- Comment on Hardcore gaming 1 week ago:
I can see bringing the Deck, like you might be sitting there for at least 24 hours, you don’t need to be sitting there holding their hand the whole time…
But the keyboard? The mouse? The HEADPHONES? It’s not like you’re in an extended stay. You’re getting that baby out and going. You don’t need all that.
- Comment on Bi-weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 2 months ago:
I thought Unbound was marginally better than Heat but almost every character in the game is completely grating. We’re running from the cops at 100mph, stop talking about your abusive childhood.
- Comment on Bi-weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 2 months ago:
Finally started Kingdom Come: Deliverance and I’m still very much in the “Learning to play, God this controls like a monkey on rollerblades with too many 'ludes in his system” level of skill…
But, aside from that, also playing Mutant Year Zero and Peglin.
- Comment on Watching passport bros get bodied by SEA women is a complete mood. Get rekt manlet. 3 months ago:
Alright Randy Newman, take out your insecurities on them.
- Comment on How long do you think we'll keep seeing "formerly Twitter"? 3 months ago:
If we say that the accepted pronunciation of “X” is “ex” then we run into an even bigger problem than Prince’s logo.
“Ex” User says… Is this a former user of the website or current?
A user on the website “ex” is too long winded and sounds like I’m saying a hypothetical.
Users on “ex” - although shorter, X is a street name for ecstacy and user is sometimes used as shorthand for drug user (e.g. User and abuser) so why should we be listening to a cracked out party kid?
The golden ticket is “formerly Twitter” because we actually know what the fuck that one is.
I’m willing to bet there’s at least one X user on X right now.
- Comment on How long do you think we'll keep seeing "formerly Twitter"? 3 months ago:
How long was Prince “The Artist Formerly Known as Prince”?
Yeah, the rest of his life.
Twitter probably will have the same laid upon it.
- Comment on YSK that there's a better index than the BMI to measure obesity called the Body Roundness Index 4 months ago:
Look at it this way, BMI is a cross section of weight and height. I was considered “overweight” for ages because I just had tree trunk thighs from hiking and weightlifting. Like, less than 16% body fat but told I’m ‘overweight’ every time I got weighed.
The ruler was fucking wrong.
Nowadays, I’m much more of a fat fuck so the ruler is right now but only just so… I’m still under 25% when using hydrostatic!
- Comment on 3D Printable Subaru Impreza 22B 4 months ago:
Be nice if there was an easy way to just do this with any car. Like, I’m willing to get you could get a rough model with FreeCAD and some references but it’d be really cool to have a drive through laser scan or something.
- Comment on Important Metrics 4 months ago:
The whole road while taking a dash pic at 70mph.
- Comment on Logan Paul, KSI Send Truckload of Prime Hydration To N.C. For Hurricane Relief 4 months ago:
I’ve seen pallets of Prime donated to multiple organizations lately.
They’re really trying to move that unsold stock, huh?
- Comment on PS5 Homescreen Now Replaces Unique Video Game Art With Annoying Ads You Can’t Turn Off 4 months ago:
I’m still using a 1070ti and hitting stable 60fps with newer games. Medium to low settings, usually but most slow down comes from poor optimization since I’m running a 12th Gen and regularly see medium usage on both GPU and CPU.
- Comment on How do I know if a medical issue should be addressed by a Clinic Visit, Urgent Care, or the Emergency Room? 5 months ago:
Called once to ask, they said go to urgent care.
Then billed me for a telehealth visit and also the Urgent Care billed me too.
- Comment on In honor of the start spooky season (yay!), I have a question about an apparently beloved spooky meme/skit. What about "David S. Pumpkins" is so funny? 5 months ago:
SNL is very much a combination of both humor from two years ago and next years mainstream. So many of the skits are built in the gap of “what have I seen lately that’s funny so I can quickly write” and “this will be twice as hilarious in a few years.”
So, SNL is usually pretty meh because you either like current humor and the ‘future’ stuff doesn’t hit or you don’t like current humor and that doesn’t hit.
- Comment on Wait a minute, we've been going about this all the wrong way! 5 months ago:
Didn’t have precision munitions back then. Didn’t have drones that can monitor the battlefield from across the globe and provide real-time video feeds.
Besides, in this case, Israel is playing Germany’s role.
- Comment on AskReddit 5 months ago:
Someone has never seen Snatch, have they?
- Comment on Sony PlayStation 30th Anniversary: PS5 Pro Collection Unveiled 5 months ago:
Yeah, controller is really the only exciting thing.
- Comment on Just picked up a new hat from the game store. Can't wait to get home from vacation and play, I've been waiting for months for this game! 5 months ago:
I dunno if I could manage to spend $30 just to be reminded of something that’ll be forgotten by December…
Are you sure you’re not a Sony Psyop to get us all to buy Concord merch to help recoup the loss?
- Comment on Toot toot 6 months ago:
I learned to sneeze like that long before dabbing was a thing and it wasn’t until someone commented that I just dabbed on them that it connected those dots.
Regardless, I still sneeze in my elbow.
- Comment on Infamous $30 Logitech F710 called out in $50M lawsuit over Titan sub implosion 6 months ago:
Then at least use something fancy like a flight stick! The F710 makes… anything newer than the Gravis Gamepad look like luxury!
- Comment on Infamous $30 Logitech F710 called out in $50M lawsuit over Titan sub implosion 6 months ago:
Just get the F310, like me, and you can enjoy that three foot range without batteries.
- Comment on well if you look at it that way 6 months ago:
If they wanted to target him, they’ve got the whole Post-apocalypto mini series where they kill Don Jr. with a machine gun after killing his KKK Nazi guards, so one joke is just adding to the pile of reasons he’ll be drawn and quartered by them.
- Comment on Cars Are Now Rolling Computers Now. So What Happens When They Stop Getting Updates? 7 months ago:
I mean, the DIN hole was a standard size but it certainly wasn’t a ‘socket’ and anyone who had a Ford Focus that needed a Mercedes-Benz writing harness to plug up their aftermarket radio knows what I’m on about.
- Comment on $1 million starter home? It's the norm in 237 cities, according to Zillow 7 months ago:
A starter home isn’t just “the cheapest thing in a given market.” Some neighborhoods aren’t starter home markets.
You can’t say “It’s a starter in Malibu” or “That’s starter home prices in downtown Manhattan.” Neither of those locations have starter homes in them.
That said, abolish NIMBYs but let’s be real, no one can afford a “Starter” in those places because they aren’t Starter locales.
- Comment on $500 aluminum version of the Analogue Pocket looks like the Game Boy’s final form 7 months ago:
This is Analogue’s response to WulffDen’s video on the people who make the aluminum reshell for the Pocket.
Look, the Pocket is a great device for it’s MSRP and not a dollar over. I love having one but it’s not worth any of the “exclusive” editions.
- Comment on Growing Old 7 months ago:
I remember the day as well. I walked all through the store grabbing everything I needed and while waiting in the checkout I realized I forgot the milk. I laughed and said “Oh wow” then the guy behind me looked at me and I shrugged and said “I forgot the milk!” and left the line I’d been standing in for a few minutes to get the milk.
My age at the time didn’t matter because it was on that day, I became old. Talking to strangers in the grocery store, forgetting to get the milk, and laughing about it? Old.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 7 months ago:
It depends who the Republicans and Democrats are. Republican Voters fell in love - Establishment Republicans fell in line. Republican Officials all talked about how terrible Trump was and would be but still get on their knees when it’s time.
Democratic Voters fall in love, with Bernie and AOC and their guy. Establishment Democrats tell them to get in line… Well, the Voters either do or don’t show up.
So, you’re correct that the original subversion was true but it also depends on who any individual commenter references as “The Dems” and “The Repubs” which you can always shift to suit your needs.
The Republican party pretends they’re wagging the dog but they don’t even have a leash.
- Comment on Meta is tagging real photos as 'Made with AI,' say photographers 8 months ago:
Generative Fill isn’t a filter, the posters complaining about it were using AI tools to remove cars and other things from their photos and then getting butthurt when Adobe tattled on them in the meta data.
It wasn’t a case of tweaking the LUTs or changing exposure, they manipulated the photos using an AI tool and got upset when they got tagged out for it.
- Comment on Photographers Push Back on Facebook's 'Made with AI' Labels Triggered by Adobe Metadata. Do you agree “‘AI was used in this image’ is completely different than ‘Made with AI’”? 8 months ago:
DOD Imagery guidelines state that only color correction can be applied to “make the image appear the same as it was when it was captured” otherwise it must be labeled “DOD illustration” instead of “DOD Imagery”
- Comment on Photographers Push Back on Facebook's 'Made with AI' Labels Triggered by Adobe Metadata. Do you agree “‘AI was used in this image’ is completely different than ‘Made with AI’”? 8 months ago:
Right? I thought I went crazy when I got to “I just used Generative Fill!” Like, he didn’t just auto adjust the exposure and black levels! C’mon!
- Comment on I don't know which one of you needed this information, but you're welcome. 9 months ago:
Jason Statham is always Jason Statham…
Except in Revolver. He was Statham in a hair piece then.
Doesn’t mean I won’t watch everything with him in it though.