- Comment on Sun God 1 day ago:
I believe you. Still seems wild that I will never see another one in my lifetime.
- Comment on Sun God 2 days ago:
How is the next transit of Venus not until 2117? That blows my socks’ mind. Seems like that should be happening very regularly.
- Comment on I am from a different millenia 4 days ago:
And before that there were records with secret spirals.
- Comment on What 5 Megabytes of Computer Data Looked Like in 1966 ~ Vintage Everyday 1 week ago:
She lives in the Mary Poppins house and has to stabilize her stack of cards like this every time the neighbour fires the canon.
- Comment on What happened to Pez? 2 weeks ago:
I was just thinking there should be Pez compatible mints.
- Submitted 2 weeks ago to nostupidquestions@lemmy.world | 38 comments
- Comment on Why Gen Z Is Ditching Dating Apps 2 weeks ago:
That overwhelming male engagement is why Grindr has been so much fun on the whole.
- Comment on this year has been pretty fun so far 2 weeks ago:
He’s going to sign an executive order forcing Potatohead to go by Mr. again, isn’t he.
- Comment on New delivery 1 month ago:
I was by myself in the middle of one night when we were first moving in when I start getting messages from the cameras I set up. “Humanoid on driveway”. “Humanoid at front door”. It was a cat.
- Comment on Do you want me to heat that up in the "Michael Wave"? 1 month ago:
Trying to politely correct everyone is like hurting cats.
- Comment on I never realized this 1 month ago:
- Comment on Petrichor 3 months ago:
I lost my smell to COVID in that first year, before the vaccine. Recently and for the first time since, I smelled petrichor and I could have cried.
- Comment on Reminder for all Lemmy moderators and admins. 3 months ago:
It’s snowing 😭
- Comment on Calcrelatable 3 months ago:
I am using and loving Solve by Pomegranate Apps. Multiple workspaces and advanced functions available a swipe away. It doesn’t seem to be available anymore, and it looked like the company was hitting hard times when they dumped things like Trump quotes and other shit apps into the store. So, apprehensive to recommend because of weirdness but best calculator ever.
- Comment on California’s new law forces digital stores to admit you’re just licensing content, not buying it 5 months ago:
Or force them to admit they are selling it for real without all the license mumbo jumbo. They have always known what “buy now” buttons were meant to lead you to believe. And — in my humble opinion — you aren’t wrong for believing that; they are.
- Comment on A quick 600 DPI scan of my favourite non-chelonian ninja. 6 months ago:
- Comment on W Earth 6 months ago:
But it isn’t a mystery at all. The moon is moving away from us. For billions of years the moon’s apparent size was larger than the sun. For billions of years later it will appear smaller. It’s simply a lucky coincidence we live in this moment in time, in that regard.
- Comment on Dark mode’s bright future: How dark mode will transform Wikipedia’s accessibility 7 months ago:
Or is it more of an age-gated thing
Depends how old you consider old, maybe? Computers back in the day were pretty universally light text on a dark background. VIC-20 was an exception but then even Commodore backpedaled on that with the 64. But you might have had a different experience and are only remembering things like Mac OS or Amiga, or Windows, and maybe that has influenced your preference. 🤷♀️ To each their own, anyway.
- Comment on Stay Mad 7 months ago:
Look on the bright side: a vote for Biden is really just a vote for Kamala Harris with extra steps.
- Comment on I will not be taking questions. 8 months ago:
The most dangerous phrase is “we’ve always done it this way”.
- Comment on brave little bird 10 months ago:
I was watching some crows chase around an eagle the other day. The pathetic squee noises it made like it’s saying “I toldja I was sorry I ate your babies” has me wondering why we have all fallen for this whole eagles are a symbol of power gobbledegook.
- Comment on To put life into perspective 10 months ago:
I’m in Andromeda?
- Comment on I used to be with it, then they changed what "it" is 10 months ago:
One way in the back should say “bees knees”.
- Comment on My opinion on Bone conduction earphones 10 months ago:
The Trekz Titanium (maybe that is the correct spelling) won me over and I want all my headphones to be like that, forever. Sadly, not all boners (as we call them in the biz) are made the same, and my newer Open Run Pro (or whatever) are disappointing boners by comparison.
- Comment on once in a lifetime 10 months ago:
The clouds may have even made it look more dramatic.
- Comment on [Eric Berger] Seeing this eclipse is probably the highest-reward, lowest-effort thing one can do in life 10 months ago:
During totality you can.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
Taking credit for the work of people who are barely even credited in the first place is… a way of responding. If only she had disappeared behind the curtain for a moment, re-emerging with everyone there with big hair and guitars and eye shadow and screamed “we are McCarty and the Et Als!!!”
Oh well; next time.
- Comment on Venus by Tuesday 1 year ago:
I am in love with the elegance of this idea that would not work even a little bit. Occam, eat your heart out.
- Comment on greenland for the win 1 year ago:
We had iceberg ice in Newfoundland. Picked up a chunk from the beach, rinsed it off, shattered it with a sewing needle, and drank Chaga Rum.
- Comment on Always look on the bright side of life 1 year ago:
Not… slavery?