How the hell did the character get so viral? I’ve tried watching the skits several times to see if maybe I’m missing something, but for the life of me, I can’t seem to see it. Is everyone just biased because it’s Tom Hanks? Or is it actually hilarious, and I’m just struggling to understand? Fall/Spooky season is my absolute favorite time of year, but am I just a buzz kill?
It’s a well-constructed skit – unabashedly silly, with just the right amount of ironic detachment. I love how after Pumpkins shows up, the couple just coolly analyzes the regular monsters that were making them scream moments before. The music is ridiculous, Tom Hanks demeanor is ridiculous, the dancing is ridiculous (with a dash of sexual weirness at the end). And it comes full circle with him genuinely scaring them in the end.
I do think that them doing sequels and trying to spin a mini-franchise out of it was stupid though. 5 months ago
The skit is absurd, the pacing works well, and everyone involved is clearly having fun as there are multiple close calls on breaking character. It is funny because of how it doesn’t make sense, a couple of characters are also aware of it not making sense, and then they get runaraound answers when they try to figure it out.
No comedy bit lands for everyone though. 5 months ago
Yeah, I know it doesn’t. I just genuinely don’t find it funny. I do appreciate the breakdown though, makes sense why people aside from me would like it. 5 months ago
Pretty sure Tom Hanks himself has mentioned he doesn’t understand why it’s so popular. 5 months ago
This was the perfect explanation. Thank you.
OP, says something to me that’s very clear about your sense of humor that you didn’t see any of this. There is an entire layer of humanity that you’re missing in your day to day life. That makes me sad. 5 months ago
What the fuck are you talking about 5 months ago
Seek help.