I see we’ve got some really strong opinions going on here. Just wanna remind everyone to keep it friendly and civil.
And on that note, all you weirdos who place it behind are wrong and I will die on this hill.
Fight me.
Submitted 8 months ago by WarmSoda@lemmy.world to [deleted]
I see we’ve got some really strong opinions going on here. Just wanna remind everyone to keep it friendly and civil.
And on that note, all you weirdos who place it behind are wrong and I will die on this hill.
Fight me.
I’m not gonna fight you. My two shitty scheming cats on the other hand…
Look I know how it’s supposed to go but I’m fighting for every square
I stand with you this day, brother!
Separate, but together, we stand… Or sit.
IDK what’s going on in this metaphor.
People who place it hanging against the wall stand to wipe, like children.
or this youtu.be/xV3zy-mCsOc
We actually have a nice print of that hanging in the bathroom
That’s a good idea. Maybe a wood print. I like it.
This is the one we have. I actually got it from their kickstarter years ago: cratestyle.com/products/no-338-toilet-paper-roll?…
Does it trouble you at all that the diagram doesn’t specify where the wall should be?
Wait… Do you not have your toilet paper just hanging in the air?
Sure, that’s great and so, but the creator of the Gif says the wrong way to say it so… the creator is not always right.
Just to make sure to not take sides, I pronounce the ‘g’ as in ‘design’
I guess it’s fine gif you want to say it like that
Well saying it the wrong way sounds too much like gift. How often are you talking about Jiff peanut butter?
As a choosey mom, you would be surprised how often it comes up.
~fuck you, Skippy~
Looks like some folks don’t know how to use the three seashells.
hahahahah … I can see how that can be confusing…
Sounds painful tbh, but you do you.
Shrödinger’s Roll
It should be on a pivot so it always faces where youre pulling from
What in the terrible photoshop I looking at.
Why is there two gigantic rolls on the ground?
Heavy days?
I’ve seen these. I know people who have them.
It’s a tp holder with space for extra rolls.
It’s made if wire and it sucks.
Bad design. Toilet paper not currently in use must be stored outside the bathroom so that it doesn’t become damp and musty from the humidity. As opposed to on the wet floor next to the dewy toilet. This is how you get a nasty fungal infection fyi
If the bathroom and toilet are “dewy” the bad design falls on the house itself.
If you have humidity problems in your bathroom, get a small electric dehumidifier. They’re less than 30 bucks and they’ll fix it right up.
Being in the general vicinity of mold won’t give you a fungal infection unless you don’t wash. I recommend against placing toilet paper directly inside your rectum or vagina, however.
It’s halfway 2024 it’s time to move on to bidets.
I use a bidet, I still need TP to clean up after the water does the job.
I know fancy bidets exist that will blow dry your arae, but what do I look like? A rich person? We got ours from Amazon for like $20.
TP use is way down, but it’s still needed in many cases.
I just sit there and browse Lemmy while I wait for my ass to dry out. 😀
You use toilet paper to dry off? Why not a towel?
Based and Hygiene Pilled
I accept the wrong way if, and only if, the wrongifier has cats.
I have cats and would never have the audacity to do something as vulgar as that.
Agreed. My cat would never dare put the roll on the wrong way.
Toddlers do the thing too
Not the best patent to use if you want to settle the debate. This one from Wheeler is the nail in the coffin: patent
Good find
Not that the over/under debate was even a thing, but this should convince those diehard lunatics not to hang their TP improperly!
I love how everyone arguing against this mentions cats - and never toddlers.
It really speaks volumes to the types of users on Lemmy :)
Putting the roll on backwards doesn’t stop my cats. I have to have a towel draped in front of the roll.
And my toddlers both just turned it back around!
Thats the ‘cat free house’ way.
I had cats my whole life and never had this happen.
We have many cats, also, no problems.
Eh. I taught my 2 cats to not touch it. It’s not difficult.
I have had many cats and have never had a problem with them grabbing the toilet paper.
OP is still right, but I hate what you’ve posted.
Objection: appeal to authority + appeal to tradition + I did the fuck with yo mama last night
/s if that’s really necessary
Are we looking from the perspective of the user or the wall?
Yeah, the illustration shows nothing, we don’t know which side is which anyway.
The proper way to hang it, if you have cats, is the other way so they don’t bat it all off if the get access. This is why I do not have cats.
My cat has not once tried unraveling a toilet paper roll. He has stolen money before, but he steals shit, so that’s normal. But never toilet paper.
Haha mine will take coins off the table, and carry it off to her hiding spot. It’s the cutest thing. I got her a small box of toy pirate coins.
Oh, man. My mother had cats who would just attack tp or paper towels. We had them both hanging the ‘correct’ way, got tired of it and flipped em. Now, though, I stick to dogs lol
I like this shitpost
I see nothing that indicates that that is the front of the roll
You aren’t taking into account the patent inversion convention of 1898.
You aren’t taking into account the patent inversion convention of 1898.
Patent got filed on double reverse patent day. Draw 4.
Wait. So if this i patented but has no specification about hanging it the other way, would that mean that one could patent toilet paper again, but hanging the other way?
I don’t believe so. They will only award a new patent if yours is meaningfully different from previous technologies. I would suspect they would deem the other direction “not a meaningful difference.”
You shouldn’t, but the patent office don’t care about incentive height and obviousness anymore
They didn’t own a cat and it shows.
I’ve had cats my whole life and have never had one mess with my properly placed toilet paper.
I have four in the house and none of them screw with our tp.
You just have a cat that’s more of an asshole than usual.
Ass wiping tech has come a long way. Thankfully.
I like how it just looks like a log being shaved into extremely thin sheets.
The original toilet paper was pretty much that, from what I understand.
IDK for sure, not like I’m some toilet paper historian.
I’ve never paid a single bit of attention to which way it goes on. I spit into the face of this entire debate and it’s never done me any harm to do so. I’m a cat owner too. The roll goes on either way, it’s fine, and I’ll never change my mind.
The inventor also said it’s “jif”, and I ain’t saying that either. Also, the patent doesn’t indicate whther that’s the front view or the back view. It’s displaying a roll in a vacuum.
The most dangerous phrase is “we’ve always done it this way”.
I mount mine vertically so nyah
Yes this was 1.0, 2.0 improved the tech by going under instead of over. Much more convenient single hand operation as well as pet protection.
Toilet paper hanging haphazardly over the front of the roll provides a convenient place for a 3 inch spider to hide between the roll and hanging strip. The patent illustration is clearly meant as a sick joke.
What the fuck were they going for toilet paper before 1891?
They believed in a lot of stupid shit back then.
tehWrapper@lemmy.world 8 months ago
Unless you have a cat that likes to play with them… Then the other direction.
BoxOfFeet@lemmy.world 8 months ago
Why not just shut the door so the cat doesn’t get in there? The toilet paper being hung correctly is more important than the cat for me.
ArmoredThirteen@lemmy.ml 8 months ago
One of my cats knows how to open doors like a fucking velociraptor. We’ve baby locked several of our doors but some things like the bathroom I don’t like fucking around with extra steps when trying to get into at 3am
iopq@lemmy.world 8 months ago
Because I don’t like the smell of cat shit anywhere outside the bathroom
Rai@lemmy.dbzer0.com 8 months ago
Yes but also S T E A M
If you live in a humid, much poo carries on.
Rhaedas@fedia.io 8 months ago
Depends on the cat. If they're simply going with tapping the roll to spin it, that may work for a bit. I've found that rolls accessible to a cat tend to morph into big balls of clawed unusable pulp.
alquicksilver@lemmy.world 8 months ago
When I was a young kid, I had a cat that was front-declawed (this was before it was well known that it’s an abusive practice - my folks didn’t know better at the time). Because he couldn’t shred the paper with his claws, he showed his spite by chewing up the roll so it looked like he’d clawed it.
Rai@lemmy.dbzer0.com 8 months ago
When my bois were kittens, they would play with it either way. You’re totally correct.