- Comment on Far to many people think that Jesus from the Bible was light skinned, even though he grew up in what we call the Middle East. 1 week ago:
That would go against the narrative that every thing bad comes from the US
- Comment on Attempt to motivate people to take the stairs 2 weeks ago:
It’s important to note that “maintenance calories” are the vast majority of the energy you use on a daily basis. Exercise is just a small portion of the calories you burn.
- Comment on I would do this for just 1.99 2 weeks ago:
I used the sticky part of a post-it before I had a laptop with a built in slider
- Comment on comically loses its domain name 2 weeks ago:
Yeah, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Go listen to some people that don’t use PragerU talking points.
- Comment on comically loses its domain name 2 weeks ago:
Arguing terminology is not really that helpful here, nazis called themselves socialists. And very few countries with “democratic republic of” in their name are democratic republics.
The terms Socialism and Communism have been used interchangeably since the beginning. This move to split socialism off is both a move by some within the movement to be more palatable to liberals and a move by opposition from without to further factionalize the movement. However, many people use the terms interchangeably or use communism to differentiate themselves from capitalist liberals claiming to be socialists.
Specific subsets of communism/socialism like Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism, Maoism, vanguard theory and various other implementations of communism are violent, should be criticized and learned from.
All this is to say plenty of people claiming to be communists do not want widespread suffering or genocide. They may be willing to use force to implement their ideas, but so are the adherents of nearly every other ideology.
Nazis always want racial segregation and the of Jews. Communists want equity. Nazis want superiority.
What you are focused on is Vanguard Communism which proposes that because the workers are not yet educated enough to understand that communism is better for them, a group of communists should make a totalitarian government. That totalitarian government will then shepherd the country to total communism.
History shows that this form of communism generally falls to corruption and they never get to full on communism. The proponents of this view always blame outside influences (like the west), while conveniently ignoring that power corrupts everyone.
Cuba is often shown as an example of successful vanguard communism. However it still hasn’t fully divested the communist party of its totalitarian power, and a lot of migrants move to Florida. So, it doesn’t really meet the criteria in my eyes.
- Comment on comically loses its domain name 2 weeks ago:
Whoever told you that had an agenda.
First, communism is an economic theory. A very stripped down version of the theory is this: It proposes that the rich have obtained their wealth through the exploitation of workers. They justify the exploitation by “owning” the raw materials, tools, factories, land, and other apparatuses that the workers need to produce things. But without workers those things could not be converted or used to convert raw materials into goods. The theory suggests that the workers should own those things instead of the rich people. The idea is that the workers would then share amongst each other because, being of the same class, they are naturally more likely to care about the needs of the others in that class. Whatever your opinion or critique of this general idea, it is an idea not a cult.
Like all theories that have some level of popularity it has a lot of variations and sub theories. Some are more idealistic than others. These factions have a lot of history with one another a review of the Russian revolution and lead up show the kind of factionalism that exists with the movement. If you study revolutions you know that this is common.
Second, people have used virtually any ideal to justify atrocities. We should not throw out an idea only because someone somewhere used it to justify violence.
Third dogma is a problem. It is used in communist communities in the same way that it is used in the Catholic Church, to try and prevent descension. As noted above communist movements tend to have a lot of factions but the one that gains the most traction always tries to force the others into line. This is common wherever there are new ideas being implemented as policy.
This is likely why people think communism is intent on murdering its enemies. However, every revolution, Russian, French, Haitian, United States, etc. used violence and murder to achieve its goal.
Communists also say that capitalism murders people every day, and they die with a smile on their face. A pittance of a paycheck goes in their widow’s purse while they have died without realizing that they were exploited to death.
- Comment on Jeep Introduces Pop-Up Ads That Appear Every Time You Stop 2 weeks ago:
Rainbow road mode is a bitch
- Comment on No good excuse to still be on Xitter 3 weeks ago:
Some of us are still here since they black out. I haven’t posted or commented on there since.
- Comment on Longtime buddy of mine just got a gaming PC. What games would make up a good "welcome to PC" care package? 1 month ago:
Skyrim for the mods.
- Comment on Sugar Daddy 3 months ago:
That’s a weird pride flag
- Comment on M4 Mac Mini Power Button Has New Bottom Location 3 months ago:
I have a desktop and there’s no reason for it to constantly be drawing power. It boots fast enough even with fast boot disabled that it’s not an issue for me.
I leave my work laptop on, but it lives on my desk at work. Not my power bill not my problem. I still have to regularly reboot it because windows can’t update without reboots.
- Comment on M4 Mac Mini Power Button Has New Bottom Location 3 months ago:
Literally every single time I use it. I only need it to be on when I’m using it, and I don’t use it every day.
- Comment on M4 Mac Mini Power Button Has New Bottom Location 3 months ago:
Sure, but my keyboard doesn’t have a power button.
- Comment on Nintendo Is Now Going After YouTube Accounts Which Show Its Games Being Emulated 4 months ago:
Yep! Feels like going through a rom pack or multi-cart and only finding good games.
- Comment on xkcd #2990: Late Cenozoic 5 months ago:
You’re getting awfully close to sounding like the psychos who say that all fossils are invented or placed on earth by the devil to confuse humanity about the age of the earth.
Most mounted dinosaur skeletons contain real fossils. Many museums have diagrams showing which are real and which are recreations of fossils that were missing or too damaged to mount for each specimen.
Paleontologists can determine what the missing fossils looked like based on other specimens and looking at what they have in context of other similar species that have more complete skeletons.
- Comment on Preference 5 months ago:
You also have to have a license for tv…
- Comment on Preference 5 months ago:
For people looking for a reason for large bottles other than less frequent purchases. Large bottles with many pills produces less waste than the same number of pills in multiple containers.
- Comment on ISPs tell Supreme Court they don’t want to disconnect users accused of piracy 5 months ago:
Personally I think AI training is free use. I also think AI is a fad and generally used as a way to scam people.
However, artists complain about AI because it pulls from their business (in theory.) Artists generally don’t complain about piracy by the end user because the artist is usually still credited in someway (signature watermark etc.) and piracy doesn’t generally stop other people from paying for their art. AI in theory steals their jobs.
The main people who complain about traditional piracy are the executives of companies that purchased copyright on artist’s works through contracts that do not favor the artists.
- Comment on Becoming et al. 5 months ago:
It would also mean being involved in the most lawsuits, unfortunately.
- Comment on pringles 6 months ago:
ENIAC was built in 1945. And Cray was building supercomputers in the 60s
- Comment on How it felt to watch this awesome console fail back in the day 6 months ago:
Mega drive would have sounded cool when it came out, though it’s perhaps the most dated sounding name of the bunch.
- Comment on It's honestly good advice, but I much prefer original hardware when possible. 6 months ago:
It helps that emulators have caught up in the last ten years. When I started collecting consoles there wasn’t a good emulator for the Saturn and even emulating the snes on a mobile device with similar power to a pi was inaccurate at times.
I have less and less reason to want to use original hardware other than nostalgia.
- Comment on Virginia is shrinking! 7 months ago:
Well, just wait a while and Virginia will shrink again, and you will be in another state.
- Comment on Oh the wonders of technology 10 months ago:
I think the point is that the formats have basically been unified into fully digital formats. Though we still use Bluetooth speakers to replace boomboxes and audio stacks.
- Comment on Hooooooooooooooooooot 10 months ago:
But it can be contained and condensed for reused.
- Comment on sun time 10 months ago:
There are craters from volcanic activity in the northern part of the valley. There are dunes. It’s the hottest driest place in the US because of the Sierra Nevada rain shadow. The effect of rain in the valley is dramatic when it does rain.
- Comment on Snikt 11 months ago:
In a fair world we would have gotten a Lobo movie starring Lemmy Kilmister in the ‘90s or Rob Zombie in the ‘00s
- Comment on New 'Mind-Reading' AI Translates Thoughts Directly From Brainwaves – Without Implants 1 year ago:
There are fewer verbs than nouns I’m sure our brains prioritize accordingly
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
“May be” is the point.
From the Forbes article you cite:
‘It’s important to emphasize that these findings are observational, and they provide insights into patterns within our dataset. However, they do not establish a direct cause-and-effect relationship,’ lead author Dr. Anees Bahji, at the University of Calgary’s Cumming School of Medicine, told Forbes.”
Drinking anything other than water, breathing anything other than air, and eating just about anything have been shown in some study somewhere to be harmful in someway.
- Comment on Can't we just talk about it without the maths? Guys? 1 year ago:
It’s just the one turtle flying through space, the Great A’Tuin