- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
no such thing when you grow up fundie, LOL. So glad I knew what birth control was and a sketchy man looked like on my own from internet research. I went full blown HOE the second I got the chance and that could’ve gone a lot worse if I hadn’t had the knowledge to keep myself safe because they sure as hell weren’t gonna do it.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
I’d be curious to know what psychosocial developmental stage this person was experiencing during COVID.
- Comment on Designed/Printed a stand for my electric screwdriver, with a space for bits and a nice tray. 4 weeks ago:
Man just shove that shit in your tweed overcoat where it belongs lol. Or at least paint the base blue.
- Comment on Interview: Alex Kurtzman On How ‘Section 31’ Embodies Star Trek Values, And The Future Of The Franchise 5 weeks ago:
To me the same question about ds9 was always answered by the explanation that utopia is a state that must be maintained, not an endpoint that must be reached. When you’ve got a good thing going, you can’t just stop paying attention to what your leaders are doing and just trust that you’ve reached a point where they’ll always respect your interests. You have to stay involved to maintain the things you’ve achieved.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 1 month ago:
As someone who works in mental health I’m actually with you but first I need to clarify that therapists don’t prescribe meds, psychiatrists do. Therapists usually have at least a bachelor’s usually a masters in one of a couple non-medical (or better stated, medical-adjacent) fields. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who completed full medical school and a residency specializing in psychiatry. Even a doctorate in psychology is not a medical doctor. A therapist is going to talk to you and provide one of two basic functions: allowing you to vent / express your emotions to a completely supportive person, and teach social skills and emotional intelligence. Psychology = talking, psychiatry = drugs. This is an important distinction because while talk therapy is often more helpful than medications for certain disorders, it’s a lot more expensive to pay for an hour human emotional presence than having a doctor (even with their more specialized knowledge) listen for fifteen minutes then decide which neurotransmitters are maybe involved the most and picking a chemical from a list to throw at the problem and see what sticks.
Now even with therapy being more helpful for certain things, I don’t think it’s actually a good solution (or again, better-stated, a good long term solution). It’s definitely going to help with this kind of problem because the core issue is largely behavioral, not neurochemical, but first of all it’s putting our emotional wellness in the hands of capitalism which is… terrible. I cannot express how much that idea terrifies me.
But second of all, as someone who’s actually had 300h of therapy for a personality disorder, it starts to lose efficacy over time due to a lack of true emotional intimacy. Once you know the DBT manual front to back plus 100h of general psycheducation on pavlov and maslow, they’re not really doing skills teaching anymore, they’re just listening to you bitch. And listening to you bitch is… fine. But even that starts to lose efficacy when you start feeling like they have no idea what you’re actually talking about. I realized this recently when I had an extremely stressful experience at work and the therapist was like,“yeah that sucks” but my work friends were all like,“oh yeah she was waaay out of line you did exactly the right thing” because my therapist knew my account, but my coworkers knew more sides of the story and still sided with me and that just… meant a lot more.
And finally the other core issue is that true emotional connection, the kind humans truly crave, is reciprocal. A therapist has boundaries to maintain that are actually pretty critical to the function of the therapeutic process. The relationship being a completely one-sided support is the whole point. It prevents the abuse of the relationship by someone who knows both more about the person and more about human behavior in general to a person who is emotionally vulnerable for one reason or another. Having those boundaries preserves what therapy does the most good for. But that also means it’s going to feel hollow after a while because in the long term what people truly need is reciprocity so they can feel the satisfaction of also helping the other person (in more ways than a monetary transaction). Therapy can help you learn more about how to build those relationships, but it can’t replace those relationships, not in the long term anyway. I even see this in my own patients, I’m having to constantly reinforce boundaries that they’re pushing not out of malice but just because they’re instinctually craving a deeper connection than I can safely offer for either of our sakes.
Anyway I think you’re right, especially about the thirdspaces, but I do worry that people will be somewhat negatively reactive to the way you’ve expressed it here. When I’ve stated as much with this little background, even stating that my perspective is informed by extensive personal AND professional experience has pretty much every layperson getting out their pitchforks.
- Comment on Day 1 Reddit Refugee 1 month ago:
Plenty visible from sh
- Comment on I think we might be leaving the "boring" part of this dystopia 1 month ago:
The best way to get people to not care that you’re raping (or otherwise abusing / exploiting) their children is to make sure they have too many to keep track of.
- Comment on $1K a month is a good deal 2 months ago:
Another talking point that doesn’t get discussed enough. I didn’t realize my next job didn’t cover until the next calendar month after the start date and that three week gap was long enough that I’m out of therapy and need to try to reinitiate.
- Comment on Two kind of YouTubers 3 months ago:
See if lemmy had the user base of reddit there would be ten more of this comment but each with a different YouTuber.
- Comment on Covfefe 3 months ago:
It’s not forgetting, it’s measuring with your heart.
- Comment on Two kind of YouTubers 3 months ago:
And Karen repeatedly murdered all of the foster children she adopted over that six year timeframe by skinning them and feeding them to the local geese. Her neighbor began noticing about 2 years in that the children would all go missing within weeks of arrival. Over the next 4 years this neighbor filed multiple complaints with the police, CPS, and the foster care agency, but all of them just said the children probably ran away. It turned out this was because Karen’s grand-step-aunt twice removed was head of the city hall floral arrangement sub-comittee…
- Comment on Colours of Blood 3 months ago:
Nah. Weirdly enough it was the character with the arthropod features I was investigating the concept for but now I wonder if I should’ve done that for the illithid so I might look into that. It was important for the other character because the actual arthropod features (wings) are missing by the time of the story so it was going to be one of the “hints” that they had her labeled as the wrong species but first of all it just didn’t fit creatively, it was much too overt to the extent it didn’t even make logical sense for the mixup to happen but also as you see here the science doesn’t follow either it’s only spiders and the like that have it.
- Comment on Colours of Blood 3 months ago:
I knew about the hemocyanin because I was trying to figure out if one of the characters in my tentacle porn should have blue blood but decided against it. Cool to learn about the others too though.
- Comment on hard to argue with 4 months ago:
- Comment on hard to argue with 4 months ago:
Randal Munroe is still my celebrity crush.
- Comment on hard to argue with 4 months ago:
It’s been a minute but iirc she was liberal and female so I think it was good. It wasn’t the highlight of wild shit I did though I’m usually the weirdo wherever I go.
- Comment on hard to argue with 4 months ago:
When in Rome do as the Romans do. In highschool I wrote an abortion focused “Modest Proposal” suggesting that men be forced to donate anatomical gifts (blood, skin, organs, etc) to their progeny to equalize the physical labor of men and women in procreation. The increased gravity of such a gift is balanced by the lower liklihood of its necessity. I came at it from every angle and took the argument to its most exaggeratedly ridiculous extent; Swift would’ve been proud.
- Comment on hard to argue with 4 months ago:
God also gave men prostates capable of stimulating them to climax and what could be more beautiful than a man getting railed up the ass?
- Comment on every damn morning 5 months ago:
I had my last green tea waaaaay too late into my shift overnight wish me luck crawling into bed right now.
- Comment on How do I know if a medical issue should be addressed by a Clinic Visit, Urgent Care, or the Emergency Room? 5 months ago:
Oh yeah I was thinking about adding head bumps but forgot / wasn’t sure where to add it.
- Comment on How do I know if a medical issue should be addressed by a Clinic Visit, Urgent Care, or the Emergency Room? 5 months ago:
If it’s new shortness of breath or chest pain , particularly the crushing variety that feels like something is sitting on you, do not pass go, do not collect money, straight to the ER. Same goes for sudden severe lower back or abdominal pain or sudden heavy bleeding out of your orifices (more than a super maxi-pad full every two hours if you’ve got that genital configuration). There’s a few other little things like a continuous erection more than 4 hours. Also you should learn the signs of a stroke (Google “stroke” FAST). If you’re not sure, look up the local ERs number (not 911) and ask for the “triage nurse” and ask them.
If it’s been going on / steadily getting worse for over a month it can (probably) wait one more week if that’s all it will take to see your primary care physician or see a specialist.
If it’s sudden but you know exactly what you did like if you pulled a muscle or sprained a joint at work or cut or burned your arm while cooking (I specify arm, if you cut or burn your hand, face, genitals, or foot, measure how big it is and call that triage nurse) or if you forgot to pee after sex or did it with somebody sketchy and now it hurts to pee, go to the urgent care. Or if your petri dish of a preschooler brought home something and you’re not sure if it’s strep but you almost definitely need a note for work. Or if you have an old cut but now it’s looking puffy and oozing weird liquids (but it’s still localized to that one little area, you don’t have a fever or anything). If you can look at it and already have a general laymans idea of what they’re gonna do to it, go to the urgent care.
- Comment on Risky Buisness 5 months ago:
Fun fact: Albert Einstein was a hoe
- Comment on What is the purpose of this plastic piece? 5 months ago:
This answer rings truest to me as well.
- Comment on The mark 5 months ago:
And honestly I think I’ve gotten more out of the spiritual ritual aspect too than meditating or anything more technical / modern. It almost feels like my brain is just better geared to process information in that format and doing the technical stuff was like trying to run code through an emulator / compatibility layer. I can do it well enough, but it’s much easier, more efficient, and stable to just run the program natively.
- Comment on The mark 5 months ago:
Barnum Statement.
- I’ve gotten suuuper into introspective tarot reading so I’ve come across a bunch our techniques used by people who use them performatively as a divinatory illusion.
- Comment on Oreo 5 months ago:
- Comment on Why do social workers get upset when you don't want their help? 5 months ago:
Because they have 50 more people to see in the next 7 hours and some dipshit wasted their time scheduling them to drive out into the middle of fucking nowhere to see some dude that’s already told the last 6 people he doesn’t need them.
- Comment on 2982: Water Filtration 5 months ago:
I’ve been waiting for algorithm-senpai to notice me…
- Comment on Billboard 5 months ago:
The version of “leave room for Jesus” we can all get behind.
- Comment on Centipedes Don't Fuck 6 months ago:
Octopi do something similar but at least they meet up, the dude will just hand her his dick tentacle for later. Octopi being octopi I would assume it grows back.