The truth is the winners have already won, and no one else ever will. They do not intend to make the American Dream obtainable for anyone but Those Approved.
It’s a big club. You aren’t in it. I’m not in it. everyone you or I know isn’t in it. You know when your in it, because you benefit from this. If you will likely lose benefits, like all of us will, you aren’t in the club.
How do you fight those in power uninterested in giving up that power?
You take it from them. 8 months ago
I’m not an American but my impression is the Supreme Court is mainly designed as a last bulwark to ensure the US never under any circumstances ever does anything remotely good and this isn’t exactly improving that impression. 8 months ago
It’s simply an institution meant to interpret laws and their legality. All of that goes out the window when the people in said institution are politically charged, corrupt, or make bad arguments. 8 months ago
Corrupt doesn’t even begin to describe it these days. They ruled recently that they are legally allowed to accept bribes, so long as the bribe comes after the decision is made.
The laws of the United States of America are literally for sale by conservative judges. This breach of justice is actively dismantling a cornerstone of our countries successful history.
Oh, the irony, that the “conservative” party is the one radically destroying the highest court in America. Their supporters can wave all the flags they want this week, but what they represent is actively destroying this country.
It’s FOR the people BY the people, not for the highest bidder. at least, that’s how it used to be before Trump’s presidency. 8 months ago
You said “or” there when really it should be “and” 8 months ago
Ironic considering everything they’re “overturning” is former Supreme Court rulings that granted all these rights. 8 months ago
To be consistently evil you need checks and balances. This is the system at work. 8 months ago
They interpret the law. And when existing law has bad policy outcomes people get made that 9 unelected lawyers in robes aren’t legislating for us. When the out comes are good people don’t hear about them or forget them. 8 months ago
Ehhhhh you’re kind of ignoring in power/out of power dynamics here and the overwhelmingly conservative slant they’ve adopted the last few years.