- Comment on Does voting for Biden change anything if I live in a deep red area of my state? (Ohio) 7 months ago:
If you are voting the opposite of the norm in your area, you are making a bigger impact than the reverse of the situation. Go by county and try to flip yours to blue. If it happens to flip, your vote counts 100%, otherwise you have at least tried and voted. Here is some links to check 2020 results by town or county.
- Comment on Amazon should've made Prime Day fall on a date corresponding to an actual three-digit prime number. 7 months ago:
Back in the olden days before digital calculators, people had tricks like that to help them do mental math.
- Comment on Is everyone here leftist? 7 months ago:
I wouldn’t call them leftist, as their views are too pro authoritarian. They more branched off in a different direction that sometimes looks more right than left.
- Comment on Firefox added [ad tracking] and has already turned it on without asking you 7 months ago:
That is a very good point. I say the same about steam with PC games.
- Comment on Firefox added [ad tracking] and has already turned it on without asking you 7 months ago:
I won’t mind some advertising if it wasn’t so invasive or potentially dangerous as vectors for viruses. The harder advertisers push, the harder the blocking is pushed, as seen on over the years. So, having Firefox handle the data, protecting its users’ identifiable data, if possible, would be a welcome compromise.
- Comment on Are there any games you're planning to pick up during the Steam and GOG sales? 8 months ago:
Critical mistake thinking paywall is pay to win. There is a difference, one is locked, the other can open their wallets but don’t have to, but can. Any type of advantage that can be bought with money IS pay to win. The key word is advantage and can be applied to any view point, like ‘skipping’ and ‘easier’. A person that pays will always be ahead of a person that doesn’t, hence paying to win.
I mean, if you are trying to argue against this means you probably wouldn’t mind buying premium bullets in a video game, like a CEO, John Riccitiello, suggested. Premium bullets would be very convenient and make killing players easier! You wouldn’t need to grind levels as long with those boosts!
Rule of thumb is to ask: would paying allow me to finish the game faster? Yes means pay to win.
- Comment on Are there any games you're planning to pick up during the Steam and GOG sales? 8 months ago:
Warframe is the most p2w game I have ever played, and I don’t understand how people can say otherwise. Imagine you could buy the best pve gear in a mmo like WoW instead of grinding out raids. Warframe is this and then some. Resources? You can buy that. Skip crafting times? Yes. Buy boosters to shorten leveling and item acquisition? Definitely multiple versions. And the game still creates problems and sells the solution, the classic monetization of inventory space.
The game is very good, has an amazing story, and the movement system is the best, but it’s extreme p2w if you want it to be. At its core, It is a very grindy looter shooter which is severely monetized.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Some thing needs to keep the court in check and remove the bad apples.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Even on windows 10, Onedrive uploaded random crap you don’t want and then yells at you that the space is full and buy a subscription. It has to be the worst cloud service of them all because of the bullshit integration. It was easier to disable and remove it than to work with it.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Microsoft ignoring Linux exists is prime anticompetitive behavior. It causes problems that Linux installations have to go around. I learned that when installing a dual boot configuration.
- Comment on Ron DeSantis signs bill scrubbing ‘climate change’ from Florida state laws 9 months ago:
He is the ‘new’ Florida man, but in power and hates everything nice in the world.
- Comment on The Price is Right television show is a low-key way to normalize inflation. 9 months ago:
I always cheekily call it ‘the price is wrong’ show.
- Comment on Streaming is cable now | Seventeen years after Netflix and Hulu kicked off a streaming revolution, it’s looking more like cable than ever. 9 months ago:
I stopped using Hulu when it introduced ads over a decade ago and never looked back. The stock of that company did really well despite the cable-like inconveniences.
- Comment on what lemmy web app do you use and why? 9 months ago:
Paid version of Boost. I could mute things without having an account, because I couldn’t decide on which instance to select. Filters didn’t reset either when I finally got an account. Non-account browsing was limited to lemmy.word pov though. I’ll still shop around if an app catches my eye.
- Comment on Is Boeing in big trouble? World's largest aerospace firm faces 10 more whistleblowers after sudden death of two 9 months ago:
I hope there won’t be a series of unfortunate accidents…
- Comment on UCLA students describe violent attack on Gaza protest encampment: ‘It was terrifying’ 10 months ago:
Absolute despicable behavior from the authorities.
- Comment on Reddit embracing all out enshittification 10 months ago:
Nice pic to visualize every modern boycott. Aggravating to see people lie about their morals, and then keep eating the shit they are being fed.
- Comment on TikTok's CEO is feeling the pressure and users are freaking out 10 months ago:
I think the tiktok fiasco is just another wrong solution to a problem. The problem is data collection and mismanagement of it; and no one is getting ‘royalties’ for their data being sold or used.
- Comment on The Man Who Killed Google Search 10 months ago:
Google should have improved the search with more powerful tools instead of chasing numbers and greed.
- Comment on Columbia faculty members walk out after pro-Palestinian protesters arrested 10 months ago:
Protests at colleges is like a time honored tradition now. It happens all the time for various reasons in the past.
- Comment on Apple AirPods are designed to die: Here’s what you should know 10 months ago:
Any product that is a portable electronic and does not have an easily replaceable battery is considered disposable, a commodity. Every single one.
- Comment on MKBHD - Do Bad Reviews Kill Companies? 10 months ago:
I wonder if he would have made the same review if it was made by apple/samsung/google.
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
Almost everything sold in USA is measured in metric and imperial units (technically wrong name, US customary units). You can get by with either.
Also, the measuring by volume can be bad for salts, because different types take up different volume amounts. A tale of two salts by Chef John (foodwishes channel on YouTube) has a nice little video about this:
- Comment on The US government seems serious about developing a lunar economy 11 months ago:
All I think of is the movie, The Time Machine. Spoiler, the main character goes forward in time and sees the moon breaking apart, causing a collapse of civilisation.