- Comment on An old ad for the Wavebird controller for Gamecube 3 months ago:
When that door is closed, you’re forced to stare at yourself on the toilet.
- Comment on AI-powered weapons scanners used in NYC subway found zero guns in one month test 4 months ago:
With how trigger happy police are, the false positives would lead to more deaths than they prevent. And police would claim it’s justified because the machine told them so.
- Comment on Ubisoft's Board is Launching an Investigation Into The Company Struggles 5 months ago:
What agenda is that referencing? I’m out of the loop.
- Comment on Linux Mint 22 released: An attractive option for migrating away from Windows | Windows 11 system requirements block millions of PCs from upgrading, while Linux Mint continues to work on older hardware 7 months ago:
Helldivers 2 works on Linux by the way. It was the first game I installed on Linux and I have almost 100 hrs on it. I haven’t tried the others you mentioned though.
- Comment on Linux Mint 22 released: An attractive option for migrating away from Windows | Windows 11 system requirements block millions of PCs from upgrading, while Linux Mint continues to work on older hardware 7 months ago:
I switched to Linux Mint a couple months ago and use Steam a lot. I’ve tried at least 10 games and all worked perfectly.
But I don’t do competitive multiplayer. Those are more likely to have issues with anti-cheats. Although I did try Hell Let Loose and Helldivers very successfully and those are both major online titles.
Check if you’re worried about a specific game’s compatibility. I’ve had silver rated games work perfectly though.
- Comment on Stages of grief 7 months ago:
That’s true, but it became clear that others would experience similar emotions.
Also according to the Wikipedia, the author regretted writing them in a way that suggested they’re a linear progression of steps. I’ve only actually heard the steps used as a sitcom plot point (Monk, Scrubs).
- Comment on pepper spray review 7 months ago:
If the wildlife hates you gallon-of-pepper-spray style, just let them have that forest damn.
- Comment on We must find it 8 months ago:
Is his last name really minecraft? Like Master Halo from Halo?
- Comment on The internet connects people 8 months ago:
Train spotting used to be the niche hobby.
We’ve come a long way. I don’t know which way, but here we are.
- Comment on App development 8 months ago:
It’s possible, but the feature isn’t supported on your OS.
- Comment on Study: 83% of Americans will have to work into their 70s in order to afford to retire 8 months ago:
All they have to do is take it away from future generations while allowing the current elderly generation keep it.
The old voters stay happy and the politicians who screw everyone over are long gone by the time the implications hit.
- Comment on Another mystery solved. 8 months ago:
He looks badass from the top, but under the water his lil legs are paddling at full speed.
- Comment on Ball's in your court, Mikey. 9 months ago:
It’s not beneficial. We’re in the realm of aesthetic design, and no amount of reasoning will free you from these toaster coasters.
- Comment on Students’ Leaf Blower Suppressor To Hit Retail 9 months ago:
There’s a video at the bottom of the article.
- Comment on So excited for the Cybertruck 10 months ago:
Yeah it actually looked worse in person than I expected.
It looks like how a caveman would draw a car after only seeing them on a Playstation 1.
- Comment on God help us. 10 months ago:
Oh god flashbacks to the Overcooked ice level while drinking.
So many chefs died that day.
- Comment on The wild successes of Helldivers 2 and Baldur's Gate 3 send a clear message: Let devs cook 10 months ago:
I get that they’re successful, and it’d be fantastic if this became the trend. But Battlefield and Call of Duty sell consistently with much less development effort and a lot lower risk of flopping.
It looks like Call of Duty is typically 3 year development cycles, and one took only 1.5 years. Baldur’s Gate took 6 years.
- Comment on Tesla seeks to award Elon Musk $56bn pay package | BBC 10 months ago:
He’d have to work 3.7 million years of 40 hour work weeks at US minimum wage, $7.25.
Pretty well highlights the insanity of $56 billion.
- Comment on The increasing distrust many Americans have in modern medical advances is probably mostly due to our failing Healthcare system. 10 months ago:
With the joy of high deductible health plans you can pay thousands of dollars in network, because they can get away with it.
- Comment on snek id 10 months ago:
This seems like a situation where being untrue in just one case makes the fact totally useless.
- Comment on don't tell iceland 10 months ago:
Well let’s not go crazy here.
- Comment on tikatalik 10 months ago:
5 generations to fish. It seems your family reproduces once every 75 million years on average.
That feels higher than usual for humans/fish.
- Comment on Princess 10 months ago:
It’s conveying incredulity, not a question.
- Comment on Jesus, help me! - No! 11 months ago:
There’s only one bus line that gets you to heaven every time!*
*Fuck off if there’s flooding.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
I want to live on a planet where people don’t associate Elon Musk with technology in any way.
- Comment on They’re so fast 11 months ago:
Sci Fi movie twist: the “was” always comes 1 second earlier than the event.
Wikiminority Report
- Comment on She did her best ok? 11 months ago:
Same with Spongebob. I understand Squidward now.
- Comment on No tip 11 months ago:
I’m not sure how I made it “nobody’s fault”. It’s the corporation’s fault for low wages, and the government’s fault for allowing them to do that.
- Comment on No tip 11 months ago:
It sucks that low wage workers are stuck in the middle, but corporations are also relying on customer guilt to pay their labor costs while posting record profits.
It’s not really fair to blame the customer for that.
- Comment on those damn vegans! 11 months ago:
I absolutely agree, eating meat should count as eating at least one salad too.