I think the only country that’s legit happened to was Iraq,
Usually it’s more about how traumatized the POWs captured by your country’s soldiers were. Unbroken being the major cinematic example, and all the stories about Senator McCain refusing early release and being tortured for it and the guy who blinked reports of torture out in morse code while reading a hostage statement in Vietnam being the more “stuff of legends” examples.
American Sniper is the only one I’ve seen where it’s about how some soldier who didn’t experience anything above the typical background humm of war felt about the whole thing.
Probably because being a US military troop is the least dangerous it’s ever been, so the major condition most troops will face isn’t death or permanent injury, but instead PTSD from having faced combat or Survivor’s guilt from having been suddenly shifted off the rare doomed mission or patrol that still claims casualties at the last second.
Most enlisted troops are just career workers in camo with a REALLY rigorous on the job fitness program. There’s a reason the US is everyone’s intel and logistics repository, and it’s because for every dollar spent on actually fighting, ten grt spent on building up so much intelligence that the deck is as stacked as it can be before the cards even come out of the box to be dealt.
takeda@lemmy.world 7 months ago
nifty@lemmy.world 7 months ago
Like, I can drink out of this thimble deep