- Comment on wrappers 3 months ago:
Amazing powers of camouflage and body manipulation are the consequences of sin? I best get sinning like a mother fucker then!
- Comment on Eat lead 4 months ago:
Engagement bait.
- Comment on UFO 50 - Launch Trailer 5 months ago:
The insane experiment paid off! This game of games is a pure expression for the joy of gaming. I’ve put some hours in just poking around, and find myself consistently pleased at everything I play. Not everything is my type of game, but they still stand out as well made and even drew me in a couple times. Warp tank was the first to really grab hold of me and I want to beat it first.
People keep saying it’s like alternate reality Nintendo, and it’s clear why just by looking at it. I think it’s more the crystallized memory of how those days felt as a gamer. The magic of sitting in front of an old zenith on a rainy day and playing that weird rental you found. UFO 50 is like the smell that triggers a powerful memory you haven’t had in decades. I can’t wait to jump back in.
- Comment on Research shows more than 80% of AI projects fail, wasting billions of dollars in capital and resources: Report 5 months ago:
Grifters grifting grifters in a death spiral of enormous scale.
- Comment on What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? 5 months ago:
That’s why I mentioned insomniac, or another dev of that caliber. It’s a pipe dream, but it’s fun to think about. Doesn’t even have to be Bubsy. Imagine rockstar taking a crack at Glover. What’s your dream team of failed mascot and proven dev?
- Comment on What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? 5 months ago:
You know what, fucking Bubsy. Let’s see another one of those fuckers. Let’s give it to a dev like insomniac though. That’s what I want to see. Let’s take something that never quite pulled it together and make that shit shine! Give Bubsy his chance in the sun.
There’s a fair amount of failed mascots that had small followings or good ideas badly executed. Instead of rehashing the already beloved, let’s see some genuine attempts to redeem some of the benchwarmers.
- Comment on What is the safest way for a partially disabled person in the USA to use prison for food and shelter as an alternative to dying homeless in a gutter on a cold rainy night? 6 months ago:
The real answer that anyone can realistically give you is to fight for your life and dont give in to despair. You can have your time to despair of course, but dont let it swallow you. Thats pretty general and beyond that, it’ll be advice to seek out programs that help which is also general and not always helpful.
Your life is your own and flavored with so many variables that internet people can only help so much. I won’t give you advice, but I will tell you who I am and maybe that will help in some small way.
I am a double leg amputee. A hip disarticulation on the left (no leg at all) and an above knee amputation on the right. I was a 35 year old professional driver with a six month old daughter when the accident that took my legs happened to me. I had no fault in it and had no way of seeing it coming. It was something I was forced to deal with. I was in a coma for a month.
I woke up to endless pain, an ended relationship that was rocky anyway and a body so weak I had to start from scratch on even basic things like opening a can of soda. I was told I would have to use a power chair because of how damaged I was. I worked to be stronger than that and I succeeded, despite my endless phantom limb pain sometimes driving me insane. I use a manual chair by choice and I can do many other things I was told I wouldn’t be able to do again. Being legless and poor didn’t even stop me from meeting my wife, who is doing crafts with my daughter next to me.
It’s been a decade since the accident and my life is more solidly grounded now then it ever was when I was able bodied. I faced enormous pain and physical challenges and still do, but I’m glad of it. It was the forging fire that revealed who I am now.
There is a you that is looking back from a decade in the future. Who do they see in you now? The beginning of some maudlin end without even a fight, or the spark that eventually became your fire? If I can get through the shit, so can you.
- Comment on What is the safest way for a partially disabled person in the USA to use prison for food and shelter as an alternative to dying homeless in a gutter on a cold rainy night? 6 months ago:
Sounds like all jails barring a shitty yard to walk in for a bit each day. The food is also often spoiled or otherwise fucked up somehow.
- Comment on I will not be taking questions. 8 months ago:
Nah. I’ll be as cringe as I please. Don’t need your permission.
- Comment on I will not be taking questions. 8 months ago:
Nothing about being an edgelord or cool. Its just not a thing that’s ever been an issue in any relationship, even ones I fucked up. It’s not even a thing I ever once heard talked about anywhere aside from the internet. It’s just a shit post argument that doesn’t matter, regardless of how you do it. Just an empty little thing people like fighting about online for whatever reason. That’s what I spit into the face of.
- Comment on I will not be taking questions. 8 months ago:
I’m happily married. Has never once been an issue.
- Comment on I will not be taking questions. 8 months ago:
I’ve never paid a single bit of attention to which way it goes on. I spit into the face of this entire debate and it’s never done me any harm to do so. I’m a cat owner too. The roll goes on either way, it’s fine, and I’ll never change my mind.
- Comment on How would you decorate this room? 9 months ago:
That’s a storage closet, very obviously so. That type of fan being located at that spot makes me also feel like this is a joke.
- Comment on Last Epoch Official Teaser Trailer | Harbingers of Ruin 9 months ago:
I’m looking forward to what they do with this little gem. I bought it knowing I would at least get a run through the story, but it ended up being my favorite arpg in a while.
- Comment on Ripperonis 9 months ago:
I was going to rip on taking a cartoon too seriously, but then I remembered getting annoyed at superwhy, which is an ABCs show for toddlers. They had an episode where they landed on Saturn, and it was sandy. I had a to give my then 2 year old an impromptu lesson on what a gas giant was and that her favorite show was fucking wrong. I was so irritated that an education show would do that lol.
- Comment on Republicans are pulling out all the stops to reverse EV adoption 9 months ago:
Why wouldn’t they? They are, after all, the craven whores who thirst for corporate donor cock.
- Comment on We can dream right 9 months ago:
No thanks. I’ve seen the rest of his movies.
- Comment on No one has predicted the end of the world in a while. 9 months ago:
It’s not a shocking attention grabber anymore. Most people are well aware that the world is in a bad spot. Some idiots still argue about why, but most of us know why. We’re in the end times. It’s not biblical and no great battle will be taking place between good and evil. It’s happening slowly, and increasingly hotter. The end is no longer nigh, it’s here. I used to hope that we’d be better, and put in my part of the work. Now I still try, but I no longer have hope for humanity as a whole.
- Comment on I wouldn't ever run into this situation because I would never leave my basement 10 months ago:
Most people know some broad stuff and understand the basic issue. When you start getting granular with just how bad it all really is, you find that most people don’t do that. It takes time and it’s a massive bummer, so I get it.
- Comment on What are y'all buying on the steam sale? 11 months ago:
Ended up grabbing Jupiter hell and wizordum. Jupiter hell is a Doom adjacent top down turn based rogue like. Wizordum is a retro fps of the hexen variety. Both games evoke nostalgia in different ways for me.
- Comment on Reddit has reportedly signed over its content to train AI models 1 year ago:
With reddits severe bot problem, it’ll be like training on unfiltered sewage. Garbage in, garbage out.
- Comment on What's your favorite game that you will NEVER finish? 1 year ago:
Bg3. It’s a fantastic game that I put 100 hours into. I’ll never finish it though because I was just done with the well put together gameplay loop. It made me realize I may be done with that genre altogether now. I’ve put uncountable hours into various crpgs, and I’ve had my time with them. I finished off with one of the absolute best. Good enough for me.
- Comment on Everything happens for a reason 1 year ago:
I don’t know. I’ve been digging into dense scientific work on the subject of consciousness. From what I’ve seen, free will as a concept is pretty much an illusion we evolved to feel.