- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
Well, I have to defer to the conclusions of neuroscientists in the papers I have read, and what my neurologist has told me. You can go and peer review research, if you would like, though.
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
From what I have read studies do not show it, however it is believed it does happen because, when the data in those studies is extrapolated for 60+ years, it shows that it should contribute to it, at least
So, yeah, seems too, but it really isn’t a factor worth worrying about
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
It does do this. However so does ageing, low sunlight exposure, low altitude, ethnicity, sex, nutrition, neuro-divergence, cell phone use, EM fields… you get the idea.
- Comment on Good News! 3 months ago:
Yes, Trump has always been open about his penchant for domestic violence.
I was talking about Donal Hall Sr., the owner/director of Hallmark though.
- Comment on Good News! 3 months ago:
Hallmark Boss Assistant: “Donald, you are worth 3 billion dollars, your wife never cooked, you have staff that runs your household. Now buy another wife, and more on, like a normal billionaire.”
- Comment on Trump confirms plan to declare national emergency, use military for mass deportations 3 months ago:
Operation Jade Helm
- Comment on ‘Do not pet’: Why are robot dogs patrolling Mar-A-Lago? 3 months ago:
try 75,000 dollars
- Comment on ‘Do not pet’: Why are robot dogs patrolling Mar-A-Lago? 3 months ago:
Boston Dynamics isn’t a musk company
- Comment on Horse denier 3 months ago:
ok Vaush
- Comment on Horse denier 3 months ago:
You can rest assured I am not a bot, as you are just a figment of my imagination.
- Comment on Comcast, Disney, and IBM Are Among Advertisers Returning to X After Ad Freeze 3 months ago:
I didn’t say it was misogyny or racism either. You made a claim with out evidence, and I told you what I have read, then asked for your counter, since you seem to have one, but now you say you don’t, so you pulled it out of your ass, just like you claim I did. Pointing out white, older, men, were the big portion of those who sat out, was to point to interests outside of gaza, namely economic ones.
I am not a liberal, I am just able to recognize that most people in the US do not actually, truly, care about gaza. I can care all I want about stopping genocide, and it wont make a damned bit of difference to the greater population around me who, vocally, didn’t vote for her, mostly due to economic reasons. Also, you are just projecting that it was YOUR strong conviction that made them not vote for her. Maybe, just maybe, you are out of touch with the fact that most of the US is not particularly progressive, or leftist. Doesn’t matter that I want a leftist system. The dominant conviction was that she dropped the ball in reaching out to people about how she intended to make their personal struggles, better.
I also don’t believe that you don’t give a fuck what I believe, I see you everywhere, arguing with everyone, about this, and adjacent issues. Then, when you can’t make a convincing argument, you call them liberals, claim you don’t care, and run off to the next argument, about this.
- Comment on Comcast, Disney, and IBM Are Among Advertisers Returning to X After Ad Freeze 3 months ago:
Everything I see about the statistics of those who previously voted biden, then sat out harris, show the largest single demographic, by far, was older white men. You have anything to counter this? The gaza sentiment, while truly more popular than the powers that be wanted to propose, is a lot smaller, when leveled against the entirety of the non GOP voting population, than progressive venues, especially online ones, want to pretend.
As an example, not a single person in my mom’s big social circle, most of which are not GOP supports, has said one damned thing about the genocide in gaza, and they talk about political issues fairly frequently, even if it is just snipes at someone. Their age/race/economic demographics make the largest portion of those who voted. In the spaces my family live in, down south, people in the their 20s are talking about politics, but gaza isn’t much of a topic, and often when it is, they openly say things to show they need to worry about home, not gaza. The ones who differ are your classic WEIRDs. This same thing holds in a lot of the region I live in, the midatlantic/midwest appalachia region. These people lost her, or at least played a major part in losing her, the election in GA, and PA. They voted mostly based on how bad economic life is for them. They voted stupidly, and are now pissed that they made it worse, but it wasn’t gaza that they gave two fucks about. The one place gaza, likely, truly damaged the harris campaign was MI, because it is second only to India, in muslim population, outside of muslim majority countries.
I think you are the victim of cultural bubble on this one.
- Comment on Comcast, Disney, and IBM Are Among Advertisers Returning to X After Ad Freeze 3 months ago:
15 million blank ballots is why she lost, but it doesn’t say why those 15 million didn’t show. If you think 15 million people, or even a majority of them, who are largely, older, white, men, did it to protest gaza, I got news for you. It isn’t just the governments, and corporations, that don’t assign value to palestinian life.
- Comment on You have 8 seconds. 4 months ago:
Don’t start talking to them with the intent to ask them out. Just see if you can get their attention, see of you can find a little bit of common ground to build a conversation on, then, if they are receiving you well over the course of your conversation, say something like “hey, I enjoyed talking to you, would you mind meeting up some other time?” or something to that effect. This works best in places for socializing, bars, music venues, hobby spaces, etc. It can be applied to more formal places, just has to happen over a broader period of time, as you get to know your coworkers, or whatever.
The strong vibes of “my intent in talk to you is to have sex” is, often, what makes things uncomfortable. So, even if you can’t find common ground, or the conversation went well and she turns you down, or gives some non-committal answer, and you part ways amicably, you will have not be seen as some creep.
- Comment on The grand prize 4 months ago:
I mean, I can only estimate it’s size from the person standing next to it. From there I can use that estimate to get the volume of the cube, then the weight, then look up the cost by weight right now and apply the average.
So it would be somewhere around 1mm by weight.
- Comment on The grand prize 4 months ago:
That cube would be in the neighborhood of a 1 million dollars of tungsten
- Comment on There is only 1 choice 4 months ago:
Well, my commendations
- Comment on There is only 1 choice 4 months ago:
Pics of GTFO
- Comment on There is only 1 choice 4 months ago:
Can we instead have him dance fight his through the heart of congress?
- Comment on Linus Torvalds reckons AI is ‘90% marketing and 10% reality’ 4 months ago:
I think that is because most people are only aware of its use as what are, effectively, chat bots. Which, while the most widely used application, is one of its least useful. Medical image analysis is one of the big places it is making strides in. I am told, by a friend in aerospace, that it is showing massive potential for a variety of engineering uses. His firm has been working on using it to design, or modify, things like hulls, air frames, etc. Industrial uses, such as these, are showing a lot of promise, it seems.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds reckons AI is ‘90% marketing and 10% reality’ 4 months ago:
Idk man, my doctors seem pretty fucking impressed with AI’s capabilities to make diagnoses by analyzing images like MRI’s.
- Comment on Feds Say You Don’t Have a Right to Check Out Retro Video Games Like Library Books 4 months ago:
According to the English version of the Swedish government’s website, Sweden does have local laws though? It says there are 23 regions, with 290 municipalities, that are allowed, and have laws, that pertain only to that district/municipality. That the central Swedish government regulates their governance to make sure it adheres to constitution’s, and central government law also regulates these areas.
- Comment on Microsoft fires employees who organized vigil for Palestinians killed in Gaza 4 months ago:
It has been shifting to every waking hour for a while now. Your behavior is being monitored to a greater, and greater, extent everyday, and the big companies, that truly own the economy, are becoming more, and more, likely to take punitive actions against you for anything you do, at any time, because “as an employee you are a representative of our company”.
- Comment on Electric Boat Costs 40–50€ to Cross Baltic Sea, vs 750€ Refueling Gas Boat 5 months ago:
Oh, flying ferry is a nick name for hydrofoil, not an actual aircraft.
- Comment on Google has been blocking many tools/IP ranges that try to synchronize with YouTube 5 months ago:
YT likely recognized the IP as belonging to a commercial entity and threw up the block, due to bot concerns, over that .
- Comment on Venom vs Poison 5 months ago:
From the Natural History Museum website -
The hallmark of venom is that it’s introduced via a wound. It can be injected through a number of means, including teeth, a sting, spines or claws. ‘Poison is different as there is no wound involved. It can be absorbed into the bloodstream through the skin, inhaled or ingested,’
- Comment on Venom vs Poison 5 months ago:
The toxins are excreted through their skin, and adhere with the oils that keep their skin moist. It is a defense that keeps other animal from eating/touching them. They are not really facilitated to bite as a defense. They pull prey in, and their mouth mostly crushes, and is used to swallow.
- Comment on stop 5 months ago:
Oh yeah, for every vegan that just beats everyone around them, over the head, with their veganism, there are 100, or more, people who go out of their way to insult, and offend, vegans. I have seen far more people do things like try to slip animal products in food, secretly, to make vegans eat it, go out of their way to over indulge in meat because there is a vegan there, and just talk shit, than any vegan proselytizing.
I do think veganism has had their representation taken over by the loudest, and most obnoxious, elements, but that can be said about nearly every lifestyle, or belief system.
- Comment on stop 5 months ago:
There is a burgeoning industry of vegan pet food for cats and dogs. Though the science behind it is far from clear
- Comment on stop 5 months ago:
Vegan cat food being safe isn’t exactly an uncontested thing in the scientific/medical community.
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=vegan foods for cat…
Everything from it being very hard to balance the nutrients in these foods, in a production sense, to veterinary science not being complete on what is needed for proper diet. The foods available aren’t great, and making it yourself is generally worse. Most of the reports of the animals being perfectly fine, when allowed to be closely monitored by experts, show that, while they appear fine, they likely to suffer long term consequences to their health, and often die of them. however it takes a long time, so regardless of the average lifespan decrease, which is abstract, and hard for a general pet owner to quantify, since the cats lived for years, people assumed it was fine. There is also a lot of mis/disinformation from the pro side on the actual QOL of the animals, both because they aren’t experts to know, and, to a lesser extent, data gets fudged to support their goals. This is not to say that the same can’t be said of the con side.