It’s easy not to trust a system associated with charging you $500 for Tylenol. Much easier (and occasionally even safer) to just smell some lavender and hope that helps. Go to an ED and you could just die of a stroke or heart attack in the waiting room or even get run over by somebody who died of a heart attack while driving and just plowed through the waiting room because they couldn’t afford an ambulance. And the Healthcare system is largely failing because of insurance companies. Burn inhumana and united quacks to the ground 2k24.
There’s so many things wrong with the Americans healthcare system, I don’t know how to find the most absurd one.
But also the fact that you can advertise for medicin, and that the patient actually has a say in what they get at the doctor, is insane.
Why would you trust those guys, if the medicin they sell is sponsored? 10 months ago
Personally, I blame the people telling the lies; e.g. the antivax campaigners, the tobacco companies, etc. 10 months ago
Blame the politicians they own 10 months ago
It’s tough when doctors have been liars too, like those who are hired to push a certain narrative by corporations, or those who participated in unethical studies, or basically all doctors to women saying all our problems are emotional and in our heads while ignoring objective medical facts/symptoms.
When I see how differently men and women are treated in medicine, it’s hard to trust doctors to be objective. They’re just not.
I’m doing my best to be a good little Democrat and look down on those who don’t trust doctors but geeze, experiencing a pregnancy and then giving birth in America makes it real hard to give doctors the benefit of the doubt. 10 months ago
We will always have liars about literally everything you cannot blame the liars for being successful fix the system that let them defeat truth. 10 months ago
You absolutely can, and should, hold liara accountable. The “don’t hate the player, hate the game” excuse simply doesn’t fly for everything. 10 months ago
Any system capable of countering a determined attempt to spread misinformation would by design attach penalties to such lies, and those penalties would be enforced on the liars. What successful fix could even be proposed that withholds blame? 10 months ago
The tobacco companies? Telling lies? Why I never!