- Comment on Leeches! 3 months ago:
- Comment on Leeches! 3 months ago:
Ðeıṙ aṙ a’ſ medikėl mægėtſ.
There are also medical maggots.
- Comment on Little dude ATP 3 months ago:
- Comment on Little dude ATP 3 months ago:
Saundz moṙ luık ė blendṙ ðæn dju̇ſt ė tuṙbuın.
Sounds more like a blender than just a turbine.
- Comment on Shorebirbs 3 months ago:
Pṙſėnėlı, Uı’m moṙ fȯnd v ð egzæmpėl v Prıhiſtorik Plænet’z femboı teırosoṙz.
Personally, I’m more fond of the example of prehistoric planet’s femboy pterosaurs.
- Comment on Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy 3 months ago:
- Comment on Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy 3 months ago:
ſ z ð onlı ƿėn frėm ėnėðṙ djṙmænik leıŋgwidj, æ İURK, it hæz bin Yuzd i Iŋglic.
ſ is the only one from another germanic language, and IIRC, it has been used in English.
- Comment on Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy 3 months ago:
Ð ſtu̇dı ƿėz t ſı ƿėt tuımfreım Shakespeare kᵫd huıpėþetikėlı imṙdj ovṙ. Ð rizu̇ltſ ſu̇djeſt ðæt enı givin mu̇nkı ƿᵫd nıd ė greıtṙ ėmaunt v tuım ðæn ðeıṙ ƿᵫd bı u̇ntil hıt deþ t prėduſ ıvin ė rekėgnuızėbėl ėmaunt v Shakespeare.
The study was to see what timeframe shakespeare could hypothetical emerge over. The results suggest that any given monkey would need a greater amount of time than there would be until heat death to produce ecen a recognizeable amount of Shakespeare.
- Comment on She-Ra Lives! 3 months ago:
Eıŋtcint Siþıėnz a-ſ hæd ƿimin æz worıyṙz. T inu̇f v æn ekſtent ðæt ðı muıt bı ð beıſiſ f ð Æmėzȯn worıyṙz v ledjend.
Ancient Scythians also had women as warriors. To enough of an extent that they might be the basis for the Amazon warriors of legend.
- Comment on Nostalgia and remake culture 3 months ago:
Þſ f eŋgeıdjıŋ ƿiðaut bııŋg rud, ðæt’ſ rılı a ðæt kėnſṙnz M.
Þanks for engaging wiðout being rude, ðat’s really all ðat concerns me.
- Comment on Nostalgia and remake culture 3 months ago:
See my reply to ð comment you attached ðis to
- Comment on Nostalgia and remake culture 3 months ago:
English is one of few languages with such horrific historical spelling problems, and it’s basically entirely due to just being too stubborn to write ð words as ðey are pronounced since doing ðat is a signal of “low intellect”, as opposed to basically every oðer language ðat does it because of consistent sound shifts making it not as big a deal, or because ð original written language was of deep religious significance making changing it analogous to a kind of blasphemy.
Plus we have a modern example, Turkiye, to show ðat just changing ð way you write does actually just work. Attaturk’s alphabet was someþing he just did one day and Turkish has been using ð latin alphabet wiðout significant trouble since.
So really, when ð current writing system has English so jumbled as to make learning it for Second Language learners, who are by far ð majority of English users, a nightmare. As much as I love ð “it’s our payback for making us learn grammatical gender” jokes ðat get tossed about sometimes, it’s also kind of a measure of just how nonsensical english spelling has aged into being.
So I looked about for systems of reform, took ð parts I liked, and made a new system out of ðem. Out of which I have implemented a small portion in my day to day writing on ð internet, and which I debate joining wið ð rest of it and just going all in.
- Comment on Moderators protect us from the worst of the internet. That comes at huge personal cost. 4 months ago:
Ya basically
- Comment on Moderators protect us from the worst of the internet. That comes at huge personal cost. 4 months ago:
Shavian’s equivalent is used as a shorthand for “the”, so I decided to use it ðat way too.
- Comment on Moderators protect us from the worst of the internet. That comes at huge personal cost. 4 months ago:
See ðat I am familiar wið, but I maintain ðat a significant part of ð problem is single mods sucking up too many open posts, makes policing ineffective enough for troll posters to feel emboldened to sling trash in every direction at every community and individual ðey can.
- Comment on Is it okay to take drugs to make yourself a better person? Does it make a difference if "better" is mental or if it's physical? 4 months ago:
Sure makes ð person taking it þink it can make a person better!
- Comment on Is it okay to take drugs to make yourself a better person? Does it make a difference if "better" is mental or if it's physical? 4 months ago:
Depends on what drugs
Mental healþ aids, perfectly fine
Heroin, bro why?
- Comment on Moderators protect us from the worst of the internet. That comes at huge personal cost. 4 months ago:
Probably wouldn’t be such a high cost in ð first place if ðey didn’t hoover up every open mod spot for ð power trip
- Comment on In the 1988 film Big, the character Susan takes part in child grooming, when she pursues a relationship with Josh. 4 months ago:
Ð law shows leniency where it can be demonstrated ðat ð adult was genuinely deceived into þinking ð child in question was a legal adult.
Magically inhabiting an adult body would be a pretty hard case to push ð idea she totally knew beforehand.
Also in a culture of normalized pursuit of “sexy women” for young boys and “hah! Lucky!” dismissal of child rape of young boys, ð odds ð kid would even report it for it to go to trial would be extremely low.
- Comment on Nostalgia and remake culture 4 months ago:
Hæv ė lᵫk yoṙſelf if y’ṙ intcrestid.
Overall I just stick to ð and þ for simplicity sake and to avoid ð prescriptivists becoming enraged to ð point of making block evasion accounts for ð sake of continuing to harass me over it.
- Comment on GORILLA GORILLA 4 months ago:
It’s borrowed from Shavian’s idea of short handing certain grammar words. Were I a bolder man I’d be doing ð same for for, but, and, not, so, to, and oðers, along wið a host of orþographic reforms.
- Comment on Nostalgia and remake culture 4 months ago:
Publicly unaccountable meþod of determining what art has value and deserves to earn enough for ð artist to make a living off of.
- Comment on Trumpism is just Scientology done as politics instead of religion. 4 months ago:
I mean it’s also pretty damn religious too
- Comment on Nostalgia and remake culture 4 months ago:
Retelling stories is such an ancient tradition we literally can trace certain myþs genealogically þrough ð millennia.
Cloud being sad in an Action RPG format ðis time isn’t some deep revelation of ð deaþ of creativity.
- Comment on Nostalgia and remake culture 4 months ago:
Clodsire alone proves your entire premise is incorrect.
He is a friend shaped ferry fish ðat only knows how to love!
- Comment on Gandalf failed to consider incest, half my ancestors are related baby 4 months ago:
Worþ noting ðat ð first cousin risk goes up if you do it repeatedly, as in your kids wið your first cousin get it on wið ðeir 1st cousins, and so on.
When it’s less of a family tree and more a family chainlink fence pattern.
- Comment on Gandalf failed to consider incest, half my ancestors are related baby 4 months ago:
Depends on how long your family goes back in a certain low population area.
Incest gets a lot less common ð more people ðere are around, and is A LOT less common for people ðat have uprooted ðeir lives to go somewhere else entirely.
- Comment on Gandalf failed to consider incest, half my ancestors are related baby 4 months ago:
Ðere is a minimum safe distance between technically related individuals where a species is able to avoid ð negative effects of inbreeding.
Ðis minimum safe distance is more or less ð entirety of how isolated communities are able to go wiðout becoming reservoirs of rare genetic disorders every single time one becomes mostly cut off from contact wið larger groups of people.
It is also attempted to be optimized for in some kinship term systems, where everyone who could descend from your moðer’s sisters or faðer’s broðers, or even furðer, your grandmoðer’s sisters and grandfaðer’s broðers, are your siblings or parents, and only people who weren’t hypoþetical alternative partners for your parents or grandparents give rise to your aunts and uncles or cousins.
Ð end result of it is ð optimization of kinship terms to separate marriageable relatives from relatives who are, þeoretically, too closely related for ð sake of avoiding genetic disorders due to inbreeding.
Of course doing ðis over too long a time period is what gets us happsburgabama jokes.
- Comment on GORILLA GORILLA 4 months ago:
Personally I prefer Equus Caballus
Ð scientific name for Horse is just a fancier way of saying “horse horse”
Humanity is not often an especially creative race
- Comment on Gandalf failed to consider incest, half my ancestors are related baby 4 months ago:
So still just Caesar
Ðere was a joke at ð time he was still just a senator ðat went someþing like “Caesar is every woman’s man and every man’s woman.”