- Comment on LOCK EM UP 7 months ago:
That sounds like a fair thing to ask for.
- Comment on LOCK EM UP 7 months ago:
So cops are good as long as they do what you want?
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
This is anti government, that is the killdozer that treaded on the local government officials.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
This is about the killdozer, it has nothing to do with isreal.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Dude… That is the killdozer… By tread on them he means the bullshit government officials of the town that were fucking him over.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
Just realize however you feel that is how people like me feel when you do middle school insults.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
Yeah, lemmy kind of sucks if you dont just repeat the lines you are supposed to. I am not a trump voter, the closest thing would be libertarian, but I dont like their candidate either. I dont think trump was particularly good president, but all the rest have been so bad its not a high bar to be better than Biden and Bush. I just mainly get annoyed that 80% of the things that get said are just lies or misleading, and if you point that out people freak the fuck out.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
If an NPC in a game you were playing insulted you, how would you fee?l
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
Or its totally true and you guys just are believing the lies. Remember how they were telling us that Biden was perfectly fine and had no real health issues?
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
Thats fair, but I dont really care about how much they care.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
If you are actually wondering; because most of the things you listed are exaggerations, false or not proven. They like trump because he is funny and actually goes against the people they dont like.
The main reason the common man should like him is because most of the people in power hate him and will do anything to stop him from getting elected. Unless you are super aligned with the elites agenda.
- Comment on President 360 No Scope... 8 months ago:
Are you really not aware of how presidents have been doing whatever they want for decades? The supreme court didnt make any new rule, its just ruling on what has been happening forever, and you are just reading headlines and believing the propaganda.
- Comment on President 360 No Scope... 8 months ago:
Yes you are correct, he just signed off on it, and allegedly they were trying to kill someone else. I am just pretty skeptical that this wasnt some kind of message from the CIA that they will kill whoever.
- Comment on President 360 No Scope... 8 months ago:
Sure allegedly it was to kill someone else that wasnt him, but it sure seems like they just “by chance” killed the son a couple weeks after the father “on accident”.
But think of it outside of the propaganda; the president was allowed to blow up the wrong person (that happened to be an american minor in a family that had the father killed a couple weeks before) in a country that we are not at war with.
- Comment on President 360 No Scope... 8 months ago:
Obama literally did kill an american 16 year old in yemen, so this is nothing new.
- Comment on Casual reminder 8 months ago:
So you have time to get into conspiracy theories but not respond to someone with a different opinion… Sounds great!
- Comment on Casual reminder 8 months ago:
When you see someone on the right claiming a thing that sounds crazy, that is literally you with that website you linked. Its so weird that stuff works on you guys.
- Comment on Casual reminder 8 months ago:
Holy conspiracy theory dude… “In a picture trump tweeted, if you turn it sideways and raise the light levels you will see a ghost image of hitler in the picture behind his head!”
- Comment on Casual reminder 8 months ago:
Please tell me exact things he has done that have been like hitler? I need direct examples of things he has actually done directly.
- Comment on Casual reminder 8 months ago:
Are we really going with the trump is hitler thing again?
- Comment on Rock Eagle Flag 8 months ago:
You can look down on gun owners and disparage them all you want, but it is irrelevant to what I mentioned. Let me put it more concisely - the benefits to taking away peoples guns will have 100x or more worse impact from trying to take away guns. It literally would not work.
- Comment on Rock Eagle Flag 8 months ago:
Its silly if you dont know people with guns and how many they have. I really do think its a cultural thing and you just are not aware of the other people. Cue “I grew up around guns and…”
- Comment on Rock Eagle Flag 8 months ago:
Its not short quips its unsurmountable facts. It doesnt even start to get into deeper arguments about what people should or shouldnt be allowed. Its literally impossible to take away guns without huge country destroying impacts.
- Comment on Rock Eagle Flag 8 months ago:
I explained why you cant in a concise way and your response is the standard NPC mockery.
- Comment on Rock Eagle Flag 8 months ago:
We have too many guns, all you will do is take away guns from people that are not going to do anything wrong, and then make tens of millions of law abiding people into criminals.
- Comment on But how would they be able to live on that? 10 months ago:
When did I say the government is slow? The government is just the most inefficient by nature of how business works. Large corporations are also inefficient, but they tend to be propped up by the government so they dont need to be efficient.
- Comment on But how would they be able to live on that? 10 months ago:
I agree a little bit, but the government tend to be a mechanism to take from one person and give to another. And in regards to america, the money goes directly to killing people all around the world.
If you want to give more money in taxes, why dont you give it away to charity instead?
- Comment on But how would they be able to live on that? 10 months ago:
Do you think that it wont get expand to the point where it harms you too? Do you think the government would do good things with the increased revenue (if it actually got increased revenue)?