- Comment on How do people doctor shop? Don't all doctors pass info on all their patients between each other? And in this day and age how do they do it.? 1 week ago:
You can either start with a general Internet search for doctors and read their reviews and check if they accept your insurance. Or start with your insurance company’s list of providers (which may be out of date) and then go read reviews for doctors. If possible, I highly recommend non-profit doctors offices, and especially stay away from anything owned by private equity…they try to squeeze as much money out of patients and their employees as possible.
In the US, doctors aren’t allowed to share info about their patients with anyone without the patient’s permission. However, there are lists out there for people who try to circumvent controlled substance laws.
- Comment on Why does most religion talk about their GOD being male? Especially Christains and Muslims. Is there a prominent female god that as big as the other two that I am missing? 1 week ago:
Wicca/paganism/Earth-based traditions tend to be matriarchal and use names like Earth Mother, Ancient Mother, Gaia, etc to describe the most powerful deity.
- Comment on Can you eat soap for acid reflux? 3 weeks ago:
A lot of things marketed as soaps these days are really detergents that contain sulfates and can be very harmful if swallowed.
Stick to FDA approved medicines. Medicine like tums use this strategy to decrease the acidity. Other medications block the stomach’s ability to become acidic.
If you have heart burn that won’t go away or chronic acid reflux, see a doctor
- Comment on Can The EV Charging Business Survive the Trump Administration? 4 weeks ago:
Agreed, a lot of the time I’m in need of a super charger, there’s a line to use it. The demand is there and it’s not like EV owners can easily switch back to gas
- Comment on UK government hires ‘nudge unit’ to help dispel heat pump myths 2 months ago:
“more heat pumps, more now”
- Comment on YSK: US Senate offices pay attention to how many constituents are calling them on a topic. Democracy doesn't end at the ballot box 3 months ago:
- Comment on YSK: US Senate offices pay attention to how many constituents are calling them on a topic. Democracy doesn't end at the ballot box 3 months ago:
Trump doesn’t have that power, he’s pressuring the Senate to do so. Thus calling Senators to stand up to these shenanigans is important.
- Comment on YSK: US Senate offices pay attention to how many constituents are calling them on a topic. Democracy doesn't end at the ballot box 3 months ago:
Have you tried calling their phones? Sure some don’t pick up, but enough do.
I’m in favor of larger structural changes, but I’m not about to roll over and allow fascists to get everything they want in the current system. How many people do you expect to join a revolution if they won’t even be bothered to pick up a phone?
- Comment on YSK: US Senate offices pay attention to how many constituents are calling them on a topic. Democracy doesn't end at the ballot box 3 months ago:
The book does acknowledge and analyze the violent and nonviolent aspects of the resistance movements in the case studies, and how they impacted each other. Thanks for the suggestion on Setting Sites
- Comment on YSK: US Senate offices pay attention to how many constituents are calling them on a topic. Democracy doesn't end at the ballot box 3 months ago:
It’s highly variable, and yes I absolutely agree money in politics is a big problem. I do have a direct experience where reaching out to my Senators led to them aggressively and successfully opposing a provision in a law that would have had a big impact on me. Don’t want to dox myself, but this real change to a bill made a huge difference to me and many others. So it is possible to make an impact.
- Comment on YSK: US Senate offices pay attention to how many constituents are calling them on a topic. Democracy doesn't end at the ballot box 3 months ago:
I’m for larger structural changes, but I disagree that rolling over and allowing fascists to get their way in the current system is acceptable. Let’s do both
- Comment on YSK: US Senate offices pay attention to how many constituents are calling them on a topic. Democracy doesn't end at the ballot box 3 months ago:
Why not use multiple tactics? It’s not all or nothing and yes I’m certain Senate offices care about hearing from constituents, far more effective than simply doom scrolling.
- Comment on YSK: US Senate offices pay attention to how many constituents are calling them on a topic. Democracy doesn't end at the ballot box 3 months ago:
- Comment on YSK: US Senate offices pay attention to how many constituents are calling them on a topic. Democracy doesn't end at the ballot box 3 months ago:
These tactics are not always a guarantee to have things go your way, but they increase the chances. For phone calling, numbers of people calling in matter the most, particularly at strategic times, including: right after big announcements, right before a committee vote, right before a floor vote. It’s also more effective before dominant narratives have arisen around a topic and there is uncertainty on how things could shake out.
- Comment on YSK: US Senate offices pay attention to how many constituents are calling them on a topic. Democracy doesn't end at the ballot box 3 months ago:
Resistance to authoritarian regimes takes many forms, I found the book Why Civil Resistance Works to be a very helpful analysis of different resistance movements and their tactics
- Comment on YSK: US Senate offices pay attention to how many constituents are calling them on a topic. Democracy doesn't end at the ballot box 3 months ago:
Because the appointments are the current issue that has some ability to be influenced. It helps to lean into issues that are making headlines, partly because reporters are reaching out to offices for their comments to get their stance on public record
- Comment on YSK: US Senate offices pay attention to how many constituents are calling them on a topic. Democracy doesn't end at the ballot box 3 months ago:
A self-fulfilling prophecy if his constituents don’t try to make him care
- Comment on YSK: US Senate offices pay attention to how many constituents are calling them on a topic. Democracy doesn't end at the ballot box 3 months ago:
Thought I’d add that mass phone calls are a tactic used by the NRA and other powerful lobby groups. Getting a lot of their group’s members to voice their opinion is the key to their success…perhaps to the point of making an office fearful of the backlash via phone calls for going against them.
- Comment on YSK: US Senate offices pay attention to how many constituents are calling them on a topic. Democracy doesn't end at the ballot box 3 months ago:
They do not, Trump’s appointments are not yet in place. It’s never too late to fight for democracy.
- Comment on YSK: US Senate offices pay attention to how many constituents are calling them on a topic. Democracy doesn't end at the ballot box 3 months ago:
Nazi rose to power in Germany because too many people had this defeatist attitude
- YSK: US Senate offices pay attention to how many constituents are calling them on a topic. Democracy doesn't end at the ballot ↗Submitted 3 months ago to | 53 comments
- Comment on I'm listening to a motivational speaker at a corporate conference when I realize... 5 months ago:
Crusty finger
- Comment on if you ever had to start consuming low fat dairy and cheese due to high cholesterol, did your ldl cholesterol levels decrease? 6 months ago:
I echo the other commenter and recommend speaking with a “registered dietician” (RD degree) about your personal nutrition goals.
Calories in/out, physical activity levels, and genetics are three of the biggest factors with blood cholesterol levels. Would you overall eat fewer calories if you switched to low fat dairy? Maybe then it’s a decent strategy for you.
Harvard’s Nutrition Source is a great educational resource about nutrition that is science based and uses accessible language.
- Comment on Are cars with AWD worth it compared to FWD. 7 months ago:
The Ioniqs have much smaller screens than the EV industry average, and many more physical buttons than industry average. The only time I really touch the touch screen is related to the Android Auto GPS/Google Maps, or very rarely I’m fiddling with a setting in my driveway.
- Comment on Are cars with AWD worth it compared to FWD. 7 months ago:
There is a noticeable difference in EVs with AWD vs FWD, because the drive wheels all have independent motors. More motors= more power. As other commenters said, the main other consideration is if you have snow.
We’ve really enjoyed our Hyundai Ioniq 5 crossover SUV. It has a ton of leg room (I’m 6’2" and can fully stretch out my legs), 300 miles of range, and more acceleration than any car I’ve ever owned. The cost of charging at home is about 70% less than we were paying for gas, plus there’s almost no maintenance needed (e.g. there’s no oil to change). With super chargers on road trips Hyundai and Kia EVs can charge from 10%-80% in about 15 mins for slightly less than the cost of gas.
- Comment on China’s plastics boom set to create another source of trade tensions as the country's petrochemicals sector keeps expanding despite weaker demand 8 months ago:
Plastic production is also one of the dirtiest industries in terms of air and water pollution… I doubt China has strong enough environmental standards
- Comment on Is cave exploration an indoor or an outdoor activity? 9 months ago:
I say outdoors. Indoors has a vibe of being human made to me, and a low likelihood of encountering wildlife
- Comment on The increasing distrust many Americans have in modern medical advances is probably mostly due to our failing Healthcare system. 10 months ago:
The tobacco companies? Telling lies? Why I never!
- Comment on Do we intentionally translate ancient stuff and languages to sound old timey as an artistic choice, or is there some other reason? 10 months ago:
Thanks! This is the closest thing I’ve seen on Lemmy to an r/AskHistorians thread, wish we had more of that
- Comment on Men over 30, what contributes to weight gain besides slower metabolism when you get older? Is it really hard to stay in shape? 11 months ago:
For anyone in the US, you can ask your primary care doctor for a referral to a Registered Dietician if you are having issues with excess body weight, limited muscle gain, or other diet related health concerns.
Body weight really is all about calories in vs calories out regardless of age. Eating bulky vegetables is often recommended because they are filling without being calorie dense (as well as the vitamins). Low intensity activity (standing, walking, gardening) is associated with the largest decreases in body weight because it does use some calories but doesn’t increase appetite as much as high intensity exercise. Although some exercise is still good to keep up muscle mass and heart health. Yes, as you age it can be more difficult to create/maintain muscle mass as your biology changes, but there are always health benefits to eating healthy and staying active.
I really like the Nutrition Source for science-based nutrition information in case anyone is interested!