in my small town who will roll down their window and scream obscene things at high school kids they think are hot walking to school.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 4 weeks ago:
Yeah. That’s what I was doing too… awkward.