- Comment on I'm Tired of Pretending Tech is Making the World Better 4 days ago:
That’s also technology. Used for good and evil.
- Comment on Women earn 78 cents for every $1 men paid on average. 4 days ago:
Nothing really. I doubt that’s an issue either.
- Comment on Designed by men, for men: Why sex with robots does not have appeal among women 1 week ago:
Thats easy to solve though. It’ll appeal to women if the sexbot can do household chores. Who wouldn’t want a robot maid?
- Comment on where's punk rock in 2025? anybody into woody guthrie? Say, MidEast U.S. Bands to look for? 2 weeks ago:
One mornin’ I woke up
- Comment on Xenon 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Xenon 2 weeks ago:
It works by dispersing oxygen from the blood. The lack of oxygen gives you a high. Which is can turn deadly if you don’t unhook when passing out.
- Comment on Real use 3 weeks ago:
Incineroar fir the best bear hugs <3
- Comment on Roll the blooper reel 3 weeks ago:
Animators did their research.
- Comment on What determines whether something is small enough to regrow on a mammal? 3 weeks ago:
This is not true.
It’s not about cancer, it’s about senescence. Mammals’ and many other animals’ only way to adapt to an ever changing enviroment, is: remix genes + mutations + epigenetic factors. And hope for the best.
In order for parents to not compete with their offspring for food or sex, they have to die. Which can simply be a limited lifespan by cells getting sloppy in their maintenance, or by choosing to starve yourself to death.
If you get injured badly, you have failed to survive. It is more energy and evolutionarily speaking to let you die, than expend energy on your recovery. Energy is limited in every enviroment. Depression and lethargy are interesting aspects to self-elimination (not suicide) as well.
Senesence is also why cancer is far more common in older people than in children. Our repair functions stop doing their job well as part of senescence. Increasing the chance and speeding up the development of tumors.
- Comment on Seems like solid advice 3 weeks ago:
Unacceptably vile.
- Comment on It's just a Planck bro 4 weeks ago:
Why does it require more energy?
- Comment on NASA Ordered to Remove Anything About 'Women in Leadership' From Its Websites: Report 4 weeks ago:
Your body, my choice!
- Comment on Tough question 4 weeks ago:
Exavtly! She was acting like a penus! And needs some Venal penal lessons.
- Comment on Tough question 4 weeks ago:
Which means she needs to attune to Venus, duh!
- Comment on I'll take a liberal. Just 86 the tofu. 4 weeks ago:
Yeah. Some vegan cheese is ok on a burger. But the uncanny homogenous texture freaks me out on a sandwich. It’s a weird transition. Also. Gouda is addictive. Nothing can beat gouda.
- Comment on I'll take a liberal. Just 86 the tofu. 4 weeks ago:
On the toast.
- Comment on Tough question 4 weeks ago:
Psychiatry is expensive yeah.
- Comment on Tough question 4 weeks ago:
And if she doesn’t, she hopefully tries to be a kind person and sell pretty gems.
- Comment on Twinkle Tush 4 weeks ago:
Can’t fault the guy…
- Comment on I'll show them 4 weeks ago:
Press M for mute. Most adds’ sound design is awful.
- Comment on Me when my parents told me they first met in the summer of 1999 & started dating the following year and I did the math (dad - 1959, mom - 1984) 1 month ago:
What was the age gap?
- Comment on True love 2 months ago:
This woman chose the bear.
- Comment on When they tell you "oh of course it's safe" they are lying 2 months ago:
Kinda sad he was more concerned about his sex life than his wife’s health.
- Comment on When they tell you "oh of course it's safe" they are lying 2 months ago:
That’s evil…
- Comment on her favourite colour is blue :) 3 months ago:
That is one charming flying mango.
- Comment on Just a little guy 3 months ago:
It’s not the heavy metal poisom that kills you, it just shuts down your nerve cells from restoring its membrane potsntial.
It’s not corona that causes you to die from suffocation, it’z just the immun response that results in changes to the mitochondria, powerhouses of the cell, and shortness of breath.
It’s not the cancer that kills you, it’s the organ failure!
- Comment on Hey, smoothbrain! 3 months ago:
Orca’s can do the tongue roll too huh?
- Comment on Election Simulations 3 months ago:
That picrure looks dope. What’s the story behind it?
- Comment on Tiny pp 3 months ago:
I don’t understand nudity options in games. You got average and above average. Few people gonna go with average then.
- Comment on Relationship goals 4 months ago:
I need to invest in a butt shower. No space for a bidet, but those buttoned showeheads are perfect. Visiting Oman brought enlightenment.