- Comment on Assassination is a Leaky Abstraction 2 months ago:
I first heard of it from Joel Spolsky’s blog and wikipedia also credits that article with popularized the concept. In it’s original formulation, it was based on remote procedure calls being hidden in APIs. Because a remote computer call has all these limits of latency, packet/info loss, and possible connection loss, it is impossible to make a perfect abstraction that allows the programmer to treat the remote call as though it were local. The reality the abstraction tries to hide “leaks” in those fundamental limits.
All of contemporary global society is such an abstraction; that’s one of the principles of post-modernism. When you buy clothes online an entire invisible work force of shippers, manufacturers, resource procurerers, and more lies beind each article of fabric.
Pressure from climate change, tariffs, global war, and more are straining the foundations of society and the comfortable abstraction is starting to crack.
- Comment on Microsoft tries to convince Windows 10 users to buy a new PC with full-screen prompts 3 months ago:
The full screen “it’s time to upgrade to Windows 11 and set up all these AI features” popup was the last straw for me. This is finally a Windows-free home.
- Comment on But thats all Dan Harmon 3 months ago:
Thish posht… isht very intereshting, what ideology can we ashsume from it?
- Comment on Interview — Nana Visitor and Open A Channel: The Women Of Star Trek (Part 2) 3 months ago:
The book is very good! I happened to catch wind of it right after it came out. Its a great mix of Visitor’s personal experiences in TV, and her research and interviews with many women who’ve worked in Trek over the years. She writes well and the stories are both personal and educational about the history of the show and the medium.
- Comment on DayZ creator reveals a "Kerbal Space Program killer" with kittens and challenges license owners to sue him 3 months ago:
I’m making fun of the common practice, exemplified by Bethesda, of leaving bugs in their games for the modders to fix. The joke, in this case is that Rocket Werkz is leaving an “unfinished feature” in that is a Hard Problem in physics. There isn’t a general, easy solution to the N-body problem.
- Comment on DayZ creator reveals a "Kerbal Space Program killer" with kittens and challenges license owners to sue him 3 months ago:
One reachier goal is to add an n-body physics system. […] RocketWerkz say there’s a “small chance” of RocketWerkz developing such a simulation internally - they’re currently trying to hire somebody with a PhD to apply the requisite high-density brain-magic - but it’s likely this will be left for modders to figure out.
The next Bethesda game is just going to have a bug dependent on solving the Reimann conjecture, smh, always waiting on the modders to solve the company’s intractable math mysteries.
- Comment on Colin Anderson Calls GTA 2 the ‘Unsung Hero’ of the Franchise | Retro Gaming News 24/7 3 months ago:
Because it got 7/10 average review scores and didn’t sell as well as GTA. Then GTA3 (and its immediate spin-offs and eventual sequels) came out and started breaking all time sales records. So retroactively, GTA 2 was “a mistake” for not being GTA 3 two years early.
But like the guy says, the point of the article even, is that you don’t create run away successes without experimenting on the formula to find what’s good, without “failures” like GTA 2 to learn from.
- Comment on What does baobab *wood* look like 4 months ago:
Found a few things:
A carved and polished table, shows color and cross section well.
A wiki for a minecraft clone that already has baobob wood.
Following another poster’s advice, here’s a cross section of one cut down.
In other depictions it often has little holes in it, which seems like a thing that happens to some baobob wood, otherwise it kind of just looks like medium color wood with some dark bands.
- Comment on ghetti 4 months ago:
- Comment on Big Ol' Beavers 4 months ago:
Bigger than Bieber, the old beaver brushed the broken lever while brandishing a bloody cleaver
- Comment on If you find any German words, you can keep them 4 months ago:
Auf Wiedersehen!
- Comment on Ah yes, regression 4 months ago:
Going into physics was the biggest mistake of my life. I should’ve declared CS. I still wouldn’t have any women, but at least I’d be rolling in cash.
Honestly, there wasn’t all that much cash to roll in and there’s less all the time now. Plus, if you think busted equipment is bad, wait until I tell you about inheriting legacy code.
- Comment on Wink wink 4 months ago:
This is why we love the Saints. Terrible at football but at least they know how to party after the game.
- Comment on Infinite Suffering 4 months ago:
I managed until university when I left calculus and entered “Linear Algebra” and man, I really don’t like matrices.
- Comment on Former Disco Elysium devs are working on a spiritual successor at new studio Longdue, though Robert Kurvitz and Aleksander Rostov aren't involved 4 months ago:
Reminds me of Diablo and how in the years after the original you’d see so many clones with “from one of the people who worked on the original Diablo.” I think Torchlight, Titan Quest, and Nox all got advertised this way at one time. I mean it’s pretty common in any industry. How many movies have you seen advertised as being directed by “the creators of hit movie whatever” and its like the 3rd unit DP in charge?
- Comment on YouTube Shorts can now run up to three minutes 4 months ago:
I don’t who really got that trend going. I’ve enjoyed up to hour-ish long videos on more or less anything, but a few years back the first truly excessively long video I remember is Whitelight’s 7 hour long overview/miniseries on Death Stranding. And to be fair, I did find that faster and more enjoyable than playing Death Stranding.
(Also I get why folks make them: more ads plus having that much watch time heavily biases the algorithm towards you so it’s more money overall. And the kind of person that watches 7 hour long reviews in the background (or while sleeping), aka me, certainly help weigh the scales for super long videos.)
But also, I kind of like when shorts are like a minute long or less so I can watch one when I’m like, on the shitter and not accidentally end up with a video essay. I mean 10 minutes used to be the limit of every youtube video! Will they introduce a new, even shorter format? Bring vines or blips back?
- Comment on YouTube Shorts can now run up to three minutes 4 months ago:
Alright, I split the difference, I think that should make everyone happy.
- Comment on YouTube Shorts can now run up to three minutes 4 months ago:
Can’t wait for 10 hour long reviews of Elden Ring, BUT VERTICLE AND LOOPS NOW!?!
- Comment on I'm going insane 4 months ago:
Huh, never saw this one but in high school I had a dream just like this. I met a beautiful woman, perfect in every way, we got married had some kids, I even got some ways into middle age. Then, I was sitting in chair and noticed that my vision seemed… blurry at the edges, in a very “vignette filter” kind of way and I immediately knew I was dreaming. Woke up just as the existential collapse started. For several years after I’d try to remember her face, what our love had felt like, any of the details that had seemed so solid and tantalizing real for those few sleeping hours.
In retrospect, a lot like that Rick and Morty episode with the life simulator game. I wonder if one of the writers ever had that dream too? Brains are weird, and I haven’t any dreams nearly that all encompassing since.
- Comment on BREAKING NEWS 4 months ago:
Thanks! I hate it!
- Comment on StarCraft 2 production director pitched WarCraft 4 and a Call Of Duty RTS before leaving Blizzard, claims report 5 months ago:
A Call of Duty RTS? Only if they brought back WC3’s Heroes, and maybe gave you a whole Company of them to manage.
RTS’s need a massive new hit to redefine the genre. The starcraft style is stale and too slow for how most people game today. I’d kind of enjoy seeing people take another shot at where C&C4 and AoE3 were trying to go: something more tactically oriented with a greater emphasis on mobility. I think that era of RTS innovation got completely hamstrung by trying to force every game to not only have multi-player but also to be an esport and also to be a live-service endless money machine.
You may note that games today are still being ruined by the same forces.
- Comment on PC gaming fan Steven Spielberg says he "can't do controllers," prefers keyboard and mouse 5 months ago:
Funny, the game I most associate with him is BoomBlox on the Wii. It’s a really great game, and I guess the wiimote is kind of mouse-like, particularly in that game.
He’s been involved in several games though, even had an office at EA for a while. Most famously, of course, is the original Medal of Honor. Arguably the success of MoH as a franchise led directly to Call of Duty and thus to the current state of gaming today.
- Comment on shapez 2 is a huge success selling over 270,000 in the first month, future plans detailed 5 months ago:
It’s so good! The purist expression of factory building: no costs, no distractions, just automation.
It has a great concept too in the space layer. The game is played initially on a grid like any factory game. But then you can zoom out to a higher layer where you can place chunks to define the build able area and build “space belts” which essentially codifiy the main-bus style of building. (You also get space trains, which are like trains in other games.)
I “beat” the basic campaign and hopped back over to Satisfactory since 1.0 came out, but I’ll go back to shapez when I finish there. I hope they add more complex and tricky buildings and requirements, the challenge of assembling an efficient build in shapez is just so interesting and fun.
- Comment on Delivery 5 months ago:
She’s recently switched to TypeScript and is annoyed that non-delivery drivers keep messing up her code. If people remembered to strongly type their driver objects, the compiler would have caught that error.
- Comment on Let me at 'em!! 5 months ago:
Knives are also made of atoms
- Comment on Peace at last 5 months ago:
Maybe I’m missing a joke, but just in case, please sleep on it before you commit to anything. Nothing improves after it ends.
- Comment on Peace at last 5 months ago:
Disgusting! How are you bypassing my block with this animated pornography?
- Comment on Peace at last 5 months ago:
The irony is that I’m using Voyager on Android. An LCARS skin would be great, and now I’m shocked there isn’t a Trek-themed Lemmy client.
- Comment on Peace at last 5 months ago:
We do a little trolling, as a treat, on people who rigidly hold to other, unnamed diets that are stricter, and also what they feed their pets. We do not, in accordance with the rules, bring up such arguments here.
- Comment on Peace at last 5 months ago:
Acceptable, but rare and precious