- Comment on ‘If 1.5m Germans have them there must be something in it’: how balcony solar is taking off 2 weeks ago:
Less efficient than not having them?
- Comment on ‘If 1.5m Germans have them there must be something in it’: how balcony solar is taking off 2 weeks ago:
We have fly screens in our windows. Windows which can be tilted btw.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
We are phasing out coal. I am not arguing against further researching nuclear energy. Current plants are not worth it to build though.
- Comment on Trump confirms plan to declare national emergency, use military for mass deportations 3 months ago:
When again are americans using their right to bear arms to protect themselves against an authoritarian government? If you dont do it now never again use this argument for the second amendment.
- Comment on Trump confirms plan to declare national emergency, use military for mass deportations 3 months ago:
The person isnt made up though. Too many people calling themselves left didnt vote because the Democratic party isnt perfect. They ruined all chances to get a better candidate in the future
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
We need a fitting location to safely bury it in. Otherwise it can pollute the ground and water. In Germany for example we dont have such a location. That and the issue of cost, no one wanting to build it, no one wanting to insure it, no state wanting to offer the space and no energy company wanting this energy led to us making the correct decision in moving away from it
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
Anon is dumb. Anon forgets the nuclear waste. Anon also forgets that the plants for the magical rocks are extremely expensive. So much that energy won by these rocks is more expensive than wind energy and any other renewable.
- Comment on Why are people preferring Blue Sky over Mastodon? 3 months ago:
Because centralized services are easier to use.
- Comment on Bluesky Announces Series A to Grow Network of 13M+ Users - Bluesky 4 months ago:
I dont see the issue here. Series A investment is normal. I am glad to have a federated alternative to twitter. I know people here hate it but federation is just way more comfortable to use.
- Comment on Not allowed to work from home 4 months ago:
No. If they are expected to be reachable for 24 hours they need to be paid 24 for 24 hours
- Comment on Jack Black is what happens when the class clown doesn't become depressed and instead becomes even more of a clown 4 months ago:
Assassination attempts against a fascist are fine to joke about. Jack Black has no spine.
- Comment on Iguanadons 4 months ago:
The USA has a higher rate of knife crime. Its just that they are also shooting each others so often stabbings dont get much notice
- Comment on Brave 4 months ago:
Probably something that is not chromium based lol
- Comment on How did we move from forums to Reddit, Facebook groups, and Discord? 4 months ago:
Because we prefer to sign up to one thing that combines all our interests to signing up to dozens of different forums
- Comment on Elon Musk wants to implant millions of people with Neuralink brain chips 6 months ago:
Like it or not, when the richest man in the world wants to do something big. even if bad, it is worth it to report on it instead of quietely allowing him to do it.
- Comment on Elon Musk wants to implant millions of people with Neuralink brain chips 6 months ago:
With their consens?
- Comment on How to treat a man 6 months ago:
The entire way our society is structured is telling women how to treat men. For too long it told men they can treat women however they want which is why boys need to be taught while girls can learn it from literally everywhere around them. If anything girls should be taught to not let men treat them however they want.
- Comment on Reddit blocking all major search engines, except Google 7 months ago:
Net neutrality?
- Comment on TikTok pushed far-right AfD party on young voters in Germany 7 months ago:
You are either incredibly naive or speak in bad faith. Pushing propaganda to misled the public in elections is much more dangerous than stuffing a few ballots into the box.
- Comment on Elon Musk says SpaceX HQ officially moving to Texas, blames new CA trans student privacy law 7 months ago:
Is it because his wife left him for a trans woman?
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Because only far righters or those who dont mind them are still on twitter in 2024.
- Comment on Headlines 7 months ago:
I am tired of these comparisions. The Ukraine war has a clear good and a clear bad side. The same cannot be said about the Israel/Palastine war. Both parties are equally shitty. There is just one side much more powerful so more capable to commit cruelties. The only clear good people here are the civillians suffering on both sides.
- Comment on Supreme Court weakens federal regulators with Chevron overturning, threatening net neutrality, right to repair, big tech regulation, and more 8 months ago:
Dont americans always claim that is why they have the 2nd amendment?
- Comment on Microsoft’s AI boss thinks it’s perfectly OK to steal content if it’s on the open web 8 months ago:
Its not stolen if it is still there afterwards.
- Comment on And then...it was just gone. 8 months ago:
Isnt one of the biggest one the last podcast on the left and run by guys?
- Comment on Eat the rich? 8 months ago:
We could kill the descendants of the billionaires as well.
- Comment on Elon Musk has another secret child with exec at his brain implant company 8 months ago:
Same reason this sub is full of people desperately trying to make people use Linux. For some reason they like these topics
- Comment on Microsoft Edge nags users with a 3D banner to change Windows 11's default browser 8 months ago:
No one asked.
- Comment on Dresden Peace Prize goes to the late Alexei Navalny 9 months ago:
He didnt get the prize for his statements against muslims but for his work against Putin.
- Comment on rollin' coal 9 months ago:
Also polluted ground water by nuclear waste which we have no way of safely storing and where we just say “let future generations deal with it”