- Comment on I miss them so much. 5 days ago:
I don’t think I’ve had fried rice without eggs before. Isn’t that one of the core ingredients?
- Comment on is telling an employee how he has to speak micromanaging? Is it toxic? 1 week ago:
I got called into the office by my supervisor for a verbal counseling because I used the words “myriad” and “recalcitrant” in an email to a subordinate who was not doing their job.
- Comment on Where did Captain Planet go when he flew away? 1 week ago:
Captain Planet has to go off and use his prostate massager so he can bust so hard he’s reduced to his constituent elements.
- Comment on I feel my life is empty. Is there any way to stop this? 2 weeks ago:
I think probably because there’s no sensory input and I’m just there floating in the darkness with only my breathing and heartbeat. It’s not like the whole time I’m in the tank I’m tripping, but I have had some psychedelic adjacent experiences. Not so much the visual and auditory hallucinations, but rather the psychedelic thoughts. Pondering the nature of my existence, fleeting moments of feeling cosmic and eternal, that sorta thing.
I wouldn’t recommend psychedelics to everyone but I’m glad I’ve dabbled. Those in a stable mental state would probably have a worthwhile experience eating some shrooms and sitting down in the woods.
- Comment on I feel my life is empty. Is there any way to stop this? 2 weeks ago:
Someone once said to me that from a Buddhist perspective they’re not helpful because they provide a one time view rather than a continual shift in mindset.
That’s true, but you can take that experience and apply it to sober life. You don’t need to take acid all the time to appreciate psychedelia, but a few trips help broaden the horizon so to speak. My memories of psychedelic experiences sometimes return to me quite vividly when floating in a float tank.
- Comment on Is it possible to get/train a carrier pigeon today? 2 weeks ago:
Encryption is illegal over Ham Radio in many jurisdictions.
To be clear, encryption is not illegal per se. Obscuring the meaning of a message is what’s illegal. You can encrypt radio traffic if you have the keys posted somewhere so that anybody could decrypt the transmission. If you obscure the meaning of a message in plain English by using code words, that’s illegal.
- Comment on Those damn woke corners. 2 weeks ago:
Don’t forget Watkins Glen:
- Comment on Deny it? 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Deny it? 2 weeks ago:
what’s white and hinders you from eating
- Comment on OSHA is woke 2 weeks ago:
It kills me that the CSB has little (no?) authority to enforce their findings. All they can do is make recommendations.
- Comment on OSHA is woke 2 weeks ago:
That channel kicked off my interests in disasters of all kinds. I think it’s a good hobby to have these days, I don’t see the number of disasters decreasing as time progresses.
- Comment on What determines whether something is small enough to regrow on a mammal? 2 weeks ago:
Our repair functions stop doing their job well as part of senescence. Increasing the chance and speeding up the development of tumors.
Those repair functions working better than normal is one of the hallmark signs of cancer, specifically telomerase being reactivated. Senescence is anti cancer, not pro cancer. You know those HeLa cells that are immortal? Cancer cells. Having a time limit or replication limit on cells through senescence is a great way of limiting tumors.
- Comment on What determines whether something is small enough to regrow on a mammal? 2 weeks ago:
Mammals can’t de-differentiate cells back to progenitor stem cells, so their ability to heal is limited.
- Comment on Always go go go. Never no no no. 2 weeks ago:
I don’t disagree, but I’m not going to do the fall back asleep thing in 9 minute intervals. I’ll just set a second alarm for 15-60 minutes later, or just forgo the second alarm entirely and pass in and out of consciousness for however long I want. I hate the sound of alarms, so hearing that every 9 minutes isn’t going to improve anything.
I never hear anyone talking about how much they enjoy spamming snooze, only complaints. At least for me, quitting snooze buttons fairly early on seems to be a wise decision.
- Comment on Always go go go. Never no no no. 2 weeks ago:
Stop hitting snooze and just change your alarm to later. Own that shit. If you’re going to be lazy then go all the way lazy.
I don’t understand how lying there in a semi conscious state, dreading the start of your daily existence, is better than sleeping for that same amount of time.
- Comment on It’s Time To Rethink 6G. 2 weeks ago:
Yeah, that’s why faster wireless broadband is a good thing.
- Comment on It’s Time To Rethink 6G. 2 weeks ago:
I don’t understand the point being made here. The fact we don’t have SSTs sucks, and if they did exist anyone traveling on them would benefit. Who wouldn’t look forward to a significant shorter trip overseas? Faster traveling wouldn’t only benefit executives and world leaders.
Consider a very brief history of airspeed in commercial air travel. Passenger aircraft today fly at around 900 kilometers per hour—and have continued to traverse the skies at the same airspeed range for the past five decades. Although supersonic passenger aircraft found a niche from the 1970s through the early 2000s with the Concorde, commercial supersonic transport is no longer available for the mainstream consumer marketplace today.
To be clear, there may still be niche use cases for many gigabits per second of wireless bandwidth—just as there may still be executives or world leaders who continue to look forward to spanning the globe at supersonic speeds.
- Comment on It’s Time To Rethink 6G. 2 weeks ago:
I don’t need wireless 1Gbps around town.
Lots of us live in areas with no broadband competition, more options is a good thing. I personally wouldn’t use wireless broadband but if they can bring prices down through competition I’m all for it.
- Comment on Co-op campaigns are a rarity these days, and that should change 3 weeks ago:
Portal 2 co-op is dope.
- Comment on YSK You can substitue blood for eggs in recipes 4 weeks ago:
Elaborate on “milk is just filtered blood”, because the breast is not a kidney. This doesn’t jive with what I’ve learned about physiology.
Eggs aren’t chicken periods either, it’s not their endometrial lining.
- Comment on Why do airplanes have big front "headlights"? 1 month ago:
No red port left in the bottle
- Comment on $1K a month is a good deal 2 months ago:
It’s only the shitpost community, I always feel like a nerd correcting stuff if it’s here but I can’t help myself.
- Comment on $1K a month is a good deal 2 months ago:
Yeah, that’s right. Edited.
Deny, Delay, Defend is the title of a book about insurance written in 2010.
Deny, Defend, Depose is what the shooter had written on the shell casings.
- Comment on $1K a month is a good deal 2 months ago:
Deny delay defend is what insurance companies say, deny delay depose is what the killer wrote on the bullets. Depose doesn’t make sense if you’re the insurance, you defend as in lawyers.
- Comment on GTA 6 will have a 'significant online mode' to generate revenue for years into the future 2 months ago:
When you say peer to peer, does this mean every player communicates with every other player, or does one person act as the “server”?
- Comment on What's next after Half-Life? 2 months ago:
HL2 didn’t feel like a it has a technical leap as big as its predecessor
Gotta disagree with you on this one. Half Life was basically the Quake 2 engine with different textures and models. Half Life 2 was absolutely mind blowing with the physics and facial animations. It’s the first game I can recall with that level of physics realism, and set the stage for many games to come. The Source engine was a massive technical leap from Quake engine.
Seeing the HL2 E3 demo was a peak moment in my gaming life.
- Comment on New data shows the number of new mobile internet users is stalling 3 months ago:
Not that I’m sticking up for T-mo, but how is that crazy? I have a grandfathered plan with discounts and it was $100 a month (taxes & fees included) for 2 people years ago, and it was by far the cheapest of the major carriers.
- Comment on S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl | Review Thread 3 months ago:
It’s way better than any of the prior games were years after release. Granted, I do have a powerful computer (3090/5800X3D) but I haven’t had any significant performance issues nor crashes. A mild bit of jank but nothing that’s totally broken, just some occasional glitching corpses or debris.
Really, really enjoying it so far. Had a classic STALKER experience while exploring, got ambushed, found some really cool mega-anomaly, thought I was safe and got owned. 10/10 would die again
- Comment on Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024's launch has been marred by long load times, server issues and now it has overwhelmingly negative reviews 3 months ago:
According to Asobo, this issue was caused by a cache that was overloaded and constantly restarting. This was used in part of the authentication process, I believe when they check what content you have. This explains why people had missing content if they were lucky enough to get in. This was my experience - got in after a very long load time and then couldn’t really do anything due to missing content.
This doesn’t seem like it’s a Microsoft cloud issue per se, it seems like Asobo had a single point of failure in the design that didn’t scale well. Today seems like the CDN limits are finally being reached, as it took a while to load up new areas. Getting into the game was no issue, though.
- Comment on I benchmarked 6 different metal USB sticks 3 months ago:
Mine has been relegated to BIOS updates, still doing a great job just a bit small these days.