- Comment on Elon Musk Laid Off Supercharger Team After Taking $17 Million in Federal Charging Grants 10 months ago:…/ar-AA1o03Fw…/toyota-touts-solid-state-evs-with-932…
I did not know about the leaps in charging they’ve been naking. Thank you.
- Comment on histories mysteries 10 months ago:
- Comment on The Tech Baron Seeking to “Ethnically Cleanse” San Francisco 10 months ago:
Which is the first tech billionaire to go full Ted Faro is anyone’s guess.
- Comment on ‘They Are Just Pissed Off’: Scott Galloway Warns Young People Are ‘Opting Out of America’ As Older Generations Failed Them 10 months ago:
Fuck. Gen X shit on by boomers. Now we’re shit on by the generations after us.
- Comment on The increasing distrust many Americans have in modern medical advances is probably mostly due to our failing Healthcare system. 10 months ago:
Thank you for that.
I’ve long thought we need a non-military service branch much like you describe and for much the same resson.
In my experience it isn’t just “rich” kids but anyone that grows up with minimal adversity and exposure to people outside their immediate (sheltered) bubble that are really hard to work alongside. Anyone who hasn’t been told “no” enough to understand the world doesn’t cater to them, really.
- Comment on The increasing distrust many Americans have in modern medical advances is probably mostly due to our failing Healthcare system. 10 months ago:
And that’s just one example.
The most glaring generator of mistrust for decades now is the thing citizens discuss all the time but is never addressed: our out of control military budget.
We could solve every one of our country’s financial issues multiple times over by reducing the military budget, and not even drastically so.
Our military was tasked with an audit to reign in waste and spending. They couldn’t pass an audit so they were just given a free pass, no penalties or repercussions. The first audit was 2017 and they failed to pass. They failed two more since then. Senator Sanders intoruduced a bill in 2021 and again in 2023 which required an audit and was supposed to impose penalties for failure, it’s been introduced so we’ll see how that goes.
- Comment on "Yeah, but what if we used AI?" 10 months ago:
Also, hello Piped bot.
- Comment on ISPs can charge extra for fast gaming under FCC’s Internet rules, critics say 10 months ago:
Well said eve if you are the grosses of schnapps.
- Comment on So much for free speech on X; Musk confirms new users must soon pay to post 10 months ago:
That is an amazing idea!
We should make a site where people can set up their own internet homepage. Each person can have their own space on the internet! To give the users a sense of ownership let’s call it MySpace.
I think my friend Tom will help design the site.
- Comment on Remembering a classic 10 months ago:
Digital dadaism?
- Comment on A wonderful day begins 10 months ago:
Exactly what I was driving at.
- Comment on A wonderful day begins 10 months ago:
Or you found the person using the example of the Nazi party being socialists in name only to highlight the ridiculousness of the comment I replied to.
social democrats sure do like building police states
- Submitted 10 months ago to [deleted] | 7 comments
- Comment on A wonderful day begins 10 months ago:
Like the socialist Nazi party throwing a world war with a side of genocide.
- Comment on Whoops 10 months ago:
And their vehicle runs on maple syrup
- Comment on Cardinals 11 months ago:
- Comment on CFCs 11 months ago:
And computer networking, especially the ability to remote into a system and make changes or deliver updates en masse, was nowhere near as robust as it is today meaning a lot of those fixes were done manually.
- Comment on Scallops 11 months ago:
we are seeing multidimensional cross sections of them, which give them such an otherworldly appearance
Accurate or not I’ve always liked Vonnegut’s description of the viewpoint from the 4th dimension to the 3rd:
“The creatures can see where each star has been and where it is going, so that the heavens are filled with rarefied, luminous spaghetti. And Tralfamadorians don’t see human beings as two-legged creatures, either. They see them as great millepedes—“with babies’ legs at one end and old people’s legs at the other,” says Billy Pilgrim.
- Slautherhouse Five, Kurt Vonnegut
- Comment on You weirdos 11 months ago:
What is that art from?
- Comment on Boeing: Last Week Tonight 11 months ago:
Well done.