- Comment on Your boomer parents after giving you the most outdated job-seeking advice of your fucking life [Day 86] 4 hours ago:
You would get unsolicited advise for just about anywhere, not just job advise.
- Comment on Your boomer parents after giving you the most outdated job-seeking advice of your fucking life [Day 86] 4 hours ago:
My parents thought having a degree alone will land you a job. By the time I graduated, the paradigm had shifted and interviewers are asking if I had any previous work experience to prove that I have good work ethic. Problem is, growing up, my parents never allowed me to work so I never had anything to show for. Even after graduation, they advised me getting any jobs “underneath” me. It took awhile before I went against my parents advise and finally getting a job related to my degree. The trails of bad advise did not even stop at job-seeking but that will be another long story.
In any case, I realised that my parents are a bunch of insecure nouveau riche (they grew up poor and I can sense they have hint of elitism now that they moved up the socioeconomic ladder) who did not set me up for life well. I told myself I won’t listen to them and rail against them giving me any more advise. I think they realised their mistakes a bit too late now.
- Comment on Pardon???? 9 hours ago:
The pandemic had been a bane to my personal life. But on the one hand, it forced me to stay with my folks for a little while and it proved to be smart in hindsight because I made huge savings before finally moving out of home.
- Comment on Pardon???? 9 hours ago:
It is only going to get worse kiddo, if you think 5 years is a long time ago.
A millenial
- Comment on Microsoft is reportedly killing Skype 2 days ago:
I totally forgot it exists, meaning I thought it was already dead.
- Comment on ‘The tyranny of apps’: those without smartphones are unfairly penalised, say campaigners 1 week ago:
That is what I noticed. Everything these days require app to get shopping vouchers, book tickets, go in to your local gym, pay in store (we are being weaned off from using cash) etc.
- Comment on Working below minimum wage to save the planet 2 weeks ago:
Can you fix my boiler?
- Comment on the definitive proof that you weren't your parent's favorite 2 weeks ago:
What’s that?
- Comment on hexbear.net comically loses its domain name 2 weeks ago:
Remember kids, this is why you still need money. This is literally how the Soviet Union collapsed and why China today became a state capitalist.
- Comment on French President Emmanuel Macron announces €100 billion investments in AI 2 weeks ago:
Serious question and not trying to be funny, but how is AI going to solve climate change? We already know the answer, but the world is too greedy to do anything about it. As a matter of fact, AI will worsen climate change since more power is needed for it to write couple of sentences.
- Comment on The extremely rich would rather not have another Einstein unless they knew they could control them and it wouldn't hurt the bottom line. 2 weeks ago:
“Socialise the cost. Privatise the profit.”
Much of the research comes from the public sector, especially universities. But business tycoons act like they are the ones who invented something from scratch and took all the risk to commercialise the idea.
- Comment on Freed At Last From Patents, Does Anyone Still Care About MP3? 2 weeks ago:
I use m4a format simply because my downloader uses that format. But I think m4a sound quality is better than mp3.
- Comment on Uniquely American 3 weeks ago:
There is a difference between loving your work and being workaholic then getting paid peanuts for it; and then the boss expects others to do the same. There is a reason that employees hate over-achievers. I have been in places where we get like you. But at the end, you are not pleasing yourself, it is those at the top who will earn more than you ever will in your lifetime whom you are pleasing.
PEAK fucking lemmy. Jesus, you even angled in “the right”. Very good, except you didn’t put “capitalism” in there. B+
Fair enough. The far-left communists are also obsessed with work.
In addition, retiring exactly at age 62 increases the odds of dying by 23 percent relative to men retiring at age 63 and by 24 percent relative to men retiring at age 64.
Maybe because those who worked really hard in their younger years retire early, but it took more toll on their bodies than if they work more steadily. But what is the point of money if your body is too weak to enjoy the pension, and much of it goes to your healthcare, instead of enjoying a Caribbean cruise or a trip to see the Pyramids? I lost count on my fingers how many times I have read about and talked to elderly regretting that they worked excessively in their younger days. The physical injuries they received when they were younger act up again as their body could no longer hold up like before. On a more personal note, they regret not having spent more time doing other things like travelling or taking up hobbies when they were more able. I don’t know about you, but missing out a lot in life and regretting on my deathbed as an old person is a fate worse than death, and I have had near death experience before.
- Comment on Uniquely American 3 weeks ago:
Unfortunately, there are still many of those who love working and don’t mind working long hours anyway. Some of them use work to forget their personal problems, some derive a sense of purpose-- the latter of whom are brainwashed by the right to love work. Kudos to those who work excessive hours, but the problem is that the owner-class wants the rest of us to follow suit and they don’t care if we would rather spend time on our hobbies or families outside of work.
- Comment on Justin Trudeau resigns as Canadian prime minister - live updates 1 month ago:
Here we go again with the “laZe-eR EvE’UhL” and “trollolol problem” but Canada-style.
Shouldn’t this make you and others demand reform from Liberal Party? Or support New Democratic Party which is far more progressive? And before you mention about the two party system, it’s quite weak in Canada compared to the American system. After all, the Canadian Tories went extinct despite having been a force to reckon with.
The reason the world is regressing is because of champagne socialists and limousine liberals forcing salt of the earth people to choose for the “lazer eve’uhl” who will do nothing substantial but for their corporate overlords.
- Comment on punchable babies 2 months ago:
I grew up learning British spelling but I prefer American spelling. The American spelling is simplified because words are spelt as phonetically.
- Comment on Petrichor 3 months ago:
The North African region was a lush verdant region 11,000 years ago, which is not so long ago considering humans already spread far and wide around that time.
- Comment on Is there any truth to this? 3 months ago:
There are exceptions of course but IMHO, you shouldn’t block toxic contents, you call them out instead. Doing so basically puts a red flag to any would-be readers that this person and the associated content is harmful and dangerous.
- Comment on Stop whining. Do it yourself. 3 months ago:
I see this response all the time “create your own if you want to see niche communities and Reddit communities migrate here.” Well, if I have the bloody time to moderate, or even if I do, will there be many people? And if there are many people, do I have the time to moderate? What if there are mod bickering and drama?
The question is time. Does anyone else have the time to moderate and put up with BS inevitable with most communities?
- Comment on Do you refrain from participating to a community if it's hosted on Lemmy.ml ? 4 months ago:
Literally everyone else: “It’s bad to arbitrarily arrest someone for criticising corruption and send them and their family to labour camps.”
Tankies: “That’s just, your opinion, man.” ^mark ^^this ^^^person ^^^^for ^^^^^seven ^^^^^^years ^^^^^^^^in ^^^^^^^^^Siberian ^^^^^^^^^^gulag
- Comment on South Australia’s upper house narrowly rejects ‘Trumpian’ bill to wind back abortion care 4 months ago:
I didn’t think Australia would still be religious enough to have considered this. They’re generally more liberal than the US.
- Comment on Elon Musk’s X is now worth less than a quarter of its $44 billion purchase price 4 months ago:
I’d cheer on if Elon Musk becomes a pauper. $9 billion is still worth a lot. It’s still, as the article says, billions.
- Comment on Elon Musk’s X is now worth less than a quarter of its $44 billion purchase price 4 months ago:
Still worth billions though.
- Comment on Music was better when ugly people were allowed to make it 5 months ago:
Adele isn’t that good looking as well, but she is well loved as a singer.
- Comment on c o e x i s t 5 months ago:
I think I read somewhere that in order for the Romans to abnegate their role in killing Jesus, as they transitioned to Christianity, they scapegoated the Jews. Although, it was the people who demanded to crucify Jesus. But of course, anti-semites focused on the ethnicity, instead just ascribing the mob justice to just-- on people.
My guess is that because Jews reject the divinity of Jesus, the Christians found it fair to oppress the Jews. It is not different though to the crusading missions of later Christians in the medieval Europe. The non-Christians refuse to recognise Jesus Christ as both the son of God and god himself, the either they convert, or else be killed or ostracised.
- Comment on Academic writing 5 months ago:
“Academia is being esoteric” or in other words “academia is a pompous twat”.
- Comment on Platypuses 5 months ago:
It is worth mentioning that when the first stuffed sample of platypus was sent to Britain, the scientists thought it is a joke.
- Comment on Alpha 5 months ago:
The alpha/beta wolf notion doesn’t even make much of a sense, considering wolves tend to be loners but only make packs when they need to hunt.
- Comment on "what happened??" 5 months ago:
I imagine it would be for older games though?
- Comment on "what happened??" 5 months ago:
I was a huge fan of Ubisoft. I basically stopped playing any of their games after Assassins Creed 3. With the exception of AC: Black Flag, which I got from the high seas, ironically.