- Comment on I love the future. 1 week ago:
Barely anyone would go to the same extent as you to seek evidence. The target market are more than happy to see any citations at all.
- Comment on nope don’t like it 2 weeks ago:
Topologicall, my shirts often have more than 3 holes.
- Comment on What is the weirdest argument you’ve overheard? 3 weeks ago:
I was in Spain, waiting outside a tournament venue for Magic: The Gathering. Two guys were talking, presumably in Spanish. I knew no spanish, but I could tell the one guy was really excited, almost choking back a laugh while speaking quickly and loudly before he held out his hand vertically, swung it left and right like a table tennis paddle while loudly exclaiming “RAGARAGARAGARAGA”.
The other guy was listening closely with a completely unfazed expression.
Their conversation continued.
At that point, I started to wonder: what were they talking about? What kind of conversation could lead to that motion and that complimentary sound to be adequate? Why was the other guy seemingly so unamused when the first guy was so excited?
This happened probably around 10 years ago, and it bothers me to this day. I will never know for sure, of course, but I have yet to think of a single topic which could reasonably prompt that interaction.
- Comment on Calcrelatable 3 months ago:
I love that you bring a great technical and insightful answer and then just leave with that my calculator is probably posessed.
- Comment on Calcrelatable 3 months ago:
I discovered that hitting something like C, CE and 0 simultaneously for some reason worked as an instant power off for my school calculator. Do calculators have such hidden off-buttons? Because I have discovered other calculators with other combinations.
- Comment on Please be patient. 3 months ago:
It’s one of those things which would be pretty much impossible to prove, but it holds well with the effects we currently see. Electrons can annihilate by colliding with positrons. But the collision we see could be a single electron changing from moving forwards in time to moving backwards in time. It holds that it’s the same particle in the equations by cancelling out the minus sign of the charge with the minus sign in the time. So while we see a collision, the electron would just see itself changing charge and start moving backwards in time instead.
It’s a beautiful hypothesis, and fills me with chills to think about the electron “experiencing” all of history an unimmaginable amount of times.
- Comment on Google looks to be fully shutting down unsupported extensions and ad blockers in Chrome, such as uBlock Origin – which might push some folks to switch to Firefox 4 months ago:
Unfortunately, yes.
- Comment on I have the weirdest aesthetic preferences 4 months ago:
I’m also bothered by very detailed QR codes. Milk cartons in my country had a QR-code for their website. It would be a ~10 letter url, maybe with a short path. But for some reason, the QR code was extremely detailed, as if it contained several kilobytes of data. I’m not sure if there were a large number of tracking-related parameters in the url, but it was very obviously unreasonably large.
- Comment on Home Depot 5 months ago:
My VW Passat hybrid has carried more material on the roof rack than I’d be happy to admit.
- Comment on Black Widows 5 months ago:
It’s like almond milk, oat milk or soy milk. But when milking spaghetti, the liquid is so clear that we just call it spaghetti water.
- Comment on Launches 5 months ago:
Gravity assist with one of the larger planets to make a very narrow orbit seems to be the most efficient way. But you need the planets to align correctly to have an efficient route.
“I’ll launch you into the sun once there is an appropriate transfer window to Jupiter” just doesn’t have the same ring to it.
- Comment on Launches 5 months ago:
The vessel would still have a lot of speed after escaping earth’s orbit, so the trajectory would become a large orbit around the sun. You still have to slow down by about ~30km/s (or ~100 000 km/h) to make that orbit intercept with the sun’s surface.
- Comment on Burning Up 5 months ago:
In Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves, the number of thieves wasn’t really necessarily 40. The number was likely just chosen because 40 was an exaggerated number, much like when we’d say “I’ve told you a hundred million times”. So 40 as a shorthand for “a huge amount” seems fitting in celcius.
- Comment on Linus Tech Tips uploaded a video showing how to block ads on Youtube. Which was removed by Youtube for community guidelines violations. 5 months ago:
All of their thumbnails are unfortunately click-baity. They spoke about ut in an older video. Apparently, the click-baity images drive too much traffic for them to justify something more subtle.
- Comment on Mandalorian 6 months ago:
I just don’t get why Disney would go to that extent when the lawsuit should have easily been disregarded as not applicable to them. Digging up an old Disney+ membership to find some terms which could apply seems like a terrible PR move for their service.
- Comment on Sign of the times? 6 months ago:
Yeah, that’s a good point.
- Comment on Sign of the times? 6 months ago:
I really don’t have a clue, but calculating averages might yield results which don’t represent a directly applicable value. If some people lose tens of years due to dramatic complications, it could weigh up a lot for people who barely lose any life length.
Again, I’m just guessing wildly, but anything which scares people away from smoking is good in my opinion.
- Comment on Sign of the times? 6 months ago:
It’s a very rough approximation which was used in anti-smoking campaigns, at least in the 90s/00s.
- Comment on Sign of the times? 6 months ago:
When you want to create the atmosphere of the 60s without having to smoke anything yourself?
- Comment on Sign of the times? 6 months ago:
One inhalation on a single cigarette is said to reduce your life by 7 minutes. How does this apply here? Is the scale linear or exponential?
- Comment on obesity 6 months ago:
There are a variety of reasons, and of course there exists people who are in full control of their weight, but decide to not do anything about it. What I’m hinting at is that there are also a lot of people who suffer with deeper psycological issues. We don’t really tease depressed people with nick names and expect them to just snap out of it at any time. Hence I feel like we should generally treat heavier people with respect instead of assuming that it’s their active choice.
- Comment on obesity 6 months ago:
Yep, the same way people can take full control of their depression, alcoholism or other psycological issues. It’s all about just rolling up those sleeves and deciding not to have the issues. So we can safely assume that all heavier people are a result of them actively choosing to become heavy, so we should always treat them as such.
- Comment on Could President Biden fully legalize cannabis before he leaves office? 7 months ago:
It’s like that scene from The Office where Michael declared bankrupcy by exclaiming it loudly and clearly in the office space.
Except in this case, it’s exactly how it works.
- Comment on What is a stupid question? 7 months ago:
I’ll have a go at this.
“No stupid questions” is something I think is applicable to any attempt at gaining knowledge, insight or perspective. “How big helicopter would you need to hoist an ice cube to the sun to extinguish it?” Though absurd, there might be a disconnect of knowledge, and the question reveals other things which could be explained.
To me, a stupid question would be some kind of rhetoric which doesn’t seek information, but instead attempts to redicule and push own standpoints or beliefs. “Have you gotten over that religious faith yet?” or “Do you realize how dumb your political views are?”. These are examples of ineffective and condescending and will likely just leave the other person with reinforced standpoints in addition to annoyance. I find that to be a stupid approach and thus a stupid question.
I don’t really know, but it’s my gut feeling.
- Comment on "Hey Google, Turn my balls off" 7 months ago:
The stereo starts playing Yakety Sax
- Comment on When was the last time you made Jello? 7 months ago:
I never really liked that stuff, so I believe I never actually made any jello by myself. I really don’t get why it’s popular. It looks unedible and it tastes nothing but sweet. It’s usually accompanied with pusdings or cakes which I would much rather waste some of my calorie budget on.
- Comment on The justices of the supreme court ruled that Trump was immune and effectively above the law while being president. What is now stopping Biden from bringing a gun to the next debate? 7 months ago:
So it protects official acts without actually specifying what an official act is. If incitement of insurrection is an official act, it seems like the definition is quite broad.
- Comment on The justices of the supreme court ruled that Trump was immune and effectively above the law while being president. What is now stopping Biden from bringing a gun to the next debate? 7 months ago:
That sounds both crazy and not actually wildly far fetched. If the tables were turned and Trump was in the position of having the power to declare Biden’s movement as an enemy and carry out violent ways to stop them, I would almost expect it to happen.
- Submitted 7 months ago to nostupidquestions@lemmy.world | 161 comments
- Comment on I will not be taking questions. 8 months ago:
Just to make sure to not take sides, I pronounce the ‘g’ as in ‘design’