- Comment on Now that Trump is getting real chummy with Putin where does that leave China? 6 days ago:
I like this comparison to see how they were right about different facets together.
- Comment on In a thousand years, will historians regard today as the digital dark ages? 1 week ago:
You should peep this.
- Comment on Freedumb 2 weeks ago:
Thanks for sharing, homie.
- Comment on Freedumb 2 weeks ago:
John 13:34-35
34 I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.
35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.’
This was said by Jesus before he was betrayed by Judas. This same notion is shared by many other holy prophets.
- The Buddha taught that all living beings experience suffering, and therefore, compassion should be extended to everyone without discrimination.
- The Prophetﷺ set a crucial example to the Muslims: that there is far greater value in forgiveness than in revenge. And that the remedy for injustice and the cycle of abuse is moving the community forward, as one whole, together.
I don’t want to give up on humans. I don’t want to be a bitter person. Maybe my morals will be my ruin, but if so, I know I will have lived a compassionate life of love.
As a human, I hate the actions going on in the US and around the world. As a spirit, I feel compelled to find love and champion it.
Peace be to you, homie. 💜
- Comment on Freedumb 2 weeks ago:
Matthew 25:35, separating the goats and sheep, outlines how Jesus would judge people at the end times. These are the questions:
- Did you clothe me?
- Did you feed me?
- Did you visit me in jail?
- Did you help me when I was a foreigner in a strange land?
We must show the modern hypocrisy and how people have fallen astray from their own values. They must be reminded of the values that got us here. If this book is how they truly ground their lives, then there is no way to deny it.
Either they accept Christ’s message or they don’t. I don’t care who asks these questions: they are good moral questions.
- Comment on Freedumb 2 weeks ago:
Revelations 16:2
So the first angel went and poured his bowl on the earth, and a foul and painful sore came on those who had the mark of the beast and who worshipped its image.
Matthew 23:24
Then if anyone says to you, “Look! Here is the Messiah!” or “There he is!”—do not believe it. 24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and produce great signs and omens, to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.
If people on the Right want to claim a Christian high ground, then quote the book that matters most to them.
- Comment on is telling an employee how he has to speak micromanaging? Is it toxic? 2 weeks ago:
Real answer: if you’re communicating, you want to be understood at some level. Knowing the audience changes the dynamic to fulfill that goal. If you use big words and your audience is 5 year olds, you likely won’t be understood.
If someone gave me this advice, my first reaction wouldn’t be “You’re attacking me!” It would, “Hey, thanks for the advice. Can you unpack it further for me?” In work, I’ve done well by having a growth oriented mindset. There absolutely are bad faith actors, but listening to the advice of others has helped me grow.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 2 weeks ago:
A lot of people are discussing the legal or revolutionary frameworks, but there’s a very human story to all of this. The government is run by people, and people are human. They make mistakes, backstab one another, get sick. They compete for different goals & subvert. It’s politics.
Morality is about respecting other moral agents, but it’s also about self-defeating principles. If you constantly lie, then there is no trust. Without trust, there’s room for speculation, rumor, & fear. Everyone on eggshells constantly. That’s partially why these fascist systems aren’t sustainable. However, as the world has become interconnected, so have the global elite. Fascism isn’t just here: it’s in a lot of places. There’s likely secret (and not so secret) actors pulling those strings, not to sound conspiratorial.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction in physics. Like others have said, I’m not sure about my faith in the USA, as it is today: 50 states and some territories holding “together”. The culture and economy of the Northeast is vastly different than the Southeast. The USA absolutely had its hand in much of global politics over the last 100 years. Russia was the USSR in the 80s (~40 years ago); I think this is our “equal and opposite” moment of a world power fracturing. My expectation is the USA splits up, but I’m not sure what comes next. I don’t know if that’s “screwed”, but it’s not as it is today.
- Comment on MIT builds swarms of tiny robotic insect drones that can fly 100 times longer than previous designs 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on MIT builds swarms of tiny robotic insect drones that can fly 100 times longer than previous designs 3 weeks ago:
Anal probes everywhere.
- Comment on MIT builds swarms of tiny robotic insect drones that can fly 100 times longer than previous designs 3 weeks ago:
Surveillance drones everywhere.
- Comment on YSK: Charles Lindbergh Pushed Anti-Semitic Conspiracies As Part of the America First Campaign 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on know the chain of command 3 weeks ago:
This is solipsism, which I’m finding more believable as time goes on.
- Comment on Technocracy is here 3 weeks ago:
What sort of bizarre dichotomy is this? These really are the options? Bad or morally bankrupt? /rhetorical questions
- Comment on Study of 8k Posts Suggests 40+% of Facebook Posts are AI-Generated 4 weeks ago:
Thank you real internet person. You make the internet great.
- From Another Real Internet Person
- Comment on Study of 8k Posts Suggests 40+% of Facebook Posts are AI-Generated 4 weeks ago:
I’ve posted a notice to leave next week. I need to scrape my photos off, get any remaining contacts, and turn off any integrations. I was only there to connect with family. I can email or text.
FB is a dead husk fake feeding some rich assholes. If it’s coin flip AI, what’s the point?
- Comment on Zuckerberg: The AI Slop Will Continue Until Morale Improves 4 months ago:
What is Mark has been a sentient AI for some time?
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Does everyone single human need to be put into neat little categories without any grey room at all? It’s always good vs evil! Yeah! Exactly how life works! No complexity! 🙃
I’m a Bernie supporter. Pretty liberal. I wish no one died, the shooter included. I hate Trump, but stop cheering. Why are we celebrating the end of our species? We’re all human. It’s someone’s son, or brother, or family, or friend.
- Comment on Sitting and shitting on my high horse 7 months ago:
Which came first? The AI image could be a bad render of the original picture with low quality.
There’s issues with models pushing back source material with minor modifications, which suggest they were trained on some copyrighted material. It seems like it could be the case here. Or, as you suggest, it’s a lowering of the AI quality to add a more realistic appearance.
- Submitted 9 months ago to | 7 comments
- Comment on Glorious Victory 9 months ago:
Starting off with “we’ve heard your feedback” is something I’ve never heard from an abusive parent?
- Comment on Scared the shit out of me ngl 10 months ago:
Many things are designed for engagement, so what’s your point? Some people use Lemmy like Reddit and care about internet points that don’t matter. “The rising number is designed to explode your behavioral patterns and enforce your engagement.” Instead of daily, it’s multiple times, but the point is you can paint many business models like this.
People download the app to get better at a skill. It’s designed to be effective at doing that. It’s a skill people want to learn. How is that exploitive or manipulative?
Full warning: I’ve worked in game design and F2P for like 10 years. I know there’s some personal bias, but there are much worse examples of this stuff than Duolingo or whatever. Painting good actors as bad actors is not correct.
The anecdote part at the end is irrelevant for both of us. I have the opposite experience and don’t even use this app: a bunch of my friends seem to all use it for learning languages. /shrug
- Comment on Scared the shit out of me ngl 10 months ago:
Why evil? I’m not a capitalist, but it’s a language learning company being silly; they aren’t causing massive injustice.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
I believe in UBI, but the Captain Laserhawk show made me aware of how much it could get twisted in fucked up ways. “Don’t watch this show? -$100 from your stipend this month.” I used to think things like that were fear mongering, but the world is all kinds of weird today.
- Comment on When people say the phrase "Don't hate the player, hate the game", it removes responsibility from the player 1 year ago:
Yeah, this phrase makes way more sense within the context of a game or game theory. For me, it goes back to fighting games or sports. People play to win in those settings. The rules are heavily defined, and the players must abide. These other examples are people misusing the phrase.
- Comment on Employees Say ‘Sizable Portion’ Of Gearbox-Owned Studio Has Been Laid Off 1 year ago:
It’s not as much. GaaS is the predominant model, and you make more on the LiveOps side than the launch recoup period.
Source: Developer of 10 years, x-Director at 200 person company.
- Comment on Toward a real-time decoding of images from brain activity 1 year ago:
There was a similar study reported the other day about using FMRI imagining and AI to recreate the “thought content” of someone’s brain. It required training for the AI in the person’s brain and some other training. It does seem these techniques can work with some specified models, but yeah, it doesn’t seem like hooking someone’s brain up to this would create a movie of their mind or something.
I think the more dangerous part is “This is step 0,” which this tech would have seemed impossible 10 years ago. Very strange times.
- Comment on Rivals 2 Kickstarter is up - The sequel Rivals of Aether 1 year ago:
Easy back for me. The original RoA is one of my favorite platform fighters. I’m happy to support Dan and crew for their next venture. I can’t wait till beta opens. :)
- Comment on Philosophy meme 1 year ago:
Meta ethics focuses on the underlying framework behind morality. Whenever you’re asking, “But why is it moral?” That’s meta ethics.
Meta ethics splits between cognitivism (moral statements can be true or false) and non-cognitivism (moral statements are not true or false). One popular cognitive branch is natural moral realism, the idea there are objective moral facts. One popular non-cognitivism branch is emotivism, the idea that moral statements all all complicated “yays” or “yucks” and express emotions rather than true/false statements.
Cognitivism also has anti-realism, which is there are moral facts, but they are truth/false conditional based on each person or group. My issue is you lose the ability to call out certain behavior as wrong; slavery is wrong; not respecting others is wrong. If you want to believe all morality systems are valid, meaning your morality is no better than some radical thought group’s, then go ahead. On an emotional level, speciesism level, rights level, deontological level, utilitarian level, and many more slavery is wrong. Again, some nut job doesn’t invalidate all other thoughts. That’s my take.
- Comment on Philosophy meme 1 year ago:
Half of the comments in here are a bunch of equivocations on the words.
“Objective” morality would mean there are good things to do, and bad things to do. What people actually do in some hypothetical or real society is different and wouldn’t undermine the objective status of morality.
Listen to this example:
- Todd wants to go to the bank before it closes.
- Todd is not at the bank.
- Todd should travel to the bank before it closes.
This is a functional should statement. Maybe Todd does go, or maybe he doesn’t. But if he wants to fulfill his desires, he should travel if he wants to go to the bank. The point is that should statements, often used in morality, can inform us for less controversial topics.
Here’s another take: why should we be rational? We could base our epistemology on breeding, money, or other random ends. If you think I should be rational, you’re leveraging morality to do that.
Most people believe in objective morality, whether they understand it that way or not. Humans have disagreed over many subjects throughout history. Disagreement alone doesn’t undermine objectivity. It’s objectively true that the Earth revolves around the sun. Some nut case with a geocentric mindset isn’t going to convince me otherwise. You can argue it’s objective because we can test it, but how do I test my epistemology?
This is just a philosophy 101 run around. I’m a moral pluralist who believes in utilizing many moral theories to help understand the moral landscape. If we were to study the human body, you’d use biology, physics, chemistry, and so on. When looking at a moral problem, I look at it from the main moral theories and look for consensus around a moral stance.
I’m not interested in debating, but there’s so many posts making basic mistakes about morality. My undergraduate degree was in ethics, and I’ve published on meta ethics. We ain’t solving this in a lemmy thread, but there’s a lot of literature to read for those interested.