- Comment on Possible snipers seen at OSU. Administration says they're not snipers but should be treated like they are. 10 months ago:
You can always count on a demented righty, often an off-duty cop, to show up dressed as a lefty to light a fire, break a window, or shoot someone. That’s why they’re always using that exact accusation against leftists, because they’re actually doing it.
- Comment on The increasing distrust many Americans have in modern medical advances is probably mostly due to our failing Healthcare system. 10 months ago:
You absolutely can, and should, hold liara accountable. The “don’t hate the player, hate the game” excuse simply doesn’t fly for everything.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Yes, I’m the “ignorant fuckwit” who is “throwing a tantrum”. Read above and behold me being immature, for the crime of calling out the poor little giant corporation who reportedly generated $31.5 BILLION dollars last year. Clearly they’re just trying to keep the lights on, and not kowtowing to investors whose sole, stated goal, is to buy low, and cash out when line goes up. I’m the fuckwit for pointing out that this shouldn’t be the system we’re all just okay with accepting. Clearly.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I believe there’s a sort of death-loop phenom taking place here. The enshitification, you know.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Yeah let me fork over my rapidly disappearing regular people money for a service which used to be free, whose price will only keep going up, and whose features will only keep disappearing to be locked behind a higher tier of paid subscription, thus giving me less and less, for more and more payment. You meet me over there. Let me just grab my little red wig and honk my nose a few times first and I’ll be right over.
- Comment on Movie industry demands US law requiring ISPs to block piracy websites 10 months ago:
Especially eye-roll-inducing considering the pedophile problem in Hollywood hasn’t really gotten better, let alone been solved. Many of the exec types demanding things change are likely to be either perpetrators themselves, or sympathisers with the perpetrators of this behavior, and they tell us what we should believe is right or wrong based on the almighty dollar? Fuck Hollywood in general, but especially fuck the movie industry executives in charge. Greedy bastards.