Meep :3
They/She, also transer than a box of transistors! wiggles transly
Very cute, but also weird and sometimes kinda sharp
Refugee from Error (also known as kbin)
- Comment on How to get around the US TikTok ban | Tom's Guide 1 month ago:
I have to wonder if you’d have eaten Tide Pods had their consumption been made illegal instead of merely discouraged by everyone with any sense 🤔 What a doofy way to be.
- Comment on 41% of companies worldwide plan to reduce workforces by 2030 due to AI 1 month ago:
“lol AI isnt gonna take ur jobs”
It already is. I’d say that people need to stop personifying witless software (both ways!) but vapidity seems to be doing great 🤷
- Comment on For me, Cyberpunk 2077 was uninteractive and has low replayablility value. 3 months ago:
I’m a weird critter and play things differently from most, I think 😅 My greatest fun tends to be alting hard, trying nearly every imaginable build. Beat up the same jerkwad thirty times just to try out all’ the toys, that kind of thing :3 I did get annoyed at having to wait for the map to open up but I replay beginnings so many times anyway… 🤷 I wanna go back to CP77 pretty badly, too 😅 Am stuck on a laptop that I can’t imagine running it playably but even just driving around was fun for me. Helped me through a rough patch a night or two, actually.
Also liked how well-done the story bits felt, though maybe that’s partly because I was told they’re really good and just expected them to be 🤷 I do remember some bits fondly, though.
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 3 months ago:
Wow, so many posts 😵💫 Sooo I think I’ll be the one to mention ESO ^.^ I’ve got 1800 hours in that and miss it pretty bad v.v Am stuck on a laptop that can’t run it (nor much else) playably :-\ Anyway, it’s got many things to do. Three faction storylines, lots of side stuff (everything can be played at any level; people will take low-level characters into Trials and not even worry about it), crafting, character build funs deeper and more interesting than they seem, just plain wandering around peekifying all’ the Elder Scrolls places… Idunno, it just somehow kept me of all critters hooked for quite a while, which is very odd. I tend to get bored of things realquick 😅
I only have 800 hours in it but I suppose I can second (or, well, nth) Warframe? 😅
- Comment on Palworld Developer Reveals The Pokémon Patents Nintendo Claims It's Violating 3 months ago:
trying to destroy all type of emulation for Nintendo consoles
Only emulation used by others. They’re happy to kang all’ the ROMs and emulators off’ a site before destroying it for everyone else, then not even sell most of the damn things. Absurd. There’s nothing good about that, not even for Nintendo themselves.
- Comment on Deadlock on Steam 6 months ago:
Woo, maybe Shrine Wars will be coming out soonish!
… Har har! 'Used to love that game 😅
- Comment on Looks like it was a ... boobie trap 6 months ago:
Somehow I hadn’t noticed this place was transphobic. Whoopsy!
- Comment on Want to see me with the covers off, big boy? [NSFJDV] 6 months ago:
We’d best not even ask about the crab 🙀
- Comment on Choose your fighter 7 months ago:
Glock Ness Monster because I’m also not real @.@
Also, “Glocktopus” reminds me of the Locktopus from Perfect Dark Zero 😅
- Comment on Skub 7 months ago:
Brawl commences!! 😠 💢 🤜 🤯 🩸
- Comment on Skub 7 months ago:
I don’t even know what skub is but I hate it and I’d have struck first ✊
- Comment on shræmp 7 months ago:
- Comment on The taste of 🦅🇺🇲 Freedom 🇺🇸🦅 7 months ago:
Separate those six burgers, store one, eat one, give the rest to others. Unless someone needs the stored one, then give that one away too. Am not doing great but I’ll manage 🤷
… Seriously want a burger now though v.v Why’d you do this to me? 🙀
- Comment on pepper spray review 7 months ago:
I’m sure moving and one pepper spray cartridge cost about the same. I’ll not be looking this up.
- Comment on Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal 7 months ago:
You’ve got the proverbial “patience of a saint.” Shame about all’ the bootlickers around here, though. I’d thought/hoped better of Lemmy but still people’s brains turn off when they’ve chosen a team :(
- Comment on A legend has passed 7 months ago:
If it makes you feel better, I wish I were dead too 👍 This world would be better off without some people, some people would be better off without this world 🤷
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Here in the US those mean the same thing. That is, “Libertarian” specifically means right libertarian for some reason.
- Comment on “It’s sick” 7 months ago:
Would’ve been wicked sick if they’d succeeded :D
Too bad about that :-\
- Comment on Part of this complete breakfast! 8 months ago:
Iroh, Junk, Fuc… uhhhh… Fucu fish? Fucy, a name like “Lucy” but absolute garbtrash?
… Yeah okay that one’s just “Fuck.” But let’s talk about Iroh anyway! He’s way cool.
- Comment on Planetary travel guide 8 months ago:
Is that Callisto down there? 🤔
- Comment on What a Hobby 8 months ago:
That’s horrifying! I hope you’re okay!
- Comment on Just knowing Lemmy is here makes me feel better 9 months ago:
“Makes Me Feel Better” :3
- Comment on The Affordable Connectivity Program Kept Them Online. What Now? 10 months ago:
- Comment on The Affordable Connectivity Program Kept Them Online. What Now? 10 months ago:
Thanks for the ideas! May go for Tello soonish.
- Comment on The Affordable Connectivity Program Kept Them Online. What Now? 10 months ago:
Oh hey, I heard the funding for that dried up. … Because I went looking for ways to not spend $50/mo for a working phone while I’m sleeping in somebody’s closet and have no income 🙃 Happen to know people who don’t even have the closet, but I’m sure they don’t need phone service either.
[Maximum Sarcasm] I’m sure the money’s going somewhere more important, though.
Hey, how many gig workers are barely scraping by and need programs like this or everybody’s Uber Eats orders are gonna uber eat dirt? Just a thought. Maybe taking a little care of the people at the bottom who prop up everything else is kinda asinine to not do. Grr, I say.
- Comment on high energy 10 months ago:
I can’t even finish reading the list, it’s just enraging me from the beginning.
- Comment on EPIC personality test. Which personality are you?!? 10 months ago:
B often except I have neither basement nor book so I just skip those parts.
- Comment on Power-hungry AI is putting the hurt on global electricity supply 10 months ago:
[Very sarcasm] We can just burn more coal or just huck poor people into furnaces or something! Wait no, give them cars! Coal rollin’ cars!!! Why are we even pretending that racing toward extinction isn’t our goal? Embrace doom! Down with humanity! Up with constant fucking around with no regard for costs or consequences!
May I please have some painkillers before being tossed into the furnace, though :-\ Or maybe just like, toss some naproxen in after me I guess?
- Comment on What are your favorite Dreamcast games? 11 months ago:
Shenmue! :D
- Comment on mOLecuLaR maN 11 months ago:
Signed up for stress, got stress 🤷 Does exactly what it says on the tin 😅
But seriously this world’s fucked :| :(