- Comment on Common Ground 6 days ago:
They are allowed to join in and fix things. They shouldn’t do it for an attaboy, though. You talk about the information that they’ve been given as though they only have the one source. Willfully ingesting poison is suicide. They keep going back to the same fear mongering news sources that spout the same shit. Why? Because fear and hatred feel so fucking good. Oh, god. Like an orgasm for the soul. I’m persecuted, but look at me, I’m still standing. So, yeah, I’ll shut the fuck up. This will be my last message. But don’t make it like these fucks are the victims. They are the ones doing it to themselves. Go read a Reuters article. Check out NPR. Give APNews a glance. OAN and Joe Rogan are fucking toxins. They have all the tools at their disposal, but they refuse to use them.
- Comment on Common Ground 6 days ago:
You make the argument that this is all a new concept for people. That the issue of gay marriage or whatever is on the chopping block this week, is something that is a new topic. These topics have been at the forefront of conversation for decades now. And even if you somehow haven’t been subject to the talking heads on every media outlet for the last 50 years, there is a level of common sense that I think is necessary to even walk upright that tells you, “Hey, these people should be able to marry whoever they want, because it has zero effect on my life.”
Critical thinking is at an all time low. No one has been thinking for themselves in decades, it seems, and when there are consequences for their actions, they just think a half-assed apology is enough to get the job done, and they go one with their lives like nothing was ever wrong. I’m done with it. I’m done with the people that think that way. I don’t have a place for them in my world. I don’t want them near me, I don’t want them interacting with me, and I don’t want them to infect others with their disease.
Everyone has a right to live and a right to think what they want to think, but if you are wrong, then you are wrong, and if you continue to be wrong despite all of the evidence to the contrary, then you are a detriment to this species, and your role has to be minimized. I’m not going to advocate for taking away the rights of people I don’t agree with, but I’m also sure as hell not going to welcome them with open arms when they finally decide to come around. They can continue to live their lives, and they can do the right thing from here on out, but being an asshole that suddenly gets it right doesn’t get a pat on the back. It get’s a shrug as I continue on my way. I’ve already wasted enough time and effort on changing hearts and minds. If they haven’t got it by now, then I don’t care if they ever do.
There are others out there that need my help more than the hillbilly lifelong GOP voter. They can fend for themselves. I’m not going to waste a breath on them when I am too busy fixing all of the shit they’ve been breaking. If they want to do good, great, get a hammer and some nails and get to work. If they don’t, fine, just stop kicking out the supports we are trying to build to keep everyone else safe. Being a good person doesn’t get a participation trophy. It doesn’t even get weekends off. It’s the baseline. It’s the expectation. If they can’t meet it, kick rocks.
- Comment on Common Ground 1 week ago:
Where do you draw the line? Let’s start at telling others what they can do with their bodies. Let’s start at denying US Citizens the right to be in the country. Shit, pick something off of the Project 2025 list and draw that line.
I’ve been wrong about things in my life, too. For instance, I ordered Taco Bell a few days ago and it wasn’t great. I didn’t suddenly feel like abolishing gay rights, though. I’m being glib. It’s OK to be wrong. You have to admit it, and then SPEND THE REST OF YOUR LIFE REPAIRING THE DAMAGE YOU’VE DONE. All this “uwu, sowwy” bullshit that comes out of the mouths of the “reformed” is worth less than what I left in the bowl after the Taco Bell. Actions are all I care about. Fix your mistake, fuck your apology.
- Comment on Common Ground 1 week ago:
The ones who are actively fucking me over are the ones that keep supporting the ones that are also actively fucking me over. Accountability doesn’t end at the ballot.
- Comment on Common Ground 1 week ago:
Are you telling me that you can be old enough to vote, but not old enough to understand the moral implications of your actions? Maybe they aren’t a monolith, but they also aren’t a microcosm. They don’t exist outside of the larger reality and then are suddenly thrust into it when they have a change of heart. As someone who grew up in a racist family from central Florida, I know exactly what it means to leave all that behind to be a better person. It doesn’t start when it’s convenient. It starts when you realize it won’t be, because it starts with realization. The realization that you aren’t doing the right thing. The realization that your actions affect others. The realization that a lot of the things you’ve known your whole life have been wrong. We are a lot more connected now than we were when I was learning all of this. There is no excuse for ignorance. The truth is right there. They are free to come to that realization whenever they want, but they aren’t going to make and friends if they sit on their hands and wait for someone to carry them out of the hole. If they voted, they knew what they were voting for, and I won’t accept any other made up reality to help them justify their actions.
- Comment on Common Ground 1 week ago:
I don’t want defectors. I can’t rely on defectors. They’ve had years–decades–to get their shit together, and they have chosen this path against better moral judgment. They are not welcome. I do not want them. As I said in another thread in this, I’m done with second chances, because their are on their hundredth and show no signs of self-correction. The straggler that jumps sides is worthless to me, because I can believe that they will do it again when it is convenient. At least the die-hards have conviction, even if it’s wrong.
- Comment on Common Ground 1 week ago:
lol. Keep telling yourself that. I’ll keep seeing the same news stories about the same right wing politicians trying to take the rights away from the same people while spouting the same lies. Then, I’ll hear the same family members and old high school acquaintances repeating it all as though it were the literal gospel. The only time the conservative kid is volunteering to go get the ball is when they think that a minority might go get it instead.
- Comment on Common Ground 1 week ago:
That is a cop out. You either take a stance or you don’t. It is binary. If your choice of “fiscal conservatism” or whatever other blanket term you want to use also includes systemic racism, misogyny, and homophobia, it doesn’t matter to me if you “don’t believe in that”. You still voted for the person that does, and that makes you just as bad.
There is no “nuance”. Anyone that tells you that is only trying to get your vote. There are people who’s lives are on the line. Those are who we vote for. Trickle down rights don’t work any better than trickle down economics. We vote for women’s right to choose. We vote for freedom to recognize your own sexual identity. We vote for safe havens for those seeking shelter from the storm. We vote to help our fellow human, because if we don’t, then we have lost what it means to be human.
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” -Helen Keller.
When a conservative leader wants to separate humans into groups like cattle, they are the enemy. It doesn’t matter what your policy is, if it hurts my friends, it makes you the antithesis to my very being, and if you don’t feel the same way, you are on the wrong side of things. I didn’t vote for Trump because I can’t vote for Trump. I also can’t vote for any other conservative, because they are all culpable. They are all responsible. They are all accountable.
- Comment on Common Ground 1 week ago:
I don’t want 180s. I don’t want wishy-washy. I don’t want fair weather friends. Why? Because they are untrustworthy. Oh, you flipped 180 and support trans rights now? How long until the next grifter comes along and scares you into thinking the drag community is stealing children? Oh, you’re good with minorities having rights? Are you gonna feel that way the next time some old white man comes along and tells you they are bringing drugs into the country?
I’m sure you’d love to say that you’ll stand by your convictions, but history has show that you won’t. Repeatedly you have changed your positions. Repeatedly you have flip-flopped. I don’t care about you, anymore. Truly. Believe whatever you want to believe, just please do it quietly.
- Comment on Common Ground 1 week ago:
How many times do I forgive the person who keeps kicking me in the face?
- Comment on Common Ground 1 week ago:
Yeah. Definitely don’t need to take an responsibility for your actions. You can be both wrong and lied to. It’s not like there wasn’t 4 years of this already and a very large group of people telling you what was going to happen if you repeated your past mistakes.
But no. Keep on blaming others for your fuck ups. No one is perfect. No one can blame you for this mess.
Fuck you.
- Comment on Henry Symeonis 1 week ago:
- Comment on Oddware: Cadet PC Radio AM/FM tuner card with RDS 1 week ago:
I’m such a fucking slut for weird tech. I want this, even if I don’t have a pci slot for it.
- Comment on chat is this real 🤔 2 weeks ago:
Better than the other one.
- Comment on It’s the right color 2 weeks ago:
It’s the final episode of “It’s Florida, Man”, if anyone wants to see the whole story.
- Comment on Eatin’ on the roof 2 weeks ago:
Next to a water treatment plant.
- Comment on AI chatbots unable to accurately summarise news, BBC finds 2 weeks ago:
Which is hilarious, because most of the shit out there today seems to be written by them.
- Comment on America calls for aid 3 weeks ago:
There was a Fiat on fire on the side of the road earlier. Italy answers the call!
- Comment on Don’t panic, but an asteroid has a 1.9% chance of hitting Earth in 2032 3 weeks ago:
Jesus is coming back and he’s pissed…
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Hey! Look at this comment! It didn’t fucking need to exist. At all. Ever. What the fuck.
- Comment on I am required to pay taxes to the US government, not elon musk running a fraudulent government agency, why should I pay? 3 weeks ago:
And I’m also aware of how much it will completely fuck you over if you do it.
- Comment on I am required to pay taxes to the US government, not elon musk running a fraudulent government agency, why should I pay? 3 weeks ago:
You are giving false equivalency arguments. You are equating Musk’s abilities to some direct link in your taxes, as though the 25% you pay each paycheck is funding him. It isn’t. It is still funding garbage collection, national parks, welfare programs, and other critical infrastructure. Your taxes haven’t started going to new places. They are doing the exact same thing they have always done. You are being reactionary, and it comes off like you are either 15 years old and just learning about taxation, or 55 and learning about Libertarianism. Get a grip on yourself, realise that there is still work to be done, and being an infant about this shit isn’t doing anything but wasting people’s fucking time. If you don’t want to pay taxes, don’t. But don’t lie and say it’s about Musk. It’s selfishness. It’s because you can’t manage what money you have, and you think that little bit extra is going to make a difference. It won’t, though. You’ll still be broke because you spent all your money on weed and black light posters.
- Comment on I am required to pay taxes to the US government, not elon musk running a fraudulent government agency, why should I pay? 3 weeks ago:
You are free to do whatever you want to do, however, there are consequences to your actions. If you believe that the US government will collapse and there will be no one to start garnishing your wages when you don’t report your taxes, then by all means, stop paying them.
Your reaction is “reactionary”, though. You come across as though you are looking for a reason to not pay taxes, and you think you’ve found one. Instead, you should be looking for ways to correct the problems you see. If you don’t like Musk, then find ways to undermine him. Refusal to pay your taxes isn’t it, though.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
I’m in the “make up an excuse and don’t show up” camp. If I went to a friend’s family gathering and my friend tried to pawn me off on a relative with a conversation starter, I’d probably have to leave. I don’t go anywhere without an exit plan, and I’ve been known to dip out of restaurant waiting areas because it was too crowded to be comfortable while I wait. Last year I skipped a concert for my favorite band that I paid extra to get the VIP passes for just because I couldn’t even think about being in the crowd. Social anxiety is a real problem, and I appreciate you giving some input on how to help others deal with it. I’ll add by saying that if you know a friend has a hard time with it, be upfront and ask them if they are comfortable with the situation BEFORE the get together. Let them know if you will be there with them the whole time, or if they will be flying solo. I don’t not want to go to social gatherings, I just need to have my ins and my outs sorted before I dive headfirst into one.
- Comment on "It seems likely Elon Musk has lost over half of the UK twitter daily audience by now" 1 month ago:
If that’s what you think the cause of the election results was, then you are in your own echo chamber. A democratic candidate could have come out and said they have a million dollars and a lifetime supply of Diet Mountain Dew for every voter and the MAGA crowd still would have found a reason to hate them. The problem wasn’t the democratic outreach; it was that the GOP was taking every opportunity to poison the well. You can see how it splinters their own party, because they just throw hate in all directions, but it doesn’t matter because they’ve built a “brand”. It’s the same way that Christians can give their money to the church while knowing full well that it only goes to support hate groups and pedophiles. It’s a cognitive dissonance of loving hate. The GOP built their own echo chamber out of brick and mortar, and they have sealed the entire party inside. It wasn’t that the Democrats were excluding voters, it was the voters that were excluding the Democrats.
- Comment on "It seems likely Elon Musk has lost over half of the UK twitter daily audience by now" 1 month ago:
You’ll notice the people who complain about the “echo chambers” are the ones that aren’t invited to the discourse.
- Comment on human anteaters 2 months ago:
I have the same thing. Maybe not quite that powerful, but as a kid I used to root out ant hills to shove sticks in and be a general terror. I thought it was normal until I started dating a girl and we went on a picnic and pointed them out saying we shouldn’t eat there. If I smash one it smells like someone opened a can of gas in the room.
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
Sounds like something a guy named Louie would think of.
- Comment on CENSORED!!!!!!!!!!1 3 months ago:
In layperson’s terms: Standing in a certain spot while holding an iron bar will stop COVID from reproducing.
- Comment on Haha SO TRUE! 3 months ago:
Every experiment needs a control.