Here from Reddit–might stay a while.
- Comment on Is there a less stinky way to cook broccoli? 2 days ago:
When I googled “broccoli smell” every single result stated “you’re overcooking it” so I guess that’s what you’re doing. I have literally never experienced this so I guess I win at cooking broccoli.
Thus I amend my suspicion of shenanigans to be INCOMPETENCE
- Comment on Is there a less stinky way to cook broccoli? 2 days ago:
there’s your problem.
But in all seriousness—broccoli shouldn’t be stinking up your house. I call shenanigans.
- Comment on Is there a less stinky way to cook broccoli? 2 days ago:
Where do you live that broccoli smells like anything unappetizing? This is absolutely insane. Maybe wash your vegetables before cooking them?
- Comment on First Gaming PC 5 days ago:
get a gamepass sub, play avowed.
also re: Neir, did you start a new game plus after the first play through?
- Comment on What are the democrats actually doing to help? 6 days ago:
So like you didnt vote for people and are mad those people are not in positions to do anything? Like “where are the democrats?” Short answer: not elected.
- Comment on Why is Pokémon Emerald so grindy? 2 weeks ago:
They’ve always been basic as fuck games. when red and blue and gold and silver were new they were fun as hell but 30 years down the line and 0 innovations beyond “they get big now”—the games are literally half baked garbage.
Go play Ni No Kuni or Palworld if you want and experience of what pokémon should’ve done with its video games at any point in the past 3 decades.
- Comment on Good afternoon I choose even Steven. 3 weeks ago:
It’s not like they can’t use that side of the stairs. You should’ve shoveled the snow to block their door.
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 2 months ago:
Nah, seems like a good person tbh. Dude should be elected mayor and then eventually rebuild all of reality or whatever Arrow did.
- Comment on Top executive shot dead outside New York hotel 2 months ago:
Nothing more evil in this world than a US healthcare executive.
- Comment on Trump confirms plan to declare national emergency, use military for mass deportations 3 months ago:
This place was rife with bots spreading kill stone and Claudia de La Cruze propaganda and all of them have completely vanished.
- Comment on USA President term limits 3 months ago:
- Comment on I wish I could have a tractor car. 3 months ago:
Jovians: please stop ruining our lives 50s Era Earthman: hell no freak,
- Comment on Screenshots of texts from other social media are pretty boomer-ish 3 months ago:
This post is pretty boomerish.
- Comment on You have a bad friend if he isn't willing to help you bury a dead body or if he is willing to help you. 3 months ago:
what if the dead body is of a beloved pet? i find your shower bought lacking
- Comment on Sugar vs baking soda to neutralize acid in canned tomatoes? 3 months ago:
buy fresh tomatoes?
- Comment on ghetti 4 months ago:
Man deep sea creatures are fuckin’ wild.
- Comment on An increasing number of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, BofA says 4 months ago:
asked from 7 yacht investors on 10 yachts currently losing 3 yachts to whales
- Comment on YSK that there's a better index than the BMI to measure obesity called the Body Roundness Index 4 months ago:
Be egg. It is the only way.
- Comment on My cat lives in a bigger house than I do. 4 months ago:
I got news ‘bout your rat as well.
- Comment on Water doesnt go down a drain, the drain actually goes up the water 4 months ago:
Guess you’re just not that creative.
- Comment on Water doesnt go down a drain, the drain actually goes up the water 4 months ago:
I can’t believe you’d agree with OP that itsy bitsy water goes up the spider spout.
- Comment on Water doesnt go down a drain, the drain actually goes up the water 4 months ago:
“no more drugs for this guy!” -takes face off
- Comment on Water doesnt go down a drain, the drain actually goes up the water 4 months ago:
let me level with you since you’re not getting it—yes the posts in this community are generally unbelievably stupid. that is why I posted this. because this community is full of incomprehensible stupid posts all hours of the day and I figured I’d do a bit of good old fashion trolling.
- Comment on Water doesnt go down a drain, the drain actually goes up the water 4 months ago:
but do you know how ShowerThoughts work
- Comment on Water doesnt go down a drain, the drain actually goes up the water 4 months ago:
but it is tho cause I thought about it.
- Comment on Water doesnt go down a drain, the drain actually goes up the water 4 months ago:
IDK have you never thought before?
- Submitted 4 months ago to | 22 comments
- Comment on DNC brags about flying anti-Trump banner over Detroit Tigers playoff game at Comerica Park — but apparently no one saw it | Blaze Media 4 months ago:
no one saw this picture of this airplane that was photographed!!
- Comment on Might as well go cyberpunk, I guess. 4 months ago:
Cyberpunk is not separate from Science Fiction. It is literally a genre of science fiction. citing the DEFINITION of it, available from a simple google search: 1. a genre of science fiction set in a lawless subculture of an oppressive society dominated by computer technology.
- Comment on Might as well go cyberpunk, I guess. 4 months ago:
They can be whatever you like 😎