- Comment on Whats the most downvoted comment/post on lemmy? 13 hours ago:
Any particular reason you’re looking for this, or just curiosity?
- Comment on YSK that if you hover your mouse over each segment of Wikipedia's IPA pronunciation key (typically found at the beginning of an article), it will let you know how it sounds in the tooltip 1 day ago:
No U2?
Apple hated that.
- Comment on Is Croc coming this month? They said Q1 2024 but no new info. What are the chances it'll be delayed again? 1 day ago:
FYI you can edit titles on Lemmy
- Comment on NASA cuts off international climate science support 3 days ago:
The atmosphere used to be on fire. It still is, but it used to be too.
- Comment on NASA cuts off international climate science support 3 days ago:
Later, the atmosphere:
- Comment on The Crisis Report - 103 3 days ago:
What should one know here? Please be mindful of rule 2.
- Comment on How do people doctor shop? Don't all doctors pass info on all their patients between each other? And in this day and age how do they do it.? 5 days ago:
Y’all can afford doctors?
- Comment on What are the democrats actually doing to help? 6 days ago:
On a federal level, there really isn’t much they can do that I’m aware of. It’d be nice to see them blanket oppose his cabinet picks but that would only be symbolic since they don’t have the numbers. They can’t get any laws passed, and even if they could, Trump has no problem disregarding the law, which the Supreme Court says is fine.
If they wanted to go outside the law I guess they could try to organize some kind of coup, but failure at any stage would not only be career suicide but possibly actual suicide given that treason is punishable by death, and this administration would be gleeful to carry out that sentence against Dems. And if it did succeed, that still wouldn’t do anything about the oligarchy propping up Trump, they’d just have another puppet (Vance) to fall back on.
- Comment on Does anyone else feel an inexplicable urge to talk to people early in the morning/late at night? 1 week ago:
I don’t, not in the least bit no. Good luck with that.
- Comment on Is it irrational for me to hate and despise every single American at this point? 1 week ago:
absorb them of any sort of guilt.
absolve*. And hating all Americans irrationally makes you just as bad as the Americans who voted for irrational hatred.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 week ago:
inb4 moderation
- Comment on Am I a bad friend/rude for not engaging with my friends and giving one-word responses? 1 week ago:
Plenty of responses to your previous post about dry texts
- Comment on Shovel Knight artist says throwback games need 'retro authenticity' but can't coast on nostalgia alone: 'Part of the appeal of the NES era of game making was that everything was a new idea' 1 week ago:
Jump the river, always
- Comment on Gamers go offline in retro console revival | The Guardian 2 weeks ago:
according to research by Pringles
Well everyone knows Doritos are the definitive chip authority when it comes to gamers, so I would take this with a grain of salt
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Is it just me or is the title backwards from what the post says? Shouldn’t it be phrased “Do people REALLY want to buy empty land instead of beautiful land?”
- Comment on people who drink, how long do your hangovers last? 3 weeks ago:
My surprise is more at the quantity and rate of fluid intake than the choice of beverage. But I don’t really spend my time around people that drink alcohol much (or people in general) so maybe I shouldn’t be surprised.
- Comment on people who drink, how long do your hangovers last? 3 weeks ago:
So, let’s call that a 12 pack a day in like 8 hours, given your estimated rate of 1.5/hour. Plus tea or water during the day before that. How do you have time to do anything besides drink, piss, and buy more beer? I’d like to think I get close to 128oz of water a day, and that’s usually all I drink for the whole day. I couldn’t imagine putting away 144oz of liquid in 8 hours.
- Comment on When will we have auto turrets mounted on plane engines to stop birdstrikes? 3 weeks ago:
So we shoot blanks at them to get the loud noise without having to be accurate, got it
- Comment on what are “female jocks” called? 3 weeks ago:
If you think of it with those connotations, yes. My point was that to me, I don’t think of it that way, I just think of it as a synonym for athlete.
- Comment on How prevalent is the topic of mental health in America compared to Germany? 3 weeks ago:
It feels threatening because it is threatening, and it’s just the beginning. If they send it to debt collection you could end up with wages being garnished, credit being tanked (this was just recently banned 2 weeks before Trump took office but I expect it to be rolled back within a year), and other forms of harassment for hire.
- Comment on what are “female jocks” called? 3 weeks ago:
I hear jock I just think athlete, so I’m gonna go with athlete.
- Comment on WB Games Montreal Is Reportedly Pitching A Game based On Game of Thrones 3 weeks ago:
Nonono, the sequel is 2 Games 2 Thrones, then it’s Gam3 of Thrones, Game of Game of Thrones 4, Thrones 5, The Game of the Thrones, etc.
- Comment on NASA Ordered to Remove Anything About 'Women in Leadership' From Its Websites: Report 3 weeks ago:
“These are our symbolic phalluses, women can’t be in charge of them reeee”
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
No, there’s a third option (if not more): indifferent to the horrors happening to others because they aren’t happening to “me”
- Comment on Anyone ever look at pictures of themselves as a child and feel no connection to them? 4 weeks ago:
I typed a lot but it was pretty incoherent so I’m just gonna say yeah, but more so via memories than pictures.
- Comment on Marvel Rivals Devs Might Be Adding Fake Heroes In Game Files To Fool Data Miners 5 weeks ago:
“Welcome to my YT channel, today we’re covering the crazy story of how Marvel Rivals ended up making legendary Minecraft character Herobrine playable in season 11, but first hit that like and subscribe button and now, let’s get into it…”
- Comment on Can you see yourself cutting off by a generation of gaming? 1 month ago:
I think depression and anxiety are taking care of that for me. I absolutely loved God of War (2018), but for whatever reason the scale of Ragnarok intimidated me so much that I put the game down within the first 10 hours and haven’t been back.
- Comment on Just discovered Mini Metro, a puzzle game where you have to create metro lines. Very addictive, but also chill, and currently 50% off on Steam 1 month ago:
Love Mini Metro, it’s great for when I’m in a “don’t feel like anything” mood
- Comment on Shit Post 1 month ago:
Don’t think I’ve ever been Type 1 thankfully but have done all the rest
- Comment on If it would solve world hunger, what would be the largest item you could fit in your ass? 1 month ago:
idk but it better have a flared base