Sega was already in dire financial straits after the Saturn, so they panicked during the Dreamcast and ended the console’s life cycle very early making developers abandon it within just a couple years.
I’m not sure if there’s anything they could have done differently to be honest. Push them over the edge with the price war during the Saturn. If I remember correctly they were losing about $100 before PSX did its first (very early) $50 price drop and they had to keep up, so that became -$150/ea before the console was even a year old. It was disastrous. 6 months ago
I had an entire binder of pirated Dreamcast games back when this came out. I can’t remember if I actually owned a genuine copy of a game (it was too easy to run pirated game discs).
I have good memories of the console though. 6 months ago
Haha I also had a giant binder full of pirated games. The other thing I remember about it was how loud it was reading the discs 6 months ago
We all had binders of pirated Dreamcast games…
I think I’m starting to see why it died. 6 months ago
Louder on pirated games than official ones. The laser worked harder to read them. 6 months ago
Didn’t the pirates find out that they could copy the games onto regular CDs using some backdoor from the format of Karaoke CDs? You just need that famous loader CD to swap discs.
I’ve heard the pirates soon optimised the layout of the data on their versions so that there was less strain of the drive. 6 months ago
So did many! It was so easy!