- Comment on ‘It’s like 1948’: Israel cleanses vast West Bank region of nearly all Palestinians 1 week ago:
It looks inhospitable because of the water apartheid.
Israel and its settlers take the lions share of water resources, leaving Palestinians with barely enough to survive.
Water is so scarce and precious that nearly every Palestinian home has a rooftop water tank. Water for aesthetic things like plants or lawns is a luxury.
Parched: Israel’s policy of water deprivation in the West Bank
- Comment on Sad 4 weeks ago:
Lemmy as a whole is left leaning, but this is LW, Lemmy’s home for blueMAGA.
- Comment on Poll: 60% pessimstic about the future of democratic governance in Israel 2 months ago:
Only 60%?
The Israeli populace has to be the most delusional population currently on the planet.
- Comment on 7 years ago there were no billionaires worth more than $100 billion - today there are 18! 4 months ago:
Yes he signed up to give his money away. To a charitable trust. Which he and his family controls. And can withdraw from at any time.
It isnt a charity pledge, its a plan to avoid paying taxes.
- Comment on You'll have to use pto time to drown, but make sure it's approved first 4 months ago:
TN has a strong felony murder statute. You dont need to prove intent, you just need to prove they were perpetrating a related violent felony.
I’m not a lawyer but in this case it seems like management have probably met the criteria for felony theft or kidnapping. Any properly motivated DA could then add a felony murder charge for each death.
- Comment on How come drug dealers seem to have a messed up house or at least a messed up car with a bunch of trash in it? 5 months ago:
When I started dealing drugs, I did it because my friends and I were smoking trash weed and we wanted to secure a good supply of quality product. It worked out well. My car was clean. I didn’t sell much.
A few years later when I turned 23 I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. My life fell apart, I was bedridden, I went through a medical bankruptcy. That is when I began to deal drugs to survive. For a few years I paid my bills by selling weed, ecstasy, adderall, mushrooms, acid from the bed where I spent 95% of my time. My car was dirty.
Was I just a regular person? I dont know
- Comment on How come drug dealers seem to have a messed up house or at least a messed up car with a bunch of trash in it? 5 months ago:
It’s a broad generalization, I’m not suggesting some new law of nature.
- Comment on How come drug dealers seem to have a messed up house or at least a messed up car with a bunch of trash in it? 5 months ago:
I think you have to ask: why are people dealing drugs?
Some people sell drugs because they are desperate. These people are dealing with extreme poverty, trauma, mental and physical health issues, etc. Their cars are messy.
Other people sell drugs because of the economic opportunity. In my experience, these people pride themselves on cleanliness, timeliness, and customer service. They have clean cars.
- Comment on Oh jeez 7 months ago:
It would be better to have war crimes trials to show how fucked up specific wars are.
Being able to make movies showcasing your past crimes is not a sign of a healthy society…
- Comment on Elon Musk says SpaceX HQ officially moving to Texas, blames new CA trans student privacy law 7 months ago:
I’m a little surprised that this comment has gotten so many upvotes.
Would you apply this same logic to the real world? For example, imagine if a manufacturing facility for Lockheed Martin or General Dynamics was bombed and thousands of working class Americans died. These people are building bombs that are being used in an ongoing genocide.
Would you consider this a heinous terrorist act, or a noble strike in the fight for freedom?
- Comment on Meta to broaden hate speech policy to remove more posts targeting 'Zionists' 7 months ago:
But what about the terror group known as IDF? They have unlimited free reign to spread their genocidal message and recruit followers. They also buy ads, and have a budget larger than all the terror groups you mentioned combined.
- Comment on Mood 7 months ago:
Someone please bribe the Supreme Court with a free ocean submersible ride
- Comment on Chrono Trigger (SNES 1995) 8 months ago:
Chrono Trigger has all the elements done right- 10/10 music, 10/10 art style, RPG and battle systems that were innovative for the time and are still fun to play today.
But I think what sets the game apart as a timeless classic, a masterpiece, is its deep themes of existentialism. Marle has has a fake persona and a mistaken identity, yet we can still see her real self. Crono, as an avatar for the player, is sentenced to death and spared in the last moments. Robo, after being freed from his original programming, asks “Is this what it is like… to die?”
And that’s all just in the first act.
The ideas of Sartre, of Nietzsche, and perhaps most of all “Being and Time” by Heidegger were presented in a way that my 10-year-old self could comprehend and enjoy. But it’s not dumbed down for children, my 30-year-old self can still find deep meaning in the narrative and themes.
Plus, time travel is cool.
- Comment on Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed? 8 months ago:
But that explanation is lost to time.
One translation I read suggested a probable explanation.
Rasputin’s phone advice was the same as many modern quacks: keep the patient away from modern medicine and doctors.
So the hemophiliac prince was no longer given his normal cocktail of drugs, which probably included a new medicine for the time: aspirin.
Stop giving a blood thinner to a hemophiliac and his condition (temporarily) improved. The best explanation for the people at the time was “magic”.
- Comment on If presidential immunity is absolute.. 9 months ago:
One of the major issues in this case is that Obama set a precedent when he assassinated 16 year old American citizen Abdulrahman al-Awlaki without a trial.
The reality is that the Democrats go low, and Republicans use that as a new standard to go even lower.
- Comment on WTF Happened In 1971? 10 months ago:
Leftists: its deregulation and reagan and the destruction of labor unions and forever wars and wall street and the death of manufacturing and and and
Libertarians: “GOLD!”
- Comment on Possible snipers seen at OSU. Administration says they're not snipers but should be treated like they are. 10 months ago:
Actual prevention of terrorism comes by building a just society. People who have basic needs, healthcare, education, and justice do not become terrorists.
And how do you expect a sharpshooter team to stop a suicide bomber, acid attack, or dirty bomb? Even stopping a crowd-driving-maniac would require significant luck. This isn’t an action movie.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
It’s not naive to learn from history, like when Reagan told Israel to stop their assault on Lebanon and Israel stopped in less than 24 hours.
Or when HW Bush called up Israel and ended that conflict overnight.
But maybe you’re right, maybe Netanyahu is too entrenched to stop this time. Biden can still stop sending the bombs. He can stop sending the money. He can stop vetoing UN peace resolutions. He could tell his press office to stop running cover for Israel. He could stop bringing up the “40 beheaded babies” lie.
He could do so much to stop this genocide, yet he refuses.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
What makes you think a vote for Biden is voting for genocide that “can be curbed”?
Every statement and action from the Biden admin, even the meme we are commenting on, shows that Biden is unwilling to curb the genocide.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Prohibition creates a black market, which in turn creates cartels, violence, unregulated and sometimes tainted product, it eliminates tax revenue, bolsters an oppressive police force, etc etc.
I believe the best model to deal with these hard drugs is legalization with heavy regulation.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
There have been a handful of good studies on the harms of drugs over the years, and they all published the same conclusion: The recreational drugs that are most harmful (both to society and to the user) are heroin, meth, and alcohol.
Just like heroin, alcohol is not gentle, nice, or not a big deal.
Why do you think one is socially encouraged and the other two are demonized?
The prohibition model was a failure for alchohol, and it’s a failure for heroin and meth too.
- Comment on GameStop’s definition of “New” 1 year ago:
If every pro-GameStop post on r/WSB and r/Superstonk was actually a joke then they have achieved levels of sarcasm far beyond what I thought possible.
- Comment on We have had guns for 200 years but mass shootings only became common in the last 30. So what changed? 1 year ago:
Everything you mentioned is an NRA talking point.
The NRA started out as a well respected advocacy group for hunters rights and environmental protection. Then they were captured by the arms manufacturing industry, so now their only goal is to sell more guns.
And after every major mass shooting there is a significant uptick in sales of guns and ammo, so the arms industry is financially motivated to contribute to the culture of gun rampage.
- Comment on We have had guns for 200 years but mass shootings only became common in the last 30. So what changed? 1 year ago:
The plan was to close the horrific, abusive insane asylums and replace them with community mental health centers.
Then neoliberals got into power and said “nah, I dont think so” to that second part.
So now our most mentally unwell people live their lives in prison and on the streets.
- Comment on GameStop’s definition of “New” 1 year ago:
I think you are right, at the start they had noble intentions hidden behind a get rich quick scheme.
But then they all became GME holders, they had a vested interest. So now they act like the shitty video game store in the mall is actually cool and innovative and soon some management changes and NFT nonsense will turn the company around.
In some small way, they became what they sought to destroy.