- Comment on How do we know this is actually Earth, and not just some torture chamber in Hell and we are just being punished? 2 weeks ago:
see: Nihilism
- Comment on Equal under the law or something 2 months ago:
It’s not classed as terrorism unless there was a CEO in the crowd /s
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 2 months ago:
they’re comfortable, well paid, successful people who will never see a day in jail.
They also run the risk of getting assassinated by the people who they have exploited, so we’ll see how comfortable they remain in the future.
- Comment on If Nintendo went belly up today the retro community would have a field day 3 months ago:
Disagree with the consoles bit, with a caveat; their handheld consoles are always the best in the space (gameboy, DS, switch). I’d be up for them focusing on this and releasing their bigger games (i.e. Zelda) on better hardware.
- Comment on Is "disk" just a different spelling of "disc" or are they actually different words? 5 months ago:
Everything on the left is a drive, but only half of them are disks:
Hard Disk Drive USB pen drive Floppy Disk Drive Solid State Drive
- Comment on Is "disk" just a different spelling of "disc" or are they actually different words? 5 months ago:
This is from Hard Disk Drive (HDD), which is a Hard Drive with a Disk. Some people think the HD stands for Hard Disk, and use it incorrectly in SSD, which has no disks.
- Comment on What if? 6 months ago:
For browsers, install the addon UnHook to remove video suggestions.
- Comment on I will not be taking questions. 8 months ago:
or this
- Comment on I will not be taking questions. 8 months ago:
Can you explain why this matters for people who don’t live with deadly spiders?
- Comment on Lemmy is the best social media 8 months ago:
picking the right instance seems to be half the battle for users
- Comment on Lemmy is the best social media 8 months ago:
I’m yet to see any in the last year personally, so I guess it’s working?
- Comment on Count Binface Celebrates beating Britain First 10 months ago:
Ok, I’m completely wrong; they’re the same person. Lord Buckethead was copyrighted so he had to metamorphasize (painfully by his account) into Count Binface.
Not sure if this is a better supehero backstory though.
- Comment on Count Binface Celebrates beating Britain First 10 months ago:
Pretty sure the good Lord Buckethead only runs against the Prime Minister in general elections.
Every hero needs a sidekick for the smaller jobs
- Comment on Best TV box for connecting to streaming services? 1 year ago:
currently using a laptop and a bluetooth KB/mouse, works fine for me