- Comment on Who will be the next James Bond? Amazon's tough 007 decision 1 week ago:
Henry Cavill screen tested for Casino Royale back in 2006 as mentioned in the article, but he is too old now.
And not just because these auditions were found on a VHS tape that was found in a dumpster last month 😁, at the same time, there were tests with Sam Worthington, Rupert Friend and Anthony Starr.
- Comment on Busses with LED advertising on the side. 3 weeks ago:
Reminds me of those LED screens on bus shelters in the hottest part of summer. You can hear the fans inside screaming away trying to keep everything cool.
- Comment on Day 170 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 1 month ago:
Blue Shift was originally part of the Dreamcast port of Half Life. The game did leak and it was quite fun to experience it on the DreamCast but the problem was the game was in fairly small chunks and had to load off the CD which made the wait quite painful.
- Comment on 26 years late but I finally beat Half Life 1 month ago:
I’ve played through Half Life twice. Once on original release and secondly when it received that big remaster fairly recently. I’m my opinion, it’s a fantastic game until you get to Xen and it becomes a bit of a annoying platform fest.
- Comment on Some videogame ads from the 1990s 3 months ago:
I’ll never forget this one. Never played the game though because it was famously riddled with bugs.
- Comment on Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024's launch has been marred by long load times, server issues and now it has overwhelmingly negative reviews 3 months ago:
I was surprised at the long load time initially and had a quick fly of an A10 warthog from a local small airfield.
This was on my Xbox Series S and it was a bit stuttery in places. It’s clearly not meant for this console. This is for the pcs with big GPUs.
- Comment on What's the best super nintendo game based on a movie? and why is it alien 3? 3 months ago:
That was way better than anyone was expecting I think. That was a great use of a film license.
- Comment on Sony PlayStation 30th Anniversary: PS5 Pro Collection Unveiled 5 months ago:
I like the USB cable with it’s PS1 block end but the rest is just the same old stuff in another colour etc. Also, are they trying to slightly boost PS5 Pro sales by limiting it to a specific number.
- Comment on Switch 2 cartridge format leaked via patent 6 months ago:
The problem was Nintendo charged publishers more money for the larger carts. So a lot of publishers simply took the option of the smallest cheaper cards and made you download the rest.
Trying to preserve Switch games by buying the carts has been a bit pointless really. I know Diablo 3 was entirely on the cart, publishers were very pleased with that.
- Comment on How it felt to watch this awesome console fail back in the day 6 months ago:
Didn’t the pirates find out that they could copy the games onto regular CDs using some backdoor from the format of Karaoke CDs? You just need that famous loader CD to swap discs.
I’ve heard the pirates soon optimised the layout of the data on their versions so that there was less strain of the drive.
- Comment on Diablo Coming to Sega Dreamcast 7 months ago:
Maybe it’ll make use of the official Sega Dreamcast mouse?
- Comment on Halo on Paramount+ has been canceled after only two seasons 7 months ago:
Same as. It felt like watching a higher budget Power Rangers.
- Comment on Fanmade Dreamcast Port of Grand Theft Auto III 7 months ago:
I can just hear the disc drive grinding now as it loads in the assets while driving around the city. 😁 To be fair, the DC was a cool system. The Half Life port was very impressive, it’s just a shame the levels were broken into smaller chunks to fit into the system and the load times between them was quite a wait.
- Comment on All the RAGE: A Franchise Retrospective by Noah Caldwell-Gervais 7 months ago:
I’m currently playing through Rage and really enjoying it.
The races are fine and not that hard to win and I haven’t touched a card game yet. I get enough money from selling all the junk I find as I play.
I’m regards to it’s sequel, I’m very methodical (blame my autism 😁) and I played the game by competing all missions and side quests in one area before starting the next.
This side effect of this was that I upgraded the character so much, when I competed the final mission, it was so easy, I didn’t realise it was the final mission and it took me by surprise!
- Comment on Rage (Xbox360) 8 months ago:
I see what you mean. They could only afford so many lines of dialogue! 😆
- Comment on Rage (Xbox360) 8 months ago:
13 years old, isn’t it enough? 😆
- Comment on News Aspyr Is Bringing Another Classic Star Wars Game To Switch This August 8 months ago:
I was really excited for this on the Cube back in the day but all the reviews said it was another average Star Wars game so I decided not to risk the money.
When can we get Rogue Squadron remastered? That still looks pretty damn good today. 😊
- Submitted 8 months ago to | 18 comments
- Comment on UK Retailer GAME To End All In-Store Video Game Sales 8 months ago:
I was being a bit tongue in cheek. GAME took over EB in the UK. I don’t think they’re any dedicated gaming shops anymore, just independents.
- Comment on UK Retailer GAME To End All In-Store Video Game Sales 8 months ago:
Then basically there’s no point in this shop existing anymore. They’re basically toy stores now.
I occasionally look in Game but can’t remember the last time I actually bought anything. It would’ve been a pre-owned title anyway.
Is Electronics Boutique still going? 😁
- Comment on Atari's Black Beauty 10 months ago:
This was the first computer I ever played on, it was at my cousin’s house. I was convinced there was a loop of film in the cartridge but couldn’t figure out how that would work with player interaction.
When my cousin got a screwdriver and opened the cartridge to reveal a couple of black chips on a circuit board, my mind was blown.
- Comment on Just a few attention-grabbing retro game ads that would land studios in hot water today. (more in post body) 10 months ago:
Here’s a couple I posted a while back.
- Comment on What are your favorite Dreamcast games? 10 months ago:
Crazy Taxi was fantastic.
Metropolis Street Racer was utterly brilliant and I remember being annoyed when I heard the sequel was going to that new Microsoft console called XBox. That was of course Project Gotham Racing.
And Rez which I love so much I bought it remastered on Xbox360, again on PS4 and one final time on Quest 2.
- Comment on Phantasmagoria (PC, 1995) 11 months ago:
I tried copying a friend’s copy of Rebel Assault to my hard drive. It technically worked but the video playback was stuttery and terrible
My first CD-ROM was a quad speed for £120 and that was very cheap at the time. I then switched over to the CD edition of my favourite monthly of magazine and was adjusted by the new games I could play.
Ooh! LucasArts adventure games with full speech!
- Comment on Phantasmagoria (PC, 1995) 11 months ago:
I was a sucker for FMV games on the PC. There was the X-Files FMV adventure game, that was six CDs. So was Ripper, another adventure game that starred Christopher Walken, Karen Allen, John Rhys Davies and many more.
I also had Star Trek: Klingon, Star Trek: Borg and a thriller about a nuclear submarine called Silent Steel.
- Comment on EA just added classics like Dungeon Keeper, SimCity 3000, and Populous on Steam 11 months ago:
There is OpenRA. An open source engine to get those classic C&C games running on modern machines but it only supports C&C, Red Alert 1 and Dune 2000.
They are working on the next engine with Tiberian Sun currently under development.
If you’re interested in Dungeon Keeper, I highly recommend a similar project called KeeperFX. Play the game on modern systems, in higher resolutions, with game fixes as well.
- Comment on The First Dune Game 32 Years Later: An LGR Retrospective 11 months ago:
I loved the FMV cut scenes in Westwood Studios games. They always managed to get a minor celebrity as the games got bigger.
They also made a really good Diablo style game called Nox.
- Comment on Playing GameCube classics, but in 4K on a Mac with PlayStation controllers, just like Nintendo intended. 1 year ago:
I played through several GameCube titles using the original Wii along with the Wii2HDMI dongle. I thought the games still looked great even on HD televisions. Burnout 2 is still awesome.
- Comment on Nothing was off-limits for retro game ads 1 year ago:
Isn’t this the game that had to run full page adverts claiming a new, updated version was available and “the bugs have been squashed!” Obviously this was pre-internet, so updates like this were quite uncommon.
- Comment on Nothing was off-limits for retro game ads 1 year ago: