- Comment on It's Never too Late 23 hours ago:
Step 3… Be given shit for being male and white by people much better off than you.
Step 4… Get no reprieve from racism and sexism because someone before your existence looked like you and was these things so it’s okay to happen to you as revenge.
Step 5… Do the one thing white males way better at than anyone else; suicide.
And hope for re-roll
- Comment on Manor Lords, the best city builder of 2024, hits 3 million sales as players continue to fill its maps with muddy medieval towns 3 days ago:
My god is it a cunt to play, though…if
your ADHD is off the chartsa perfectionist like me.I highly recommend.
- Comment on If you're falling apart at only 27 you're in real trouble 3 days ago:
so I’m not sure why you’re assuming I don’t take care of myself
If that’s the impression you got, my apologies. I was using your comment more as a soap box to preach the importance of taking care of the body and how much difference a little goes.
My bad for forgetting that, in the end, I was replying to an individual. We can call this “getting carried away”. Doesn’t devalue what I said, but I certainly could’ve been a bit more conscious of the soap box.
My only extra insight beyond your doctor’s much more valuable opinion is that doctors often focus on fixing a problem. But it’s very important to sustain a lifestyle that prevents problems from occurring. Skeletal, muscular, and the nervous system(s) are the failures of all “old injuries”. Reinforcing them and keeping them active prevents the most basic of injuries. It’s only cartridge issues that we can’t bolster, it just wears out if abused, never getting resilient.
- Comment on If you're falling apart at only 27 you're in real trouble 5 days ago:
And you’re so familiar with the online responses of 7-year olds because…?
(Someone call the cops)
- Comment on If you're falling apart at only 27 you're in real trouble 5 days ago:
I’m pretty genetically unlucky. That’s why I’ve paid attention to my diet and staying active. It was something doctors told me quite early in the journey, and they were right. Taking care of oneself goes a very long way.
A big part of it is listening to your body and pushing the limits without actually breaking it, so it gets higher. If your knees are hurting, stop. Take care of them. You’ve only got two and if you push them, they’ll die young while the rest of you has plenty more years to give but can’t now, so they decay too.
If you want to be more active, focus on your inactive parts for sale of the rest of the parts. They’ll tell you when to stop, and listen. But each time they’ll get a bit better than the last, or you’ll figure out a way to compensate for them.
- Comment on If you're falling apart at only 27 you're in real trouble 5 days ago:
That’s a very condescending and privileged take. You clearly are lucky with genetics.
Wow. What an opener.
Assumptions online generally end up with looking like a total fool. I’ll spare the backstory, but thanks for the lols
- Comment on If you're falling apart at only 27 you're in real trouble 5 days ago:
…if you neglect yourself.
I’m 40 and don’t experience any of this because I’ve remained active and eat well. I only just got into whitewater kayaking as my latest hobby and I doubt I’d have noticed much more of an edge at 27. Even with climbing, I still compete and doubt I’d notice an edge unless I was at the level of a full professional.
I think the aches occur in neglected muscles and skeletons. Like people that stinks because they’re not showering, but are weirldy okay with that.
- Comment on Tesla pulls out all the stops as Cybertruck sales grind to a halt 1 week ago:
Yeah. A wagon.
- Comment on I'll show them 1 week ago:
SmartTube if it’s an Android TV.
Download and install the APK through Downloader app or USB, only takes a few mins following instructions.
Devs keep it very regularly up to date. SponsorBlock included. Many excellent additional features making it way better at being YouTube than the YouTube app could ever be.
- Comment on [] We're #5! We're #5! 3 weeks ago:
They’re just loud. Like a terrier.
- Comment on What are the current most common symptoms of Covid? I was told about two years ago that a fever is no longer even really a symptom. Yet when I look it up on the CDC website, it shows fever is a sympto 5 weeks ago:
I ha no symptoms apart from dizziness and weird throbbing feeling in my skull and neck.
I have these right now.for.the first time in a long time, but so far test is neg.
- Comment on is feeling disrespected reason good enough to change jobs? 5 weeks ago:
Only depends if you like what you do and how personally involved you get with jobs.
- Comment on human anteaters 2 months ago:
Yeah. It sounds more like he could be Ant-Man and is able to pick up on the trails. If he can communicate with them by twreking his butt into the ground, I’m convinced.
- Comment on Does this guy win Lemmy? 2 months ago:
Winners don’t use Lemmy, but guy’s probably gets a slightly elevated self-esteem from a select few circles.
- Comment on You did it. You broken the conditioning. 2 months ago:
Oooh. I thought it was a plunger and my guy’s just got a hell of a swing.
- Comment on Playing Outside Simulator coming 2025 2 months ago:
That’d be a great game. The entire neighbourhood is warfare. Cubby building, better sticks make for better guns, gotta make alliances with the right street, and make sure the kid with the fancy bike is on your side.
“Sir, we only have 20 mins to capture the park fort! I gotta go for dinner…”
- Comment on Fired Employee Allegedly Hacked Disney World's Menu System to Alter Peanut Allergy Information 3 months ago:
No, it’s definitely hacking because that makes me a hacker with my friends sports TV subscription 👨💻😎
- Comment on Louisiana forces relocation of homeless camp before Taylor Swift's New Orleans shows 3 months ago:
Haha, yes. I try avoid the /s tag, and felt the italics did it.
- Comment on What if it's hot and I want cold regards? 3 months ago:
And this is why you don’t invited into other people’s showers.
- Submitted 3 months ago to | 3 comments
- Comment on ... 3 months ago:
In this context, you use the term “belief” very well.
- Comment on Louisiana forces relocation of homeless camp before Taylor Swift's New Orleans shows 3 months ago:
Disgusting. I hope you’re happy, Swifties.
- Comment on ... 3 months ago:
This post is discussing the phenomenon of people thinking that science is objective and rigid when in reality it is anything but.
It’s not though. That’s all you.
The irony of such a statement…
- Comment on ... 3 months ago:
I don’t want to deflate your assumption, but “Science is pure objectivity and truth”.
The assumption you introduced just added another layer on by bringing Marxism into it. And here’s the thing with that fallacy; you may be very right! But, it’s got nothing to do with the original statement anymore. It’s just going down tangents of a tangent that should be explored under their own initiative, not the blanket of “science”.
- Comment on ... 3 months ago:
It’s not literal; as the fallacy credits, neither is it necessarily wrong. But(!!!), they’re just not related.
The entire post itself, and your reply, is social science. But science is incapable of alignment to an -ism beyond supporting an idea.
- Comment on ... 3 months ago:
This is a clean example of an ignoratio elenchi fallacy.
Statement B attempts to use Statement A to make an unrelated point that isn’t necessarily untrue, but it is still unrelated.
This could be done with any combination of…
“Under capitalism, <random thing> is…”
“Under <random ism>, science is…”They would all result in a statement that supports Speaker B, but is irrelevant to what Speaker A, as the topic has changed. In this case, from science to capitalism.
I.e. It’s an anti-capitalism meme attempting to use science to appeal to a broader audience through relevance fallacy. Both statements may be true, but do not belong in the same picture.
Unless, of course, “that’s the joke” and I’m just that dumb.
- Comment on Inside the U.S. Government-Bought Tool That Can Track Phones at Abortion Clinics 3 months ago:
I’d be surprised if it lasted longer than any other socially progressive trend. A few weeks, tops, with largest proportions falling off in the first week.
This is the reality of social momentum these days. Resistance is no threat because it has extremely brief lifespan before moving onto the next thing to be a part of.
- Comment on Who all wants a silent spring? 3 months ago:
Possibly. People that have allergic reactions to venomous stings can see it for multiple insects, though it’s not common. The only way to know is testing, by whacking a stick on the nests of different wasp species and taking note if any make you anaphylactic. If you’re all good, you can be more assured it’s just bees, but nothing’s 100% certain until you aggravate the ins ct with a stick and test.
- Comment on So bad it was actually entertaining 3 months ago:
I dunno. Todd could be exaggerating…
reads reaponse
Yep, Todd probably was entertained.
- Comment on Fallout 4 is a great game with big flaws 3 months ago:
The story I hated.
I made my character based around John Coffey from Green Mile, then knowing Unwanted to drop INT and CHA for brute strength and constitution.
It’s like, if you weren’t drawn toward making a character bio based around the white nuclear family, you were never going to enjoy the intro at all, and you’d put off the main quest as long as possible to go do all the crazy shit you hit the wastelands for.
“It’s time to find Shaun.”
“No. You’ve murdered everything, you’re an absolute beast. You are all that is chaotic-neutral in the wastelands. It’s time to finally start quest 2 of the main quest.”
“But I’m not a family man! He’s not even mine! I only met that bitch at the bar the night before!!”
“Well, that’s not what the game says-”