- Comment on It's EVERYWHERE! 7 months ago:
Duuude Biden is OOOOOLLLLDDD. Old people can’t be president. I’m sure I’ll eventually be living in a cardboard box if Biden loses but he’s just so OOOOOOOOLLLLLDDDD.
- Comment on Ive bought two 7 months ago:
wtf. My last office job had 2 of these, I never thought about it before. I don’t recall ever seeing anyone use them but some corporate maintenence guy would come inspect them twice a year.
- Comment on Ive bought two 7 months ago:
It’s just not solid metal. These things are overpriced pieces of shit. I know because I used to have one. Anytime there’s a “chip shortage” these things are always marked up to be 2x as expensive too.
I think in this day and age the best way to waste counter space is to use newspaper and dirty dishes like our great grandparents used to do.
- Comment on Ive bought two 7 months ago:
I know a guy that bought one of these and they’re a piece of shit. It stopped working after just a little bit after the warranty expired.
- Comment on stap 7 months ago:
Uhm ACKTCHUALLY dna is a liberal HOAX Earth is only 2024 years old and God crested everything in 7 days because the bible says so /s
- Comment on Does anyone else have experience with koboldcpp? How do I make it give me longer outputs? 7 months ago:
Cool I didn’t know llamacpp could do gpu acceleration at all. I’m going to look into that.
- Comment on Does anyone else have experience with koboldcpp? How do I make it give me longer outputs? 7 months ago:
I think I might be on to something that contributes to the problem. The built-in “KoboldGPT chat” option puts some example queries in its context memory. They aren’t very long responses so I think it’s just seeing that and using it as a guideline for what to say which results in shorter prompts.
If I use the “new chat” option instead of “KoboldGPT chat”, it makes it so that nothing is in the context. No prompt and no memory. This way when I tell it to write 500 words of crap, it doesn’t quite write that much but it’s a lot better than before. Pressing enter to make it generate more text works more often this way too.
- Submitted 7 months ago to | 7 comments
- Comment on Sex 7 months ago:
This is old news. Scientists are already developing Sex 2.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
It should be everyones constitutional right to own tanks and artillery. What if a bad guy with a homebuilt tank comes along?
- Comment on Introducing PCSX2 2.0! 7 months ago:
I think I’ll wait for PCSX2 2.0 2 to come out.
- Comment on "Privacy-Preserving" Attribution: Mozilla Disappoints Us Yet Again 7 months ago:
Well shit. Firefox is still better because it doesn’t have the backdoor Google uses to catch and then block YouTube users from blocking ads. For now.
- Submitted 7 months ago to [deleted] | 2 comments
- Comment on Reject reality 7 months ago:
“I want something U-Proooof”
I kept singing that as “I want something youtube” until people got sick and tired enough to stop me. The original lyrics make no sense.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Fuck you you’re everything that’s wrong with society /s
- Comment on sure you can have latkes :) 7 months ago:
The government took bribes by Big Toilet Paper to ban asbestos
- Comment on Never give up 7 months ago:
- Comment on Never give up 7 months ago:
Fine then. Xbox 360 is better than ps3
- Comment on Las Vegas' dystopia-sphere, powered by 150 Nvidia GPUs and drawing up to 28,000,000 watts, is both a testament to the hubris of humanity and an admittedly impressive technical feat | PC Gamer 7 months ago:
In 2030 this will just be the standard system requirements for AAA games because optimization is hard.
- Comment on Neuralink Implant First Human Trial Progresses, Musk's Company Now Ready For 6-9 More 7 months ago:
Imagine being the 9th guy and they’re like “we only picked you so it could be a funny number”
- Comment on Unofficial Reddit API 7 months ago:
Corporations completely have the run of the legal system. Boring can murder whistleblowers and get away with it for fuck sake. Merely working on any project while trying to be as compliant as possible already has a chance for chaos. This isn’t just playing with fire, this is playing with a truck full of dynamite.
- Comment on Ayo wtf my muhfuggin BATH suppose to taste like 7 months ago:
This is too mild. Maybe I should make a reddit account and start posting about how sulfuric acid and bleach makes the best bubble bath.
- Comment on Awww, he's so cuuuuttteeee!! 7 months ago:
Exactly this. I’ll have all open source everything or I’m not using it. And I’m perfectly happy with having a 1970s era dumb home.
- Comment on This link will never lie to you. 7 months ago:
Amazing. Somebody needs to do far away horse next. Bonus points if they ever release an update to make it so that the horse is even further away.
- Comment on What is your least favorite retro video game? 7 months ago:
Spongebob typing was better
- Comment on Headlines 7 months ago:
The controversy is this. Do we REALLY want to vote for Trump who is going to take away our freedoms, dismantle democracy and probably won’t do anything to stop the genocide in Gaza anyway? Or are we going to vote for the candidate that definitely won’t stop the genocide in Gaza but will at least ensure we maintain a democracy? Its not a good choice either way but I’m voting for whichever candidate isn’t Trump no matter what. I have my own life to look out for.
- Comment on Post a prompt, have an art from this insane russian 7 months ago:
This is lemmy shitpost, so an ass taking a shit.
- Comment on Linksys Velop routers send Wi-Fi passwords in plaintext to US servers 7 months ago:
They didn’t say they’re using enterprise. Diy open source hack crap such as a ddwrt router for example doesn’t exactly fit in the “consumer” category.
- Comment on "Hey Google, Turn my balls off" 7 months ago:
An even better birth control is Arch Linux. It’s free and open source. I use Arch btw.
- Comment on Why are birds so shitty? 7 months ago:
Saran wrap and wadded toilet paper. A way to emprovise earplugs every time I forget to bring them. Fuck yes, hope that works.