Some IT guy, IDK.
- Comment on Meow 2 days ago:
I’ve been witness to the great cat distribution system.
Our current cat has moved house with us twice. The first house at lived at, we were on the ground floor of the place and this furball just waltzed in and took over. Much to the dismay of the cat we already had.
The preexisting cat was similar. She would hang out at a bus stop that my SO would frequent to get to work, didn’t take long before she followed my SO home. She was a shit, but she was cute enough to get away with it. Rest in peace Zora.
Anyways, I would submit that the only reason we haven’t had more cats distributed to us is that we lived on the fifth floor of an apartment for a long while. We recently moved into a house so that might change.
- Comment on nuked from orbit 1 week ago:
Fair point.
- Comment on nuked from orbit 1 week ago:
Between the post and some of the comments, I’m pretty sure we’re on the worst time.
At least, the worst surviving timeline. I’m sure plenty of “worse” timelines have existed that killed off the entirety of the planet.
This is just the worst of what’s left.
- Comment on How was your valentines day weekend? 1 week ago:
Was Valentine’s recently?
Time has lost all meaning
- Comment on Yeah, let's stop with this "don't judge people for their poiltics" bullshit 2 weeks ago:
You have the freedom to decide, you do not have the freedom from the consequences on your decisions.
- Comment on this town has been well known for a long time 2 months ago:
I think you’re right. The prospect of being rewarded may have been enough to push them to giving up Luigi.
After the authorities apprehend him, there’s every chance that they’ll delay, deny, defend against giving out any kind of reward to anyone for their help in finding him.
- Comment on this town has been well known for a long time 2 months ago:
To be blunt, I don’t blame them.
There was a price on his head, and while I understand why he would do what he did (though his direct intentions haven’t really been made public), and I agree that there are good reasons for what he did; the fact is, he committed a crime.
While we’re all basically cheering on what he did, I’m sure that CEO that I don’t care enough about to remember his name, had family and friends and stuff who will miss him greatly.
Those people, under the law, are entitled to justice, the same as you or I are entitled to justice when healthcare CEOs deny coverage that directly leads to someone’s death. Though, I don’t know how much of the latter has ever transpired. Regardless, the fact that we’re entitled to our day in court to get justice, so are they.
Provided Luigi is guilty, of course. This fact has yet to be proven in a court of law.
With all that in mind, and the monetary reward for basically turning him in, for someone working a minimum wage job at McDonald’s, that’s an easy call. You’re technically “doing the right thing” by tipping off police to the whereabouts of a suspect in a murder, and you also get a payday for it. Win-win ? I guess?
Personally, I was hoping that, we the people (or at least the US people), would feel so strongly in support of what was done, that we would individually agree unanimously, that we don’t turn this person in, and we just carry on. Sure, authorities would keep looking for him because they’re paid to, but the general public simply isn’t helping them at all with it.
IMO, that would have sent a very public and very clear message to the people in charge that “we the people” do not care about you. We have the power to do these things and suffer no consequences. We have the power that you think you hold. Do the right thing, or you’re next.
Alas, not the case. Oh well.
- Comment on Luigi Mangione Played 'Among Us,' Breathes Air 2 months ago:
Anyone else remember bowling for Columbine?
- Comment on Give us your best infodump. 2 months ago:
Bringing a website online sounds a lot more like development stuff.
Networking is all about how to get data from one place to another that is reasonable, manageable and scalable. Knowing what devices are increasing latency and when you should adjust the settings to route around a high latency (and/or high loss) link to enhance performance and reliability. Visibility into network flows in real time and monitoring for every link and port that’s connected to a device, switch, router, or computer.
Web hosting is system admin and development.
What networking concerns do you have with this website?
- Comment on Give us your best infodump. 2 months ago:
See, I only recently came into awareness that web RTC was a thing. I have a lot of learning to do on how it even works as a protocol.
I’m sure it runs on top of IP, so I think web RTC meets your curriculum here. Regardless of that, I think I know what you mean, and if I knew enough about the protocol, I might even agree.
I need to brush up on the new protocols that are getting to be very common. I’m almost entirely up to date on the 802.11 specs, but there’s so much to keep track of… Yikes.
- Comment on Give us your best infodump. 2 months ago:
I’ll look at my resources and see what I can dig up. No promises, but the concepts are simple as long as you can separate yourself from the TCP/IP restrictions on two things needing to be in a subnet, and the idea that NAT is something that needs to happen.
Honestly, I’ve seen so many people get hung up on the fact that NAT isn’t universal, or necessary.
- Comment on Give us your best infodump. 2 months ago:
I’ve been looking at the CCNP for a while, I don’t need it for the work I do at my day job, so I haven’t prioritized taking the test or anything.
I should do more work on it.
- Comment on Give us your best infodump. 2 months ago:
Not a scientist. I have a litany of complex topics that I just can’t really talk to anyone about. I’m a big computer networking nerd, and once upon a time, when I didn’t know what I didn’t know, I was curious what computer networking really entailed… It seemed dead simple, you connect things to a switch, connect that switch to the internet router, not much more.
Then I learned about VLANs, which are cool but it seemed like unnecessary complexity. Then I learned about Routing and L3 switching, and routing protocols and… Holy shit, how deep is this?
Now-a-days, I want to have conversations about the merits of one routing protocol over another in various contexts, and see/build a spine and leaf network infrastructure that’s nearly infinitely scalable.
I want to explore the nuance of IP unnumbered routing. I can’t find anyone who will chat about it on a level that’s close to my understanding, either someone knows way more than I do, or they know way less.
IP unnumbered routing is a way of connecting devices without setting an IP on the interface that is being routed to/from. The other end uses the routing protocol on top of layer 2, and while the two might have a router ID, often in the form of an IP address, the interface that is connecting the two has no IP. It’s basically advanced point to point protocol (PPP) that breaks away from traditional TCP/IP routing in ways that people who have never used anything besides TCP/IP can’t really comprehend. The two “IP addresses” (actually router IDs) in play can have nothing in common. Traditional TCP/IP requires that two IPs share a subnet. In routing, this is typically a /30 for IPv4, and the two IPs are adjacent to eachother, eg, and IP unnumbered can have talking directly with, with no layer 3 interfaces in-between.
It’s really fascinating and interesting and I’ve been trying to find a good model or guide to help me learn this better, but I keep ending up at dead ends, and I have nobody to talk to about it.
- Comment on But yes. 3 months ago:
Those have been researched and tested for decades and the tech still hasn’t caught on. They just don’t put out enough power to be useful for much more than a clock circuit (not even enough to power a full watch, just keep the time).
I have serious doubts they’re going to suddenly become viable anytime soon.
Any useful energy production from nuclear is basically just making steam to run turbines. Same with coal but you know.
- Comment on Terrified friends burn to death trapped in Tesla as doors won't open after crash 3 months ago:
See? This. This is why I don’t trust my safety to electronic systems. The fancy computer controlled locks and latches are great when they work. When they don’t, shit like this happens.
At least most cars still have a physical connection between the door handle and the locking mechanism. Not Tesla, for no good goddamned reason.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds reckons AI is ‘90% marketing and 10% reality’ 3 months ago:
I think when the hype dies down in a few years, we’ll settle into a couple of useful applications for ML/AI, and a lot will be just thrown out.
I have no idea what will be kept and what will be tossed but I’m betting there will be more tossed than kept.
- Comment on Trump cosplaying 4 months ago:
Oh, I know it’s all a show.
I know how badly they’re usually contaminated.
Let me lie to myself.
- Comment on Trump cosplaying 4 months ago:
I know cross contamination very well.
I trust non-sterile gloves over supposedly “washed” hands, every day of the week.
The number of people that use the toilet without washing, or even rinsing their hands afterwards is insanely high. People are disgusting.
Simply put, I don’t trust fast food gloves to be sterile, never said I did. I just think they’re likely to be cleaner than the unwashed hands inside of them.
Yes, they’re likely cross contaminated, but by the time I’m accepting the risk of having someone else prepare my next meal, i want to reduce the harm they can do to me as much as I can.
Cross contaminated gloves are going to be less harmful than the hands that contaminated them.
- Comment on Trump cosplaying 4 months ago:
Have you met people? They’re not sanitary.
- Comment on Trump cosplaying 4 months ago:
Cross contamination is so much worse than people think it is.
Everything is pretty much contaminated all the time.
I’d still want the illusion of the workers trying to be sanitary by wearing gloves.
- Comment on Trump cosplaying 4 months ago:
He is old.
- Comment on Trump cosplaying 4 months ago:
I mean… Correlation does not mean causation, but in this case, I’m not sure.
- Comment on X's idiocy is doing wonders for Bluesky. 4 months ago:
I don’t mean to, I wasn’t exactly looking at a comprehensive list of steam features when I wrote that. I’m sure I missed several of steam’s very good features from what I listed.
My main point was, and still is, that the core thing that made steam stand out, has more or less stayed the same throughout its existence. You log in, buy, download, and launch games right from one really easy to use program, it manages all the particulars about product keys and saves, etc. So you can focus on playing the game rather than trying to get the game running.
There’s a ton of other really good features that steam and valve in general have introduced, and I’m not trying to diminish the impact of those things.
While other games stores are pulling crap like exclusives to their platform, and requiring dumb shit like invasive spyware “anti-cheating” rootkits, steam has kept the basic formula the same, and doesn’t restrict any major publisher from deploying something on their platform. Other developers will still delay making their games available on steam for one reason or another, but steam has been fairly neutral in what’s published.
I am aware of some exceptions, so I’m not going to say it’s entirely universal that anyone can publish anything to steam, but it’s fairly rare that steam is preventing a game from being available on the platform.
That core purpose of steam has always been good. All the other stuff is almost always also good, but the core purpose of having steam installed is the same, or better then, when steam was first released.
- Comment on X's idiocy is doing wonders for Bluesky. 4 months ago:
The biggest thing that valve did that kept them in everyone’s good graces is that steam’s core functionality hasn’t had any major changes in years. Dare I say, more than a decade.
It’s a platform where you buy games, download them, and play them.
In the early days you still had to deal with all the bullshit, including third party launcher installs and crap to get things going, and over time, valve simplified all of that, making it easier than ever to take advantage of the core function of steam: buying, downloading, and playing games.
Literally the only improvement I can absolutely, positively credit them for, is making that entire process, easier, simpler, and quicker, than ever.
Sure, you can chat to people, track achievements, comment on your profile, comment on your friends profiles, buy and sell cosmetics on the market thing, even voice chat and I think they have a way you can stream your game to friends… Not sure on that last one.
It’s like Facebook, FB marketplace, FB messenger, discord, Twitter… And a bunch of other services, all huddled together to make a bastard child with the entire PC video game industry… That’s steam.
But the core mechanic that was always the main reason why steam was great, remains the same.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
APC makes low end offline UPS units, which are cheap garbage.
They also make line interactive and online ups units, which are decidedly not completely garbage.
I pick up line interactive APC units from used locations like eBay, and go buy off label replacement batteries. Haven’t had any problems with them so far.
To date, over the last ~10 years of running a homelab, I have used mainly SMT 1500 units, one was a rack mount. I’ve recently upgraded to an SMX2000. I’ve replaced batteries, but never a UPS, and never any server components due to power issues. I’ve run servers ranging from a Dell PE 2950, to a full c6100 chassis, plus several networking devices, including firewalls, routers and PoE switches. Not a single power related issue with any of them.
- Comment on Damn right I'm a silly goose 4 months ago:
To be fair, as long as they haven’t been trying to get a parking fee waived like, every day or every week or something, I’d be like, yeah, seems legit, and waive the fees too.
I mean, as dumb as the request was, it basically reads as ‘i made a mistake’.
As long as they’re not making mistakes constantly, why not forgive it? Silly wording or not.
- Comment on I hate how anything without "world" in its name is just about the US 4 months ago:
We’re hoping that happens, and you don’t get stonewalled by idiots. We’re cheering for your efforts.
To be fair, we have our own share of problems, including, but not limited to, hardline conservatives pulling similar crap, and even the odd Canadian Trump supporters, which always confused me.
We’re coping okay. Hopefully it doesn’t get any worse.
- Comment on I hate how anything without "world" in its name is just about the US 4 months ago:
I hate to say it, but, these things don’t change a lot, or quickly.
IP blocks, or “large groups of IP addresses” are assigned to regional internet registries, or RIRs which then hand them out from there. There’s a couple RIRs. I think five in total? ARIN covers North America, and has, by far, the most IP addresses given out.
There’s also RIPE, in Europe, APNIC, for Asia and the Pacific areas, including China and Australia, AfriNIC, which is basically all of Africa… If that wasn’t obvious. And lacnic, which is South America.
Large IP blocks can, but rarely ever do, get transferred between RIRs.
But wait, it gets more complicated. IP addresses allocated in one region could be used anywhere in the world. The vast majority are not, and it’s important to note that because of global routing, you can’t have a block smaller than 256 addresses allocated in the default free zone (DFZ). The DFZ is the part of the internet that doesn’t have a “default gateway”. All routes are advertised, and by those advertisements are learned by others. The routers in the DFZ only have so much memory, and there was a crisis a while ago when the memory of most of the routers in the DFZ were dangerously close to being full… That was around when ipv6 was first switched on. The routing memory is extremely fast, because it needs to be. Looking up a route in a table with a million+ entries takes time, but that time needs to be so short that latency is effectively mitigated. So that memory is some of the fastest used in tech at times, notwithstanding newer technologies.
I’m off topic. Anyways, my point is, ARIN is big. They have a lot of IPs. However allocation doesn’t and shouldn’t imply usage. A large number of addresses are allocated for US military use that are basically unseen in the internet. There’s a few infamous /8 blocks of around 16.7 million addresses that don’t get advertised and can’t be used by anyone besides the US military. I forget which branch of military owns it. They’ve owned it since the internet started giving out allocations (more or less) and today one of those /8 blocks is worth billions, with a cost of about $50 per IP.
So yeah, the US has a lot of IP allocation, they also have a large amount of unused IP addresses.
- Comment on I hate how anything without "world" in its name is just about the US 4 months ago:
I’m not even American, I find my thoughts defaulting to this.
- Comment on I hate how anything without "world" in its name is just about the US 4 months ago:
Stop giving them ideas.