Nazi peon who took bullet intended for Nazi leader turns out to be a Nazi!
Who could have seen that coming?!
Submitted 7 months ago by to [deleted]
Nazi peon who took bullet intended for Nazi leader turns out to be a Nazi!
Who could have seen that coming?!
I mean, to be fair, the Nazis killed a lot of Nazis. They really just like killing people. Kind of what they were known for, and probably what they will keep doing.
It’s a rather unhealthy mindset these creatures have.
Say what you will about Hitler, but at least he killed Hitler
If only we could find a way to make them fight each other, that’s how Nazis always eventually end up but only after killing everyone else.
Gunman was a republican, so that tracks.
Unsure if drinking-the-Nazi-koolaid type of republic, or registered-R-just-to-fuck-with-their-primaries type of republican. Should find out soon.
Not sheading any tears for a MAGAT that got popped attending a fascist wanna be dictators rally.
Who are the “lower the temperature” crowd?
The ones that have been shouting to turn up the heat for the last four years.
A whole slew of politicians from every party and every corner of the Union have more or less said “can the media and firebrand politicians chill out before we all start getting bumped off?”. I’m paraphrasing, of course.
Can’t. There’s no money in calmness and cooperation. Gotta keep people divided and fearful to keep printing fat stacks.
Seriously why is everyone surprised that other people who have to take a public political stance, and stand at a podium and trust their security, are now asking to not get killed at their job?
I don’t give a fuck what they think. They could have lowered the temperature after they started an insurrection, but they chose to double down. Now they are mad about the mere idea of someone shooting back?
It should be everyones constitutional right to own tanks and artillery. What if a bad guy with a homebuilt tank comes along?
“that there out back is my state approved 5 incher from a decommissioned deee-stroyer. The thought o’ one shot every six secn’ds keeps that neighbor kid with a YEW-kranian salvaged tee-80 on his own property line.”
Spoken with a drawl, as indicated
Let’s get some little Power Wheels size ones so children can blast their classmates.
Obviously, we need to arm teachers with TOW missiles.
Isreal likes to use these to plow in Palestinians in the West Bank. It’s highly effective.
This is about the killdozer, it has nothing to do with isreal.
„Tread on them“ aka the Tiananmen solution. Sounds like another stable genius
Dude… That is the killdozer… By tread on them he means the bullshit government officials of the town that were fucking him over.
Go back and watch the video. Tank Driver went out of his way to avoid running Tank Man down.
Wish more American beat cops would have shown the restraint of that Chinese tank commander.
Yes…but the day before was the actual incident, where they ran over dozens of citizens and covered the streets in blood. The guy who stood up to the tanks just happened to be there as they were leaving, and knew cameras were on them.
It’s not just about tank man
wow we have one of these eh
The real killdozer guy never killed anyone (though he did try, I think). Granted, abusing memes shouldn’t be a dome-able offense but like this doesn’t feel as bad as like hearing about the tenth school shooting in a year. At best, this guy died getting what he wanted - helping his corrupt criminal politician du jour get a snazzy photo op.
FTR, IIRC he did not try & he actively went around some (stupid) people that got in the way of the killdozer. He wanted to level buildings, property of all the people that he felt “wronged him”. He was stopped only when the killdozer fell into a basement, foundation & he was embarrassingly stuck like a Roomba. He then took his own life, with the gun that had precisely 1 bullet in it.
Now I don’t like this man being made out to be some kind of hero; this, too, is inaccurate. Truth is, he was a shitty businessman who was offered a lot of money to evacuate his property, make room for another development, which he accepted. And then changed his mind like a little bitch. Then he tried to get more money & was denied. Then he was railroaded via eminent domain because of course, he fucked himself & now had this property with much lower value & idk no good entryway or something (JFGI). Then he liquidated all his earthly possessions & built this killdozer…again, because he was a butthurt, greedy little bitch that went back on his word & rejected good offers…to destroy properties. But not kill people.
Even moreso, during breakdown of the killdozer the state intentionally sent the parts to many different refineries to prevent a worker or otherwise recognizing original killdozer parts and saving them as trophies to turn him into a folk hero. Specifically because he was just a butthurt bitch not some “rebel of the people” or whatever other icon someone could come up with.
He then took his own life, with the gun that had precisely 1 bullet in it.
He had several guns, with many more than “precisely one bullet.” He fired 15 rounds at tanks in a propane storage yard containing 30,000 gallons of propane, as well as several electrical transformers.
That’s the opposite of libertarian. The “Don’t tread on me” snake flag is Libertarian. And this has a killdozer on top of the snake. The imagery and wording is exactly the opposite.
It’s the opposite of what libertarians claim to be, but 100% aligned with the direction libertarianism would actually take.
The Silver Legion, one of the first groups to classify themselves as libertarian, in the contemporary sense, as opposed to libertarian-X, were supporters of Fascism. So, it is in the DNA. Claiming one thing, while working for the opposite, is just a facet of fascism.
Does everyone single human need to be put into neat little categories without any grey room at all? It’s always good vs evil! Yeah! Exactly how life works! No complexity! 🙃
I’m a Bernie supporter. Pretty liberal. I wish no one died, the shooter included. I hate Trump, but stop cheering. Why are we celebrating the end of our species? We’re all human. It’s someone’s son, or brother, or family, or friend.
Screaming into the void that people are being SO MEAN to a sack of shit whose pandemic mismanagement killed who knows how many.
At LEAST 700,000.
Where were the calls from the right to “lower the temperature” after their insurrection? In case you have not been paying attention, they have doubled and tripped down on that same big lie. Now they are putting pieces into place to do it again.
They have been fucking around calling for violence and now they are running like cowards the microsecond they think it’s not going to be one sided.
You need to touch some grass bro. Lemmy is roleplay, there’s a lot of people outside with many different opinions and perspectives. Lemmy is not a slice of the population, it’s a very biased crowd.
Is it verified that that is the actual account of the person because theirs a chance someone out there exists with the same first name and last name
Is “don’t tread on me” libertarian? I always thought it was right wing.
You’re just saying libertarian in more words.
“American lib” is a very different thing to a libertarian. It confuses the hell out of the rest of the world when you lot do that. Suddenly the conversation flips randomly, “Oh, wait they mean American libs which are actually mostly anti-libertarianism.”
There are other words to describe what American libs are. Just because they think they’re libertarian, certainly doesn’t mean you call them that.
Libertarians are basically right-wingers who also like to smoke weed and want legalization.
want legalization
Of pedophilia
Here in the US those mean the same thing. That is, “Libertarian” specifically means right libertarian for some reason.
It doesn’t even mean that, since there’s all the oppressive social rights they support. A free market may be the only common ground shared with right libertarianism, then things go wildly different
This is anti government, that is the killdozer that treaded on the local government officials.
Well, only the right wing wants less govt, and even then only certain portions
Please do point to one single instance of the right wing wanting less government at any point in the last 50 years, I’ll wait
Not really, the difference between left and right seems to mostly be where they want the government’s focus to be. Left wants to primarily regulate business focusing on reducing harm and fair treatment for workers while allowing as much freedom of choice to the individual as possible. Right wants to primarily regulate individual behavior enforcing their religious and/or ethical standards while allowing business as much freedom as possible. This is of course a broad generalization and the entire political landscape in the US has been creeping right for decades.
I don’t even know anymore lol
Just assholes shooting assholes
Wish we’d get them into a TV show: Thunderdome (or some such)
Go ahead and kill each other. Please do it in a contained area where we can watch it, if we like, but nobody outside of your murder match will be endangered.
So he was an anti-Libertarian?
Inches Matter! 7 months ago 7 months ago
It seems like you wrote your comment thinking that the post was about the shooter, when it was about the person that got shot. 7 months ago
Yeah well, we’re not losing anything of value there either. 7 months ago
Yeah, and it seems like most people replying to the post thought the same thing. The reading comprehension of users on Lemmy is worrying, sometimes. 7 months ago
Reading the post before commenting helps to not make comments like this. 7 months ago 7 months ago
I think it applies equally, the fallen victims will be held up and honored no matter what they had done, the shooter will be an evil antifa devil no matter who he was, and Trump will be the barely escaped Messiah no matter if this was a lone wolf attempt or a conspiracy 7 months ago
This post isn’t about the shooter’s politics. It’s about the bystander that took the bullet intended for Trump. 7 months ago
This wasnt the shooter. This page is of the bystander who died. He was a fire chief.