Why are you reading this? Go do something worthwhile.
- Comment on Developer of WalkScape (the fitness MMORPG where you progress by walking IRL) here again. We're accepting new players and have a Lemmy community! 2 months ago:
Same! Without smart watch support, it’s a great game. With it, it will be incredible.
- Comment on M4 Mac Mini Power Button Has New Bottom Location 4 months ago:
And a $199 stand for it, sold separately.
- Comment on That hurts a little 5 months ago:
Crazy to know that Cleopatra was born closer to the creation of Halo: Combat Evolved than to the Great Pyramid of Giza.
- Comment on I'm the developer of WalkScape, the RuneScape inspired fitness MMORPG where you progress by walking IRL. We're now accepting more people to the Closed Beta! 6 months ago:
As a person who hates phones, I love this game. I got accepted into the beta a week or two ago and having a game that doesn’t require me to touch my phone all the time is my favorite thing.
The only thing that would make it better is integration with other smart device step counters. Being able to play (more like progress I guess) a phone game while not even carrying my phone would be hilarious. I am sure you’re getting hounded by people about this non-stop.
- Comment on What has he done to deserve this? 6 months ago:
Poster shows the metric system giving Uncle Sam giant balls of steel?
Imperial emasculates.
- Comment on Halo on Paramount+ has been canceled after only two seasons 7 months ago:
Truly one of the worst adaptions ever made. It’s astonishing that people might have actually tried and worked hard to make this heap of garbage.
Usually, in trash movies/TV you can see the vision at least and understand how maybe studio executives, or lack of technology, or even lack of ability destroyed the project. The kernel of what originally sold it is still there. But with Halo, I didn’t see any of that. Everything was bad. Nobody cared, and nobody tried.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Obviously, we need to arm teachers with TOW missiles.
- Comment on Eat the rich? 8 months ago:
It’s an interesting stat. Is this individuals or households? Is it “head of household” or is it also counting minors?
Regardless, there’s enormous disparity.
The median wealth in India, according to Wikipedia, is $3755. There’s probably hundreds of millions of people there who fall into the less than $380 category.
Again, Wikipedia, but Africa has just over 700M inhabitants with a median $1242 wealth. That’s $879B. For everyone on the continent. 8 people have 1.5X more wealth than an entire continent full of people.
But maybe it’s not 3.6B people. Maybe it’s 3B or only 2B people. It’s still not OK.
- Comment on Mean world syndrome has reacted a fever pitch. 9 months ago:
Nah, the choice is between a being that will likely leave you alone and one that likely won’t. Most people who aren’t seeking contact want to be left alone. Interestingly enough, most bears want to be left alone too. As people, we need to allow others the distance and boundaries they want. The best way to befriend someone is to make them feel comfortable around you. Space and respect are important.
If a woman prefers the bear, maybe consider treating her like one. Treat her with respect, don’t make sudden movements, give her space, don’t mess with her cubs, and don’t pressure her into going to a local bar with a really neat vibe.
- Comment on Is Boeing in big trouble? World's largest aerospace firm faces 10 more whistleblowers after sudden death of two 9 months ago:
I mean, if the choice is instant, painless death or decade after decade of your parents asking why you don’t own a house, I guess death is fine?
- Comment on This was the first result on Google 11 months ago:
Nah, it’s definitely easier during a tornado to go outside, jack up my car, remove the wheel, remove the wheel liner, and then pull the battery from inside the bumper because that’s a really convenient place to keep a car battery. Then I just have to lug the battery inside, hook it up, and keep 2 small children and 3 dogs away from it. Much easier than a generator.
- Comment on Relationship advice? 1 year ago:
Tell me you’re a 44 year old man with a Messiah complex who spends his Friday nights trolling college bars for girls his estranged daughter’s age without telling me.
- Comment on Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide 1 year ago:
I really liked the side quests though. It felt like every single one involved going to a cave, finding out the NPC’s friend/relative was dead, and then report back. It definitely didn’t get old after the first dozen or so.
Also, the Merlin trials were great. Hundreds of locations, but only like 6 different puzzles.
I haven’t played a game where the devs copy/pasted that much in a while.
- Comment on YSK: Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuit mix makes fantastic waffles. 1 year ago:
It does make a waffle sandwich. They aren’t bad.
But, it takes about 10 minutes to cook, then 5 minutes to get hot enough to make another. So if you’re just making it for yourself, it’s fine. But if you’re wanting to make them for like more than 2 people, it’s a problem.
- Comment on Hmmm... 1 year ago:
So if a Cybertruck runs me down in a crosswalk, does my newly widowed wife sue Tesla or Apple?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
The fact that ads are so intolerable is the problem. I understand that much of the internet being free is because of ads. But we went from the early days of the internet where ads were malicious, active annoyances to the modern internet where ads are malicious, passive annoyances. Clicking on an ad no longer ruins my afternoon with a virus, but it does log and sell my data to the highest bidder. Nearly every ad on the internet is in bad faith.
Until we have better ads, I will block absolutely everything I can.
- Comment on Reddit Falls Short of Ad Growth Targets Ahead of Likely 2024 IPO 1 year ago:
I feel like this was definitely the case in small subs where the main content generators were also mods. The ones who didn’t straight up leave became uncommitted. Places like Askreddit didn’t change, but smaller communities are pretty dead.
- Comment on The Jebus Said So. 1 year ago:
- Comment on Google Promises Unlimited Cloud Storage; Then Cancels Plan; Then Tells Journalist His Life’s Work Will Be Deleted Without Enough Time To Transfer The Data 1 year ago:
The problem here is that Google’s “unlimited” plan was real, but it was for the G-Suite Enterprise product, which they discontinued. Two years ago, they started moving everything and everyone to a new product offering, Google Workspace. The Enterprise plans there have unlimited* data, and that asterisk is important, because it specifies that unlimited is no longer unlimited, which is dumb. It’s a pool of data shared between users, and each user account contributes 5TB towards the pool, capping at 300 users. From there, if I remember correctly, additional 10TB chunks cost $300/month.
I feel bad for this guy, but the writing has been on the wall for years now. Google has changed their account structure and platform costs to discourage this type of use.
- Comment on Google Promises Unlimited Cloud Storage; Then Cancels Plan; Then Tells Journalist His Life’s Work Will Be Deleted Without Enough Time To Transfer The Data 1 year ago:
Just some advice to anyone who finds themselves in this specific situation, since I found myself in almost the exact same situation:
If you really, really want to keep the data, and you can afford to spend the money (big if), move it to AWS. I had to move almost 4.5PB of data around Christmas of last year out of Google Drive. I spun up 60 EC2 instances, set up rclone on each one, and created a Google account for each instance. Google caps downloads per account to 10TB per day, but the EC2 instances I used were rate limited to 60MBps, so I didn’t bump the cap. I gave each EC2 instance a segment of the data, separating on file size. After transferring to AWS, verifying the data synced properly, and building a database to find files, I dropped it all to Glacier Deep Archive. I averaged just over 3.62GB/s for 14 days straight to move everything. Using a similar method, this poor guy’s data could be moved in a few hours, but it costs, a couple thousand dollars at least.
Bad practice is bad practice, but you can get away with it for a while, just not forever. If you’re in this situation, because you made it, or because you’re cleaning up someone else’s mess, you’re going to have to spend money to fix it. If you’re not in this situation, be kind, but thank god you don’t have to deal with it.
- Comment on A Novel Approach to Yotube Ads 1 year ago:
I don’t know. I bet it has been pretty effective, but I also don’t think I’d trust any data I’d see from Google.
But, their goal isn’t to get you or me to watch ads. Hell will freeze over before I spend 30s watching an ad for a video that’s barely double that. Their goal is to target the people we’ve installed ad blockers for: friends, parents, siblings, in-laws.
I’m not going to watch ads, and I sure as hell am not going to click on anything, but my mother in law does now. My mom does too. They now feel like an ad blocker is “too much hassle,” so Google won that fight. I don’t know if new people are installing, updating, or changing ad blockers enough to offset right now.
- Comment on Right-wing influencers pledge to bail out Elon Musk after Apple, Disney, others suspend advertising on X 1 year ago:
Eh, but you can pay most 9 year olds to say anything, even dumb stuff, just like the elongated muskrat. You just have to give them cash.
- Comment on Apple has a memory problem and we're all paying for it 1 year ago:
I can’t believe that Apple would do this. It’s so not like them to cripple great machines with one horrendous bottleneck. Like could you imagine if they released an iMac in 2020 that they sold until the release of the M1 iMac that had a 1TB hard drive in it as a boot device? That’d be insane.
- Comment on What makes a bicycle so expensive? 1 year ago:
But even that was kind of cheating. I think May had the Mercedes 300D, which is probably the most reliable car ever made, and Hammond had an Opel that had already survived 50 years there. The only one who really struggled was Clarkson in the Lancia, which makes sense.
- Comment on Mike McMahan Calls On Fans To Help Keep ‘Star Trek: Lower Decks’ From Facing The Same Fate As ‘Prodigy’ 1 year ago:
No, because the market has become so fragmented, no streaming services are profitable, so there’s no show on one that will ever last. Average shows last on TV channels because of ads. A medium performing TV show can last forever on TV with ads. A medium performing TV show on a streaming service gets canceled after a couple seasons to transition resources to a new show. They’re looking for that next big flashy thing to draw subscriptions.
In the current broken system, the only options are to continually churn shows, or push ads on streaming services. Both are happening.
So, if you pirate a TV show today, you aren’t killing it, and you aren’t part of the problem. Paying for the service won’t keep the show around, and not paying for it won’t kill it either. The show is already dead, you’re just not forking over your hard earned cash for a bite at its dead corpse.
- Comment on Mike McMahan Calls On Fans To Help Keep ‘Star Trek: Lower Decks’ From Facing The Same Fate As ‘Prodigy’ 1 year ago:
To the room full of millionaires out there who think I’ll spend $14.99/month indefinitely on their shitty platform to watch a better than average Star Trek show:
Ahoy matey.
- Comment on Yelp Asks Court To Stop Texas AG Ken Paxton From Suing Them For Warning Users That Crisis Pregnancy Centers Are Scams 1 year ago:
I’ve done volunteer work at a couple, but all we really did was pickup and distribute donations. I was a dumb teen, so they may have done more, but at a base level they just seemed like a Goodwill that doesn’t charge, but only deals with diapers, formula and stuff like that. If I were struggling to make ends meet and needed diapers, they’re one of the first places I would call.
- Comment on Smartphone sales down 22 percent in Q2, the worst performance in a decade 1 year ago:
Bad, non-consumer centric marketing forces poor changes. We could invest in all day battery life, or we could make the frame out of titanium. Titanium is easier, so boom, done! Do you want a headphone jack, or do you want a slide in the presentation that says the phone is 0.2mm thinner and 5g lighter? Done! Sleek, elegant, thin, sexy, but no headphone jack.
Nobody makes a phone with the consumer’s convenience and experience in mind anymore. They make things without microSD card slots to drive subscriptions to their cloud platform. Instead of selling me a $60 battery I can change myself, they parts lock all pieces of the phone. It’s totally anti-consumer, and I don’t understand why. If someone released a stylish flagship phone right now with headphones, microSD, good battery life, and snappy performance, they’d trade wireless earbud and cloud platform sales for straight market share. How is that not worth it?
- Comment on What do you think of framework and their methods? 1 year ago:
I got one of the first gen models, and I have been totally sold ever since. Yeah, there are laptops with more ports, but it’s harder to find a laptop with a wider variety of ports.
I love that the laptop is customizable and totally serviceable. As someone who has been dismantling and fixing their own laptops for a long time, watching the industry get more and more unfriendly has been disheartening.
Framework is a breath of fresh air. Even if they fail eventually, I will still be happy to have given them my money because this is an incredible laptop. Excited to see the 16.
- Comment on YouTube and Reddit are sued for allegedly enabling the racist mass shooting in Buffalo that left 10 dead 1 year ago:
I primarily watch woodworking or baking content on Youtube. I feel like the far right content is super prevalent with Shorts. I’ll watch something like a quick tool review, and the next video will be someone asking folks on the street if it’s ok to be white. What color you are isn’t your decision, but what you do every day is, and being some dumbass white kid accosting black tourists in Times Square for shitty reaction content is just gross.
It doesn’t matter how often I say I dislike the content, block channels or whatever, Youtube has just decided it’s going to check in from time to time and see if I want to let loose my inner Boomer and rage with Rogan.