- Comment on Nextcloud Hub 10 – your unified, modular digital workspace - Nextcloud 9 hours ago:
it’s come a long way in the last few majors. I’ve been using it since v7 and it’s been a struggle at times with users complaining about how glacial it could get. These days it’s pretty blazingly fast comparatively, I get no complaints.
- Comment on This Week in Self-Hosted (28 February 2025) 9 hours ago:
I’ve quite come to look forward to this newsletter.
- Comment on Help me selfhosted, I'm in over my head! 2 days ago:
What’s the drive config? If it’s a SAS raid, you’ll probably want to look up how to flash it to IT mode so it’s not doing hardware RAID. I’d install Proxmox in a RAID 10 ZFS configuration and go to town.
- Comment on Dogs may have domesticated themselves because they really liked snacks, model suggests 3 days ago:
My understanding is that dogs were domesticated from a now-extinct species that was the common ancestor of dogs and gray wolves, but not descended from them.
- Comment on Self-hosted home server project - call for competent advisory opinions 3 days ago:
- Comment on which softwares can I self host without public IP? 3 days ago:
Put everything behind Tailscale or another VPN and use it that way from outside devices. There should be very little need to have a public IP, and if there’s something that has to be exposed, use ngrok, cloudflared or Tailscale tunnel.
- Comment on John Oliver promoted alternatives to big tech in last night's episode, including Mastodon and Pixelfed 4 days ago:
Ain’t nobody wanna see that.
- Comment on John Oliver promoted alternatives to big tech in last night's episode, including Mastodon and Pixelfed 4 days ago:
The porn is sadly lacking, actuallly.
- Comment on Rant! 100GB Log file in Nextcloud. 5 days ago:
Just use the official Docker AIO and it is very, very little trouble. It’s by far the easiest way to use Nextcloud and the related services like Collabora and Talk.
- Comment on New printer, considering the prusa CoreONE...but 1 week ago:
Qidi runs Klipper.
- Comment on Email provider for home server alerts 1 week ago:
Under things me and my users notice aren’t working right away, at the top of the list is email. So I notice when those alerts aren’t able to get through, because if email is down I have my phone ringing off the hook because my dad can’t get to his online auctions to see if he won that toaster for $5. So email is like, the best option.
- Comment on Docker in LXC vs VM 1 week ago:
If you use Live Migrate, realize that it doesn’t work on an LXC, only VMs. Your containers will be restarted with the LXC on the new node.
- Comment on How often do you run backups on your system? 1 week ago:
I would like to play with ceph but I don’t have a lot of spare equipment anymore, and I understand ZFS pretty well, and trust it. Maybe the next cluster upgrade if I ever do another one.
And I have an almost unhealthy paranoia after see so many shitshows in my career, so having a pile of copies just helps me sleep at night. PBS dedup is pretty damn good so it’s not much extra to keep a lot of copies.
- Comment on Setting Up a Self-Hosted GitHub runner for CI/CD 1 week ago:
Ah, OK. Now I get your point.
- Comment on Help Reviewing My Server Setup? 1 week ago:
Yes, RAID 10 ZFS with no ARC, 6GB SAS drives.
- Comment on Help Reviewing My Server Setup? 1 week ago:
I have no idea what you have going on, I’ve never seen LXCs take that long, even if I include the time it takes to down the containers and bring them up after a reboot.
What are you using for running them? I just tested my docker LXC and it took 16 seconds from when I typed “reboot” to having a login prompt. And that’s on an ancient R410 server running proxmox.
- Comment on Help Reviewing My Server Setup? 1 week ago:
I think you’re doing it wrong. LXCs boot almost instantaneously on a hypervisor since they hijack the host kernel, I’d be surprised if my CTs take 5 seconds.
I would agree on the live migration issue but I guess you pick your services accordingly. I have a VM that runs docker and a LXC docker host, and I pick my containers for each accordingly.
- Comment on Help Reviewing My Server Setup? 1 week ago:
The advantages you gain with running a hypervisor on something like ZFS is immeasurable, for snapshotting, replication, snapshot backups and high availability. You don’t have to quiese machines to back them up and you can do instant COW snapshots before upgrades.
KVM doesn’t really have overhead, that’s the kernel part. Maybe a bit of RAM, but with LXCs it’s negligible.
- Comment on Mail-in-a-Box - simple email server 1 week ago:
I think Mailcow is a fair bit further along in features than this. I used this for a short bit but wasn’t overly impressed, and you are right about how running a docker stack is less hassle for updating.
- Comment on Setting Up a Self-Hosted GitHub runner for CI/CD 1 week ago:
I followed where it was going and it was a forgejo repo where there were some action sets but not that one. I figured they were using their own sets and hadn’t gotten around to java yet.
- Comment on How often do you run backups on your system? 1 week ago:
Proxmox servers are mirrored zpools, not that RAID is a backup. Replication between Proxmox servers every 15 minutes for HA guests, hourly for less critical guests. Full backups with PBS at 5AM and 7PM, 2 sets apiece with one set that goes off site and is rotated weekly. Differential replication every day to zfs.rent. I keep 30 dailies, 4 weeklys, 24 monthly and infinite annuals.
Periodic test restores of all backups at various granularities at least monthly or whenever I’m bored or fuck something up.
Yes, former sysadmin.
- Comment on Which reverse proxy do you use/recommend? 1 week ago:
Stick with Traefik if you’ve figured it out. It’s much more powerful than NPM in my opinion. If you insist on using NPM, you might want to try NPMPlus, it has more bells and whistles and is more actively maintained.
- Comment on Setting Up a Self-Hosted GitHub runner for CI/CD 1 week ago:
actions/setup-java@v4 would fail trying to find the java setup script at Forgejo’s runner source repo, and apparently it wasn’t there when I went to look. I’ll look at it another time when maybe all the backend is put together or there’s a way I can host the actions locally so I’m not relying on outside sources that might pollute my CI output.
- Comment on Setting Up a Self-Hosted GitHub runner for CI/CD 1 week ago:
1500 action minutes/mo limit.
- Comment on Setting Up a Self-Hosted GitHub runner for CI/CD 1 week ago:
I tried this last week and it wasn’t very good. It was poorly documented, and when it failed out on a simple java CI, I just went back to act.
- Comment on Setting Up a Self-Hosted GitHub runner for CI/CD 1 week ago:
I tried this last week and it wasn’t very good. It was poorly documented, and when it failed out on a simple java CI, I just went back to
. - Comment on Setting Up a Self-Hosted GitHub runner for CI/CD 1 week ago:
I like that. I tried to get Actions in Forgejo working and that was a dead-end. So I’ve been using act manually. But to have that going on Github now that I’ve used up my free minutes will be sweet.
Appreciate the writeup.
- Comment on I want to learn designing IOT PCBs (with 2.4Ghz wireless) 1 week ago:
We never bought a TV because Dad would pick them up at the dump and fix them, doing some sort of magic with the CRTs.
And my grandpa hand-built one of the first radios in the area, and people would come over to listen to radio programs. When phones came to our area, he was running lines on the barbwire fences over to neighbors to use it until the phone coop could get out to hook them up a couple years later.
They were nerds before it was cool. I stand on the shoulders of giants.
- Comment on I want to learn designing IOT PCBs (with 2.4Ghz wireless) 1 week ago:
Well, with some of my telemetry I’m trying to punch 10 klicks so there’s no kill like overkill. The little SX1278s are inexpensive and they’re legal power, and there’s plenty of examples out there for them.
I kinda like the UART design on the e32s though, but it was a struggle getting the library that uses them to work, and there’s little tricks like having to initialize the serial independent of his constructors, you read the code and it supposedly opens the serial, but it doesn’t work if you don’t do it beforehand, at least with the modules I was using.
- Comment on I want to learn designing IOT PCBs (with 2.4Ghz wireless) 1 week ago:
Yah, I’ve had my license since I was young, I come from a long line of nerds. So I use 1W units on the 433 band.