- Submitted 6 months ago to | 7 comments
- Comment on Giant FAQ on The European Initiative to Stop Destroying Games! 6 months ago:
I see your reading comprehension is atrocious.
- Comment on Giant FAQ on The European Initiative to Stop Destroying Games! 6 months ago:
Ross is right, if you don't propose an alternative and don't actually try to do anything to bring that alternative to the public, why don't you just fuck off?
- Comment on Civil servants cannot wear ‘fetish gear’ to work, minister confirms 6 months ago:
Here's an archive of the page.
Ms Tweedale, 58, is said to wear low-cut black corsets, fishnet tights with high heels and a gothic choker with a pentagram when she attends the office.
She's trans and her attire led to a minister stating that kind of "fetish gear" cannot be worn at work. Others working with her say it's highly inappropriate and unprofessional. That's the gist of it.
- Submitted 6 months ago to | 32 comments
- Comment on Lectures 6 months ago:
Every slide is an animation. I like to believe
- Comment on Can somebody explain to me why this needs Bluetooth? 6 months ago:
There's no tap anywhere to fill the glass.
- Comment on ‘It made me cry’: photos taken 15 years apart show melting Swiss glaciers 6 months ago:
Somewhere, some right-wing nut is going to take these pictures and say they were faked by "some entity". Then it will be shared a million times to support their view that they are being lied to and climate change is a hoax.
- Comment on Me-ow! Kenyan feline lovers fret over cat-tax plan 7 months ago:
Easy to enforce: cull all the stray cats (that kill all the small wildlife and especially birds) --> any stray cat is captured and euthanised unless they are chipped. Chipped cats are checked for a shot, returned to their owners and the owners are fined.
Solves the problem of stray cats, ensures cat owners will want their cats to be chipped, and deals with noise pollution + allows small wildlife to breath in relief because there's one less predator around.
- Comment on Oh jeez 7 months ago:
I think the only country that's legit happened to was Iraq,
- Comment on Largest Study on Guaranteed Basic Income Proves Transformative for Participants 7 months ago:
And yet you still don't understand the concept of guaranteed basic income. It's not called "conditional basic income", "the last income you'll ever get", nor is it called "universal basic income". The article doesn't even mention universal once.
- Comment on Mastodon specific fundraiser for Harris for President at 18,700$ 7 months ago:
People should @ Kamala Harris' staff to move to mastodon as twitter is rate limiting follows to her account.
- Comment on Largest Study on Guaranteed Basic Income Proves Transformative for Participants 7 months ago:
Some people still can't seem to grasp it, no matter how many times you explain it to them. Once their jobs are replaced by AI and they're unemployable, I bet you they'll suddenly be screaming for it.
- Comment on Largest Study on Guaranteed Basic Income Proves Transformative for Participants 7 months ago:
Of course. Another person that didn't read the article.
- Comment on Largest Study on Guaranteed Basic Income Proves Transformative for Participants 7 months ago:
"Be careful about these pilot studies on vaccines, they don't show large scale effects on a nation's resistance".
What do you expect to happen? There's a large-scale trial the size of a country from which to draw conclusions from?
- Comment on Gen Z job seekers should be willing to work for free, long hours, ‘willing to do anything,’ says Squarespace CMO 7 months ago:
It really does sound like one of those "with a small donation from my parents" story. And even if it's not, great for her, she was lucky. Does she really believe most students just smoke weed and fuck all day or something? Every single person I knew from the US that went to uni worked during uni. Hell, even as a European I had to work despite the state money I got.
I know people who donated blood and plasma just to get by - and they had scholarships!
How can employers be "in dire need of employees" and people still have to hustle to get a job? They obviously aren't in dire need.
- Comment on Left Alone 7 months ago:
This looks familiar... which anime is it from? Full Metal Alchemist?
- Comment on Are jabronis a necessity for a social media platform to be successful? 7 months ago:
What makes somebody a jabroni?
- Comment on To bad we never did give electoral reform a try before The Fall 7 months ago:
Which country/region/city is this about?
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Why are you on twittertho?
- Comment on History is written by the victors 8 months ago:
Make another one about the US abroad.
- Movies and other media: USA = savior
- Reality: USA = murderers
- Comment on Why is it a common insult for someone to say they slept with your mom? 8 months ago:
People are obsessed with sex and relationships. If who you have sex with, and who others have sex with is important, then it's one way to take advantage of that to hurt your feelings.
Anything you care about can be used to insult you with: nationality, ethnicity, sexuality, relationship, status, hobby, intellect, etc.
- Comment on Rotisserie Chimken 2024 8 months ago:
Might as well just vote for Literally Anybody Else
- Comment on Kami 8 months ago:
It it a homonym? Or is this due to their different scripts?
- Comment on Why Britain is the world’s worst on homelessness 8 months ago:
Why not. Walk around San Fransisco. There are multiple streets alternating from full of homeless people to upscale housing and hotels. Never seen that in the UK.
- Comment on Why Britain is the world’s worst on homelessness 8 months ago:
Worse than San Fransisco? No way.
- Comment on The justices of the supreme court ruled that Trump was immune and effectively above the law while being president. What is now stopping Biden from bringing a gun to the next debate? 8 months ago:
Is this the beginning of civil war?
- Comment on Why don't low birth-rate countries make immigration to their country easier? 8 months ago:
The screaming about low birth rate is because corporations want to keep a high labor pool so they can drive down the price of labor while keeping up demand for consumption.
It's not only that. By the time you want to retire, there won't be enough people to pay taxes for your retirement fund. With more young people than old, that is less of a problem.
- Comment on Why don't low birth-rate countries make immigration to their country easier? 8 months ago:
"We cannot be outnumbered by immigrants!" *die out because their own population won't make babies*
- Submitted 8 months ago to | 86 comments