the american people are just as spineless. anybody could open up a few seats. all it takes is a little patience and planning. those of you waiting on a corrupt system to fix itself are the biggest dipshits on the planet.
the american people are just as spineless. anybody could open up a few seats. all it takes is a little patience and planning. those of you waiting on a corrupt system to fix itself are the biggest dipshits on the planet. 6 months ago
What’s the suggestion here? 6 months ago
do something or accept your dystopia 6 months ago
mass protests, riots, a god damn revolution. But Americans are pansies and won’t do that. The common excuse of “but I have bills to pay, I have a job to go to, I can’t go riot/protest/revolt”
Cause I’m sure all the people who have taken part in all the successful revolutions in all of histories first concern was “but I gotta pay my rent”. It’s a death by a thousand cuts. the powers that be KNOW americans are pissed off and they also KNOW americans won’t do anything about it, by design. all it takes is a revolution, but Americans won’t do that, they’re too afraid. 6 months ago
Frank Castle stuff methinks