- Comment on US grid adds batteries at 10x the rate of natural gas in first half of 2024 6 months ago:
- Comment on Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater - The First Preview 6 months ago:
Kojima dropped David Hayter like a sack of rotting potatoes, they can both get fucked.
The corpo can get fucked extra hard though.
- Comment on Russian missiles strike more than half of Ukraine's regions 6 months ago:
Hexbears and simping for fascist dictatorships.
Name a more iconic duo
- Comment on Russian missiles strike more than half of Ukraine's regions 6 months ago:
“the thing humans programmed is TOTALLY free of human bias!”
… Said no rational intelligent person who is capable of critical thinking.
- Comment on Small reminder: Don't forget to sporadically renew your nozzle from time to time! 6 months ago:
Then you’re camping!
- Comment on MBFC Credibility - High 6 months ago:
You cannot “pre-emptively” defend yourself, an attack to head off a suspected attack is still an attack.
Other than that semantic nitpick, personally I’m there with you… However, you cannot seriously be pointing this out without also recognizing that Israel is very much the initial offender in any conflict that arises as direct result of their actions in gaza.
If I let a bully sucker punch me so I have an excuse to beat up all the people around them, and then someone else close by hits me, I can’t honestly say I am the one who is defending myself.
- Comment on Small reminder: Don't forget to sporadically renew your nozzle from time to time! 6 months ago:
Gotta be unpredictable, the nozzles can smell intent.
- Comment on Post upvotes are like github stars 6 months ago:
I would bet that you’re all guys
Weirdly sexist take…
- Comment on Post upvotes are like github stars 6 months ago:
Every time I get downvoted, I move an inch closer to the exit door of this community.
Lol OK bye.
Nobody gives a shit and complaining about down votes is the quickest way to get them.
Guess what! Outside of a few custom instances that for some reason want to be reddit, the fediverse doesn’t track your total karma.
Unless you’re going back to keep track of your comments for some weird reason, the only time you see a down voted comment is when you get replies.
I could have hundreds of net down votes by now, but I don’t know because luckily my instance doesn’t track votes.
The point is, it’s a little number next to an arrow. Who gives a shit.
- Comment on Bravo, Ridley 6 months ago:
It’s a simple life.
- Comment on Very mindful... 6 months ago:
So my understanding of it is that one person who has a lot of followers made a video using the word in an arguably improper manner, a bunch of other people making more videos more or less using it ironically to make fun of it, and then a bunch MORE people just started using it completely wrong because it’s been a game of Shitty Telephone from the people who used it correctly (first persons teacher, or a book somewhere) and the end result makes absolutely no sense.
Or, if you will excuse the slanted metaphor, “Ai learning from Ai”
- Comment on Very mindful... 6 months ago:
Step One Cannot Be Completed
Abandon Quest?
[X] Yes [_] No
- Comment on Very mindful... 6 months ago:
- Comment on Texas judge who bought Tesla stock won’t recuse himself from X v. Media Matters 6 months ago:
The system is working as designed.
Nothing to see here, move along.
- Comment on Lucky to be alive? Come on now, thats a stretch. 6 months ago:
Another anecdote for the “Springs Be Scary” list, I was helping my brother in law put theirs up two years ago, and similarly had trouble with the last spring.
We were using the tool included in the packaging, a little T post handle with a small hook on the end, sort of like one of those livestock processing hooks they use to grab heavy things with, just a lot smaller. And not sharp.
Well the last spring was being pulled back when the metal hook broke out of the handle, and shot into the nearby house window and broke one of the bottom panes.
Nobody was hurt, but with all the kids excitedly sprinting around, that metal bit was flying at eye level to 3 or 4 of them… Someone could have lost an eye.
Springs under load are scary as fuck, ask any garage door tech.
- Comment on Don't joke about daddy 6 months ago:
Funny how quickly things turned to “no political violence is okay and joking about it makes you a terrorist” when only weeks before I was hearing and seeing “jokes” about certain politicians and death, assault (of varying kinds…), and all manner of “violent” things.
But suddenly after Ajent Ornj takes a bit of shrapnel, it’s “not okay”
And all the people who “hate Trump” who sit by day after day and say nothing about the other “jokes” because “we expect that from them” but jump in to lecture you about how you’re wrong… Well, are you hypocrites or just cowards? Why is it suddenly “not okay”?
- Comment on If buying it isn't owning it... 6 months ago:
But you don’t understand, this time my DRM experts assure me it will take at least two days to crack this time! (for realsies this time)
- Comment on Picture Unrelated 6 months ago:
Last time I saw this, I was on reddit, and it said “from 4chan”
I wonder if I’ll see it say “from lemmy” someday?
- Comment on Spreading of the 100 biggest Lemmy communities 6 months ago:
Yeah, I’ve never once seen anything but criticism over the US’s involvement in the middle east.
The most I’ve seen is a couple people saying the equivalent of “well SOMEONE had to do something about X” And a bunch of others jumping on them to clarify that X either never existed, or was massively exaggerated and the US isn’t the World Police.
Genuinely would love to see someone link a good faith comment trying to argue the above, so I can tell them all about how they’re a fucknut
- Comment on Spreading of the 100 biggest Lemmy communities 6 months ago:
Can you truly say you’ve had the HB experience if you haven’t recieved emoji/sticker/gif spam from people who weren’t alive for 9/11, have never been outside their country, and refuse to listen to opposing views, but know with full certainty that all western countries are 100% full of genociders and colonial rapists who all deserve the glorious death the super benign, extremely peaceful and misunderstood countries of North Korea, China, and Russia who have never once been correctly accused of human rights violations…
And of course, if they point out that your country has dipped into those things in the past, well your entire worldview is shattered and their whataboutism has solved everything and proves you deserve the death they crave for you.
- Comment on Sloths 🦥 6 months ago:
Giant Sloths high as fuck… Would that make the super sloths, or go the opposite way and speed them up?
- Comment on Sloths 🦥 6 months ago:
I hear what you’re saying, and I recognize anyone inside would be safe from being eaten… However, as with an elephant, I wouldn’t want to be woken up in the middle of the night having intruded upon their home.
- Comment on Sloths 🦥 6 months ago:
Can you imagine being stuck in the dawn of human agriculture, and you seek shelter in a nice cave that you found… And then a Giant Sloth just lumbers in after a bit.
I mean, I imagine any Homo species of the time would know not to go inside one of these, but still.
- Comment on What if? 6 months ago:
I was once told watching Skallagrim videos was a red flag “because anyone who likes LARP shit is obviously a red hat”
Go watch any of his videos and let me know how much of a red hat he is.
Now shad on the other hand…
- Comment on B O N G 6 months ago:
It’s more of a tink, maybe a thunk if you’re feeling rowdy.
The only time I’ve heard the loud hollow BONG is from video clips and memes.
- Comment on The sun, it burns. 6 months ago:
Me: (see above)
My wife: Image
- Comment on pringles 6 months ago:
No, the shape hinders putting the far enough into your mouth. Luckily, I’ve got a big one.
- Comment on When Harris had to pick a VP, all media kinda agreed it should be a white male, to balance the fact that she is black and a woman. So Waltz is the DEI hire. 6 months ago:
“Kamala” is hard to pronounce, yet they never had a problem with “Barack Hussein Obama pause for the scary middle-eastern/Islamic-sounding name to sink into racist audience”
And I love when Palin got called out directly for that and she backpedaled so hard, trying to make it sound like they always do that with everyone and started rattling off republican full names like that made a single bit of difference…
Can we get a truth-o-meter to scrutinize all candidates during debates like they do in futurama?
- Comment on When Harris had to pick a VP, all media kinda agreed it should be a white male, to balance the fact that she is black and a woman. So Waltz is the DEI hire. 6 months ago:
There’s a difference in saying something sexist and racist to be sexist and racist vs being practical due to other people’s sexism and racism.
- Comment on Quick Chat 6 months ago:
I am Transporter Room 3. Or I might just be an amalgamation of all the consciousnesses Chief O’Brien has
stored in the pattern bufferuhhhh beamed up… Yeah beamed up.You’d be surprised how much silver is in a transporter though. Vampires just slide right out.