- Comment on Grounded no longer needs a Microsoft Account for multiplayer 4 months ago:
For now, or are they going to pull a ‘sony move’ on us?
- Comment on More 5 months ago:
I’d eat all and any of them and not notice anything wrong with them. Except the green one maybe
- Comment on Do I need to store this in the fridge when opened? 6 months ago:
On the freaking jar
- Comment on Britain's oldest chalk figure restored to former glory 7 months ago:
! would love this
- Comment on If malls continue to shut down and decay over the next twenty years, someone should turn them into retirement communities for GenX and Millennials. 7 months ago:
I kind of like having windows where i live although it could be cool to live in a gamestop
- Comment on Congress gives standing ovation for modern day Hitler. 7 months ago:
History in the making.
- Comment on Kaspersky Lab is shutting down all its operations in the US by July 2024 due to recent ban 7 months ago:
Do you have a link? Because google doesn’t come up with much when searching for Super Cool Chinese Antivirus or even SCCA
- Comment on Headlines 7 months ago:
It depends when you stop, while holding down the rewind button. If you stop at Arab attacks every time you are correct but wrong in doing so
- Comment on Affinity’s Adobe-rivaling creative suite is now free for six months 7 months ago:
The issue is that they recently were sold to canva. An online, subscription service that offersjtemplate based graphics suite.
Affinity promised that they would not change their model to subscription but many users doubt their credibility after the sale to canva
- Comment on A golf course eight miles away from the hottest point on the entire planet. 8 months ago:
Would you mind sharing that over at ! ?
This is amazing and crazy!
- Comment on The problem 8 months ago:
Some of the heads of churches are multimillionaire too though, and dont have to pay taxes. Churches are part of the problem.
- Comment on These AI generated pics are becoming impossible to spot 8 months ago:
How about the stick that is glued on top of her hand?
- Comment on These AI generated pics are becoming impossible to spot 8 months ago:
So the fire inside the tent would not give it away a few years back?
- Comment on These AI generated pics are becoming impossible to spot 8 months ago:
Did you miss the fire in the tent too?
- Comment on I will not be taking questions. 8 months ago:
Wait. So if this i patented but has no specification about hanging it the other way, would that mean that one could patent toilet paper again, but hanging the other way?