- Comment on Check the facts 6 months ago:
Even this random as tortoise is older than the Confederacy
- Comment on It all floats.. 6 months ago:
How to out monster the monster step one:
- Comment on Cheese board 6 months ago:
After learning that there are guys out there that don’t clean their dicks and the amount of people here that know what smegma is making me concerned about other men
- Comment on Pill bottle 6 months ago:
He must have mistaken the Krystal meth for ice
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 6 months ago:
After all why call it a hard drive if it doesn’t make you hard
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 6 months ago:
Eh it’s just words and they are more common than just computers every time I work on my cars I sometimes might have to bleed the slave cylinder or fill the master cylinder when doing brake work
- Comment on 23 and me 6 months ago:
Plot twist she knew and that’s why she came in with the outfit
- Comment on showtime 6 months ago:
Durex: I got some good for ya
- Comment on Is there a more Transformers style than Bōsōzoku ? 6 months ago:
- Comment on Colorblindness check! 6 months ago:
Me when I find out I’m loosing my vision
- Comment on What has he done to deserve this? 6 months ago:
For me it was particularly easy as it’s only Chevy and Ford cars that still use the imperial system for nuts and bolts so I’ve been making use of the metric system for pretty much every car I’ve worked on and I never really understood ferinhight to start off with as I only really cared about is it going to snow temperature wise so why memorize a number for something your only going to check one time in the year now that I’ve gotten accustomed to Celsius I’m now paying attention to if it’s going to rain or not
- Comment on Good point 7 months ago:
Granted I haven’t been around the dating pool very often but from what I’ve seen of cheating it’s rarely because the person is interested in polyamory but because they are simply normal and are trying to take advantage of one aspect of a relationship and fulfill their other desires with a different relationship for example taking advantage of husband A being rich and take advantage of husband B because he’s physically hot both are being taken advantaged of and husband A feels like he’s nothing more than a wallet and husband B feels like he’s nothing more than a dick on top of all that in the US the family court system very heavily favors women so if a girl is not 100% interested in a man it’s quite possible for the man to loose his entire lively hood I will admit this is a pretty male centric take but like I said i haven’t been paying much attention to dating world and i only have the perspective of a man
- Comment on Oh jeez 7 months ago:
My citation is I’m making a sarcastic joke
- Comment on Oh jeez 7 months ago:
As an American I don’t think America would want to bomb my country to oblivion
- Comment on Choose your fighter 7 months ago:
Writer: ok so this new show is basically death note buuuut L wears a tinfoil hat at all times and is convinced kira is Bigfoot
- Comment on Choose your fighter 7 months ago:
I can imagine a battle between the glocktopus v the Glock ness monster tuning into a conspiracy themed death note parody
- Comment on Why haven't car manufacturers standardized automatic brake lights when a built in accelerometer detects deceleration? 7 months ago:
As someone who likes moving parts on cars like pop ups that would be so sick hell I’ve even fantasized about pop up tail lights that do basically this
- Comment on Why haven't car manufacturers standardized automatic brake lights when a built in accelerometer detects deceleration? 7 months ago:
I suppose the main bulk of people misinterpreting op is due to how most people don’t think of EVs as the default and as someone who lives in a part of the US where EVs are pretty rare I assumed Regen braking was activated by pressing the brakes but hey I guess that goes to show my lack of ev experience and motivation to think about how driving one works due to how rarely I come across them and have the opportunity to even consider buying one
- Comment on Wood smells like we should be able to eat it, but we can't. 7 months ago:
In my experience unless you’re in Vermont that is quite true but yeah in Vermont just about everyone makes their own maple syrup if I recall correctly we I believe banned corn syrup maple syrup because everyone here takes maple syrup very seriously
- Comment on Wood smells like we should be able to eat it, but we can't. 7 months ago:
Eh what is a root if not wood that is covered in dirt
- Comment on There’s a lot going on here 7 months ago:
Jesus Chrysler that’s a crazy Christ
- Comment on When a non-binary person uses a computer 8 months ago:
One line then 2 lines then another 2 lines and then one line next to a horizontal line and you have Ulta simplified loss formula
- Comment on When a non-binary person uses a computer 8 months ago:
Gotta love how we have parodied loss so many times we have quite literally tuned it into a formula 1 2 2 1-
- Comment on Diet 8 months ago:
It’s called the see food diet
- Comment on Man-made horrors 8 months ago:
I think you traumatized even the local deer population
- Comment on Looks like something straight from Warhammer 40K 8 months ago:
There’s a lot of fantasy settings id like to live in but Warhammer is not one of them especially anything imperium related
- Comment on Ironing 8 months ago:
You might even say we ironed that problem out
- Comment on Is it generally safe to walk through a field of cows? 8 months ago:
Id be a bit careless to say they are a hundred percent harmless but over all they are really shy and cerous creatures id probably say you were being just as shy and careful about them as they were being towards you so yeah they have the strength and weight to crush you and rip you apart but they at most accidentally use that capability bulls on the other hand as far as I’m informed are kinda like 100 ton dogs
- Comment on Get sorted... 8 months ago:
I find myself between left top and bottom. Working a manual labor job and still going nowhere in life.
- Comment on We all know it's true 8 months ago:
You mean blue imitation?