- Comment on Microsoft Says Bye-Bye DEI, Joins Growing List Of Corporations Dismantling Diversity Teams 6 months ago:
Youre right. And… Do you think DEI becoming a buzzword in the Republican culture war makes it more or less likely there will be more of those lawsuits?
But yes, at the end of the day, whatever the reason it just means more racism, because bias is often hard to prove and you often can’t prove that bias accounts for a lack of advancement, you just feel it, and bias can make getting ahead so much harder in so many ways.
I think Republicans especially hated DEI because it could include trans and LGBT people. The existence of trans people means their made up god is fake, because their fantasy book says Adam and Eve, not Adam Eve and They/Them. If trans people are real, then the magical fantasy book is a lie, and then they’ve been lied to and fooled and their magic jebus bread didnt really have magical powers and they can’t possibly admit to that, so here we are.
- Comment on Microsoft Says Bye-Bye DEI, Joins Growing List Of Corporations Dismantling Diversity Teams 6 months ago:
In the fututre there will probably white people suing for racism based on the existence of dei and the courts are now so racist those lawsuits will be allowedbecause the same territories that fought for slave ownership during rhe civil war have political leverage via republicans
Dei is now a legal liability indtead of protecting against lawsuits. Many companjes that are laying off people cant justify keeping dei in that enironment when they are laying off people that do work that is closely aligned with the business. Laying off a senior programmer but keeping dei seems a bit unfair and since dei could be a liability why keep it?
There was also pressure to hire more black people in business back in covid times and post-covid and companies did that, with data showing it probably impacted other races getting hired. It’s risky for them to keep doing that and likely expensive. Dei was also keeping more data allowing them to gwt sued to more easily either way. Many employees complained about dei and that it was all for show even when the expense was there.
Its also becoke synonymous with woke and repubkicans hate the term. Conpanies only do what the prevailing political winds say so they can fit in with legal compliance enough to keep profiting. They don’t care and are mostly an illusion of a logo with greedy people worshipping money behind the veneer.
- Comment on Choose wisely 7 months ago:
Die mart. I would be curious to know if the title was just beijg edgy.
- Comment on These AI generated pics are becoming impossible to spot 7 months ago:
Are those computers running windows? That’s a very inaccurate AI.
- Comment on To all you outside of the US... 7 months ago:
It’s actually far beyond that.
Remember when covid happened and the media and government said it came from a bat at a market in wuhan and not from the experimental covid lab directly next to the market?
And remember when thus was considered “misinformation” and a “conspiracy theory” if you even mentioned that it could be from the covid lab?
Do you rember when they said it was a “conspiracy theory” and “misinformation” to say the covid vaccine was impacting hearts, before they withdrew the Johnson & Johnson vaccine?
Do you remember people getting banned from Facebook for even mentioning that and being called conspiracy theorists spreading misinformation?
Well Pepperidge Farm remembers motherfucker.
- Comment on Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising 7 months ago:
Foss users should start making jxl only websites just to fuck chrome users and google.
- Comment on To all you outside of the US... 7 months ago:
I am not saying I believe all these things. It’s just what they say.
All the “misinformation” “conspiracy theorists” seem to have gotten quite a few things right.
- Comment on To all you outside of the US... 7 months ago:
The conspiracy theorists all say Joe is supposed to step down and Gavin Newsom somehow is added to the ticket which then will win. These conspiracy theorists also say that candidates are selected in advance by the powers that be and it’s all pagentry to deceive the gullible masses. Was this debate really an unepected plot twist, or was it planned?
- Comment on Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising 7 months ago:
Windows is selling data from what you do and making money and you just aren’t noticing the adds are tailored to you.
It’s the type of thing that seems harmless, unless you are a woman searching for an abortion provider and Microsoft sells that, and then an ultra-right wing religious majority comes to power and decides to retroactively put to death all women who have had an abortion and use that data to put you to death.
This surveilance mechanism is mostly harmless… until one day it’s not.
- Comment on Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising 7 months ago:
If you order the shit soup, don’t act surprised if it tastes bad.
These people are CHOOSING to use Windows. They need to just STFU and use Linux or enjoy the shit soup they keep ordering.