- Comment on "It seems likely Elon Musk has lost over half of the UK twitter daily audience by now" 3 weeks ago:
If that’s what you think the cause of the election results was, then you are in your own echo chamber. A democratic candidate could have come out and said they have a million dollars and a lifetime supply of Diet Mountain Dew for every voter and the MAGA crowd still would have found a reason to hate them. The problem wasn’t the democratic outreach; it was that the GOP was taking every opportunity to poison the well. You can see how it splinters their own party, because they just throw hate in all directions, but it doesn’t matter because they’ve built a “brand”. It’s the same way that Christians can give their money to the church while knowing full well that it only goes to support hate groups and pedophiles. It’s a cognitive dissonance of loving hate. The GOP built their own echo chamber out of brick and mortar, and they have sealed the entire party inside. It wasn’t that the Democrats were excluding voters, it was the voters that were excluding the Democrats.
- Comment on "It seems likely Elon Musk has lost over half of the UK twitter daily audience by now" 3 weeks ago:
You’ll notice the people who complain about the “echo chambers” are the ones that aren’t invited to the discourse.
- Comment on human anteaters 2 months ago:
I have the same thing. Maybe not quite that powerful, but as a kid I used to root out ant hills to shove sticks in and be a general terror. I thought it was normal until I started dating a girl and we went on a picnic and pointed them out saying we shouldn’t eat there. If I smash one it smells like someone opened a can of gas in the room.
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
Sounds like something a guy named Louie would think of.
- Comment on CENSORED!!!!!!!!!!1 2 months ago:
In layperson’s terms: Standing in a certain spot while holding an iron bar will stop COVID from reproducing.
- Comment on Haha SO TRUE! 2 months ago:
Every experiment needs a control.
- Comment on WD 40 2 months ago:
Like rain on a tin roof…
- Comment on Half-Life 2 is currently 100% for its 20th anniversary 2 months ago:
Hell yeah! Commentary! Looks like I’m replaying it for the 100th time.
- Comment on It's a ruff job, but someone has to do it. 2 months ago:
- Comment on It's a ruff job, but someone has to do it. 2 months ago:
I think at that point it’s just called a net.
- Comment on Capsaicin 2 months ago:
As someone who loves hot sauce and smokes menthols, I’m dubious. Maybe my hot sauce is too hot, but it will completely negate the menthol. I haven’t tried it with Altoids or anything, but I don’t know…
- Comment on ... 3 months ago:
You’re dead on. Science is a process. I can science the shit out of baking soda and vinegar to make a volcano, and I don’t need government funding to do it. What you science is effected by capitalism, but capitalism is just a scare word. No matter what you want to do, if it requires a significant amount of power or work to create your materials, a cost is accrued somewhere, and someone has to pay it, whether it costs dollars or beaver pelts.
- Comment on DING DONG 3 months ago:
And it slaps eternally.
- Comment on I have seen it so you must to 3 months ago:
Somehow an improvement to both.
- Comment on Jack Black is what happens when the class clown doesn't become depressed and instead becomes even more of a clown 3 months ago:
Lots of times when me and KG are watching All the fucking shit that goes down at City Hall We get the feeling we should fuck shit up Yeah, we should fucking start a riot A riot!
And the song continues to tell about the destruction of the government, with the implication that previous leaders are dead. It’s obviously a joke song, and when KG made the joke on stage it should have been taken just the same, but Hollywood Jack stepped in and thought about all of the movie deals he was gonna miss out on… like fucking Minecraft… Yeah. I love Jack, and I wish him the best, but I am on KG’s side, and if they haven’t fixed this shit on a personal level, and Kage comes out with some shit about Jack sucking, I’m gonna wave goodbye to the D.
- Comment on Introducing Another Metroid 64 | InDenial Game Studio 3 months ago:
I really don’t know why people announce these things. They have to know by now that Nintendo will squash anything and everything that uses their IP and/or assets. It’s like taking your first Tae Kwon Do lesson and celebrating by telling all your bullies.
- Comment on Ramsays Kitchen Nightmares. 3 months ago:
He cuts off a dude’s dick and taunts him by eating a sausage in front of him.
- Comment on Wildlife Photography 4 months ago:
Well, just feed it to the cat.
- Comment on Ubisofts stock tanked this morning ahead of the markets opening 4 months ago:
It didn’t tank this morning. It’s been going downhill for exactly a month.
- Comment on Empires fall 4 months ago:
Like the Pizza Hut turned Bank turned Chinese Food Restaurant turned Fed Ex Pack and Ship
- Comment on Alan Wake 2's next expansion is about a Control agent investigating a spooky painting - and it's out next month 4 months ago:
I wish this would come to Steam. I’m never going to give you my money for your shit storefront, epic.
- Comment on New! 4 months ago:
Fuck yeah! I can’t wait for their reunion tour, just as soon as Charlie gets back from Australia.
- Comment on How did people poop before smartphones were invented? 4 months ago:
Oh, like a poop knife.
- Comment on How did people poop before smartphones were invented? 4 months ago:
Scraaaaaaaaaaape. Ahhhhh.
- Comment on Square! 4 months ago:
That’s a Pac-lapse.
- Comment on Who is this 4 months ago:
He is holding the People’s Choice Award, and what you see are two glass pillars. Here is a better image:…/575
- Comment on Hammerheads sharkz 4 months ago:
The only thing Great Whites have going for them is their flavor in Shark Bites gummies. Basking Shark is obv the best.
- Comment on That explains it. 4 months ago:
Truly, sometimes the simplest explanation is the truest.
- Comment on I hope you don't have any plans this evening. 4 months ago:
Let’s start with a big-ass “H”!
- Comment on Facebook admits to scraping every Australian adult user's public photos and posts to train AI, with no opt-out option 4 months ago:
And how about… And how about… And how about…