- Comment on It’s Time to Stop Taking Sam Altman at His Word 5 months ago:
he declares that the AI revolution is on the verge of unleashing boundless prosperity and radically improving human life
I think he means productivity will go up 240% and we’ll get 8% raises to match, but we’ll spend all of it getting nickel-and-dimed on ‘premium human concierge’ services whenever we get stuck talking in circles with support chatbots
- Comment on Please Don’t Make Me Download Another App | Our phones are being overrun 5 months ago:
Yeah but then they might pull a Reddit and make their mobile web experience shittier and shittier in hopes of sheepdogging people into the app.
If customers are telling a business what they want, and that business sabotages it to force customers to begrudgingly accept what the business wants, that’s not a customer problem, that’s a dumbass corporate idea
- Comment on Reddit is making sitewide protests basically impossible 5 months ago:
Using Reddit as a platform to protest Reddit is even more idiotic than staging a sit in at Disneyworld to protest against Disney.
“Hey we’re getting revenue and media is gonna give us a bajillion clickthroughs, please, if you can still protest in any capacity on our site please do”
- Comment on How do I know if a medical issue should be addressed by a Clinic Visit, Urgent Care, or the Emergency Room? 5 months ago:
For anything heart related (including shortness of breath/lightheadedness) I’d go ER. If I had a nickel for every time some ‘normal and fit’ <30 year old fell over dead at a half marathon I’d go buy a beer
- Comment on How do I avoid enshitification of my keyboard and mouse 5 months ago:
For keyboards I’d highly recommend Filco, Daskey, and Ducky. The former 2 are more ‘no frills, all business’, the latter has some RGB offerings, but most of the keyboards those guys make are plate-mounted mechanical, plug and play, with really decent build quality.
I don’t know shit about trackballs but my Dad forgot his when he came up to visit (Minnesota-Arizona snowbirds) so I bought him an ELECOM DEFT PRO from Amazon and he loved it so much he started using it over the one he forgot to bring. Might be worth a look - also a plug and play type device
- Comment on MAGA World’s Belief In Their Made Up Claim That Biden Is ‘Censoring’ Conservatives On Social Media May Kill KOSA 5 months ago:
- Comment on Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 needs 64GB of RAM for ideal performance — oddly, the game install size is only 30GB 5 months ago:
Nowadays 2 seconds is an eternity considering M.2 drive speed and DDR4 bandwidth. Baldur’s Gate 1 for example, nothing is compressed and load times are in single digit milliseconds. Sure BG1 is loading like 1/8th the stuff but load times are 1/300th
There’s actually a program people use for D2R to unpack textures and it cuts load time significantly, but the install and the uncompressed files have a massive footprint
- Comment on Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 needs 64GB of RAM for ideal performance — oddly, the game install size is only 30GB 5 months ago:
Most games, most textures are compressed, which leads to something like Diablo 2’s remake having ridiculous load times considering it’s a reskin of a 20 year old game. That 30GB footprint probably gets unpacked to something twice the size, and if you’re caching literally every single thing for the sake of smoothness (flight sims rarely have loading screens when you enter another countries airspace or a different biome), and a little bit of overhead for OS etc, gonna need heaps of RAM
- Comment on United Nations wants to treat AI with same urgency as climate change 5 months ago:
I heard they’re drafting a resolution to sheepishly ask the US ‘why the big cars?’
- Comment on Would you buy "self-hosted in a box" hardware? 5 months ago:
The guides, basically a quick and dirty walkthrough on setting it up, hopefully a few explanations about things, and a handful of common troubleshooting tips. Also pointers to a handful of communities that have helpful info in case something obscure pops up.
Basically, teach a man how to fish, as opposed to giving him a couple.
I think a lot of people who would otherwise dabble with a DIY home server never try because it’s pretty technical (beyond typical ‘build a pc’ stuff) so I think the education that would come with the hardware would be appreciated by many. Help them get their foot in the door by making the dive a little less scary
- Comment on Would you buy "self-hosted in a box" hardware? 5 months ago:
I’m probably an ideal candidate for something like this but I’d much rather have someone walk me through setting my own thing up, rather than them handing me a bunch of preconfigured stuff that leaves me just as clueless.
If it came bundled around a bunch of DIY guides explaining the hows and the whys, it’d be far more appealling
- Comment on How many squirrels do you think you could take in a fight to the death? 5 months ago:
Hundreds and hundreds. Stop drop and roll
- Comment on Why is Facebook filled with so much random junk now? 5 months ago:
I think the way to win is to understand the algorithm and juke it for good stuff. I saw an ad for THC gummies a while back, free sample, so I started reading the comments, clicked through to the site, backed out, read the comments again, then clicked back in and got a free sample. I spent so much time messing around with this random ad that the next thing I knew, every ad was for free THC gummies (just pay shipping but cheaper than actually buying from Cycling Frog or wherever). Eventually it reverts back towards a mean but if you see something cool you can def trick the whole algorithm to only hand you that cool stuff
- Comment on Why is Facebook filled with so much random junk now? 5 months ago:
Facebook still has that but they obscured it in favor of their dumb algorithm whipping up totally random things and ads.
To get to it click the 3 lines or ‘more’, then find ‘feeds’ and select that, then choose groups or friends or whatnot, and it’ll show you those posts sorted by most recent. No way to make this default.
But the algorithm is so dumb because it takes into account how long you pause on a post and seems to weigh that higher than other things - for example if you see an ad you hate, for like a slot machine game app, and you click ‘see less ads like this’, the amount of time you spend clicking through menu options while on that ad will make the algorithm give you more ads tangentially related to slot machine apps, despite you basically saying “I hate these kind of ads”. Really dumb algorithm
- Comment on Can i safely turn the power on on this open outlet? if not, how do i solve this? 5 months ago:
In a situation like this I just cap all the wires. Some say the exposed ground is okay, but it’s even more okay if it’s capped
- Comment on Final Fantasy Creator Reveals Which Entry He Thinks Is 'Most Complete', and It's Not Final Fantasy 7 6 months ago:
They basically made a synopsis of this article like the vultures they are. RIP journalism. Anywho this is worth a read but doesn’t expound much on the ‘why’, aside from him explaining that the core of a good game is the general congruency between the events in the story and the world in which the story occurs
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
I don’t work in tech but I’d spend my own dime in a heartbeat on my own hardware and possibly even software if I spent any amount of time doing anything not strictly related to the work I’m performing for the employer. Kinda like how a mechanic is nothing without tools and most maintain their set. I’d want no ambiguity - I was using my stuff to do my stuff and employer has absolutely no say in how I utilize my stuff when I’m utilizing it for purposes unrelated to them, and there can be no claim that they are in any way even tangentially responsible in me doing anything aside from the stuff they are explicitly paying me to do. “We provided them with software and hardware so we feel entitled to some ownership” lol
- Comment on Why is Kamala Harris being held at such a higher standard than Trump this election? 6 months ago:
MAGA terrorists have assaulted newspeople, destroyed cameras, whole 9 yards. Might be some of that mixed in with everything else. Fear of retaliation or whatnot. Most of these people have public-facing jobs with little to no security detail and Trump’s supporters range from civil to psychotic
- Comment on Wells Fargo employee found dead in cubicle 4 days after she clocked in: ‘She was just lying on her desk’ 6 months ago:
And the only reason they notice is because they’re about to drag you into HR over ‘time theft’
- Comment on What does dying from all causes mean? 6 months ago:
“All-cause mortality” simply means death from all (or any) causes.
So for smokers, you got a buttload of people with this thing in common, and rather than look specifically at something like deaths from lung cancer, you take a step back and look at deaths from anything. And then go in and try to find correlations and help to understand those correlations.
It’s kind of a chicken and egg scenario, because some of those causes might not be from smoking, but from a person’s proclivity to smoke.
For example, smokers might possibly be more impulsive than non-smokers (generally speaking) and there might be a higher risk of motor vehicle fatalities in the smoker group, but the cause wouldn’t be smoking, it’d be underlying behavioral differences that would make someone more likely to smoke.
It’s basically looking at mortality from a distance as opposed to looking at very specific things up close (but with the data it lets people zoom in on everything)
- Comment on The most recognizable leaf silhouette is the marijuana leaf. 6 months ago:
As a Minnesotan who pops gummies every night, I can safely say I have no idea how many leaves are on a marijuana, but a maple is 3 points with 3 points on it and 2 teeny tiny little legs at the bottom
- Comment on Elon Musk wants to implant millions of people with Neuralink brain chips 6 months ago:
The first patient had a bunch of wires dislodge but according to the company they’re ‘more or less stable’ after some revisions, so it sounds like a typical Musk product ready for mass production lol
- Comment on How is Lemmy better than Reddit? 6 months ago:
With Lemmy you can make an account on one instance and set default sort to the top posts for the past hour, make an account on a different instance and set default sort on that account to top posts in the last 12 hours or Hot or whatever, bookmark them both, and have a neverending stream of new content.
People already noted other reasons that I agree with but my current setup being 2 accounts with default sort set up like that, I vastly prefer this to Reddit’s layout
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
AI sure is gonna be weird if we preface any question involving dimensions with some dumb arbitrary scale as reference.
Depending on trim and accessories, the 2025 Chevrolet Silverado weighs anywhere from 1454 to 1533 watermelons
- Comment on Intel's stock drops 30% overnight —company sheds $39 billion in market cap | As of now, Intel's market value is a fraction of Nvidia's worth and less than half of AMD's 7 months ago:
I think suspending the dividend is worse than the layoffs for INTC, since it used to be a boring boomer blue chip divvy type thing to hold and DRIP